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Well, well, well... The days finally come...

I've restarted my book, and unfortunately that means revising my old and very cringey writing from so long ago.

Initially, I won't be taking requests or commissions, unless there's pay or something that truly sparks my interest I won't take it.

While money can't buy happiness it can't pay for your daily living. This word is run by money, and while I'll try not to get too political, Capitalism is the poison that runs too deep into our earth to destroy.

. . .

Anyways... Let's get to this, like I said if you have a request it's going to have to be a really good idea that activates the childlike creativity in my brain that dances around on idle talking about Roleplay ideas.

Or activates the horny part of my brain cause damn is pornography going to mess you up as a young'un thinking "love making" is all like that.

Anyways I'm gonna sip some tea and get on with this book, sleep be damned.

Just for the hell of it, I'm going to show the comments that helped decide continuing this book.


Ice_0987 - Don't give up on your writing. Trust me, I felt the EXACT same way when I first started writing my book. Writing fanfiction makes you vulnerable to your reader's comments, but don't let that stop you. Ignore the bad, and focus on the good! The only time you should think about the cons, is when you are determined to get better at fixing them! The more you write, the more confident you get! Don't give up. Just keep on writing! 😌😌😌

zielleromanova - Definitely! Girl, I love it! High school does suck your soul but don't let it stop you!

manyotherthings - (Lot of comments from them)

1. having no experience doesn't mean you can't write. But I do understand your problem.

2. it maybe wasn't the best but it was still enjoyable (That's fairly honest actually)

3. it's not to us to "judge" you if you are worthy or unworthy, if you like writing, if you have fun writing, then go have fun.

4. yes

5. if YOU want to

Lalisa-Blackpink - Yes (But they wrote it in four different comments, you think I wasn't going to go through every comment and read it? Trying to boost the vote while being sneaky 😂 You guys are more than numbers to me.)

googajoob - I love your writings. They've shown me a different way of writing than my own style! I love you're style of writing and I'd trade my own just to read yours! (That's very sweet but I kinda don't have a style lol, I just wing it and pull stuff outta my arse sometimes)


I was looking forward to more little stories from you all about how you found this book or how this book affected you positively. It warms my heart knowing I've done something that reflects positively on other people.

The world may be cold and sad at times for me, but knowing I've made a difference for someone always makes me happy.

Anyways this chapter might be updated a lot in the case more people comment on that chapter of my old book, so if more uplifting messages or comments come to me even after the vote I'll try and include them here.

Look forward to this refresh while dreading it too.

Also is there anyone I can ask for help in making a cover for this book? I don't want it to be a competition and I can't pay but I wanted to see if anyone would like to help design the cover, maybe even submit a design of their own, or else I'll make something of my own I'm sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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