Chapter 10

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“So guys I was thinking that since prom is coming.”
We were sitting in a cafeteria full of people. The noise of teens talking and fighting filled up the entire room.  I saw around me people acting of being happy because they cannot do anything but act. What is there to be happy about.

“We should go as each others dates.”  Emma announced to a group of teenage girls who see her nothing less than a leader.

“Geez Em, you are just saying that because you are afraid Tom won’t ask you to go with him.”

“Oh shut up Paris. It is said playing hard to get and you all should be learning from me. Right Cora?” she turned her head towards me.

“Yeah” I replied.

“I mean look at cora guys, she has been playing hard to get for what, two months now. And you see how she got three proposals already so.”

“I think she just likes the attention.” A voice said.

Attention. That would be the worst thing I could want because attention means people would be noticing you and all I want is to be left alone.

It has been a month now since I send those letters and I received some back. There was one with the paint job on the side of my house and another one that had a picture of a naked man attached to it. I was beginning to realize how stupid the whole thing was and might I add, completely dangerous.
But I knew all the bad things that could maybe happen to me and the letter still seemed to be a better idea. It was my last attempt, my last try at life. I am completely sure there is nothing left for me but to go away and rest.

“Hey, that looks really pretty” I heard a soft but firm voice.

“Hi” I looked down and saw the random art my subconscious made and then turned to see a boy sitting beside me.

“Thankyou. I just made it without knowing actually.” I replied.

“Well I think I can’t make one even with knowing.” He chuckled.

“Hey, you two in the back talking.” Mr. Ray’s voice startled both of us, “Detention. After school.”

The bell rang freeing the kids to go back home while I walked down the hall and through a room.

“Great, now that all of you are here, I am going to give you all some homework or punishment as some people say.”
She passed a blank page to each of us and said,
“I have to go and do some work and when I come back I expect all of you to have written atleast 100 words  on how social media is ruining your lives.”

I glanced back and saw Mark, I walked up to him quietly.

“Hey partner in crime.” He said. “Sorry I got you here.”

“Oh no no, it is not like I had something better to do.”

“So, how is social media ruining our lives” He laughed.

“I would start with the unreal expectations it sets up for teens.”

“And the feeling of inferiority it embeds in them.” He continued.

“I think I might like you Mark. You have annoyed me the least since this day started.”

“Well what can I say, annoying people just the right amount is a skill I have toned after a while.”

It felt good talking to someone after a while, actually talking and not just listening to whatever they had to say. He seemed to calm me down a little.

“I don’t think I can give you guys detention for talking in detention.” Mr. Ray shouted.

I slowly turned through the mail expecting a response but knowing that there would be none. I picked up the whole bunch and carried it to the kitchen.
It had been weeks since I was in a mood to eat anything but today felt a bit better. I opened the packet of chips while sorting through mail and saw a letter. I tore the top of the letter but I expected it to be nothing better than another naked guy.
While stuffing chips in my mouth, I read half-heartedly 

Tell me more about yourself.”


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