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Levi's POV

So...he's just not coming ok.Tara said this might not happen so I should've expected it, I do have his address so maybe next time he doesn't show I'll go to his house...

Time Skip To Friday

Okay, I'm at his house, well apartment. Do I just knock? What else am I supposed to do.

I knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it. After around to minuets I heard nothing, I knocked again and heard someone walking towards the door, the soft quiet steps carefully coming towards the door.

The door hesitantly opened and could only see part of his face. His hands were shaking and he looked very scared.

"I'm Levi, Tara's friends" I said and his eyes darted down to the ground. "I was hoping we could talk, preferably inside your house" I said and he glanced up at me nervously.

"Give me a minute" He said making me smile. He had a beautiful voice I can't wait to hear it even more. I heard him moving around inside. I'm guessing he's cleaning up a bit.

After a couple minuets I heard the door unlock again and watched as it opened, the boy in front of me was cute. He had a beautiful face, he's around 5' 6. He still shaking, he refused to look me in the eyes.

"I can take your coat" He mumbled out barely above a whisper. I smiled lightly taking off my coat and handing it to him. I watched as he gently placed it on the hook.

"Thank you" I said and he nodded.

"Y-you can sit anywhere" He said motioning to the couch and chairs that sat in front of a TV. I walked over sitting on the couch keeping my eyes on Alexis. He walked into another room so I glanced around the room I was in. I was sitting on a three person couch and there were two brand new looking chairs. They looked...dusty. The TV looked expensive but also dusty. Really everything in this room was dusty, but there wasn't even that much. It looked as if he just moved in.

Alexis walked back into the room holding two glasses of water. He handed one to me than sat in one of the chairs. His leg was bouncing up and down nervously.

"Tara has told me a lot about you" I said and he just nodded. "So, I was given your file, but I would much rather learn about you from talking" I said and he just sat there, he brought the glass of water to his lips and drank some and I just kept my eyes trained on him. "Would it make you feel more comfortable if I said a few things about me first" I said

He nodded yes while sliding his fingers against his glass of water.

"My names Levi, I'm 27, I like watching Netflix, going on walks and live in the woods" I said waiting for him to say something. I let out a slight chuckle "Now it's your turn"

I watched as his face lit up red in embarrassment.

"I-I'm to be alone..." He said. I let out a laugh.

"Your kinda cute" I said and he looked down at my shoes. He was so adorable when he was nervous, fuck, I want him now. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down, I can admit it, im a bit obsessive, and when I see something I like I'll take it.

After An Hour Of A Very One Sided Conversation

"Goodbye, see you on" I said but the door got shut in my face, I smiled to myself making my way towards the stairway.

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