Thanos is coming...

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A bright shining light came down from space, easily mistaken for a shooting star.

Dr. Bruce Banner, the human hiding within the Hulk, fell from the stars to warn humanity of imminent danger. But the world he found was not one he recognised.

The doctor came crashing down through the New York sanctum, and colliding straight into the stairs. Transforming to his usual human self he looked up,

"Thanos is coming. He's coming" He panted. But there was no response.

Confused, he looked out of the hole he had made in the staircase, "Uh...Hello? Anyone got any clothes?"

A few minutes later he walked out of the door, now dressed in some robes. He looked out onto the street, instantly realizing something was off.

"Oh God, Was I too late?"

Bruce started to walk down the stairs to look around, when another bright light appeared. This time making two more people appear.

"Oh Geez" Banner muttered.

"Come on big guy, time to go green"

He starts to grunt in the middle of the street, trying to get his jolly green friend out, but comes to no win.

"Oh no"

"Hear me and rejoice." The smaller one started to say, as his larger friend started walking towards Bruce, swinging his axe.

Meanwhile Bruce was slapping himself, "Come out! Come out! Come out!"

Banner's skin started to turn green as the hulk grunted his response, "No!"

"What do you mean no?" Bruce replied clearly scared and panicking.

The smaller man started talking again. "You are about to die at the hands of the hands of the children of..."

While a small golden ring started to open behind his head and a red, ready to shoot metal arm reached through. It powered up and knocked the man over.

A larger ring appeared and out walked three men.

"Tony," Banner chuckled, "Oh, boy are you guys screwed!"

The man got up a little grunting as Iron man flew up for a powerful hit, and the other two created symmetrical golden rings on either side.

The five guys started fighting as Bruce stood of to the side watching motivationally,

"Yeah, Iron Man"

They kept fighting and Banner noticed something was off again.

"Wait, what are you guys...That's..."

Growling started to be heard.

"That's a sorta seems like a little overkill" He stated nervously.

Tony started to get up grunting and growling and turned to face Bruce. Revealing his murky grey skin, yellow stained teeth and bloody goatee. The other two men got up, revealing themselves to be Doctor Strange and Wong.

Bruce started to back away stammering, "Its,..Oh"

Tony started powering up his hand beam as Bruce stood in shock.

"I can't believe it"

Just as Tony was about to shoot a Red piece of material floated down. It grabbed Tony's ankle and threw him into the taller thing that appeared earlier. Doctor Strange started growling and creating a beam while the material stopped him. Bruce started to run away as Wong portaled right in front of him. Bruce fell back onto a car.

"Don't eat me!" He yelled, as he looked over the cloak was stopping Wong from getting any closer. Then the portal closed and chopped the zombie-Wong's head off. As Ebony Maw started to use his powers to get Banner closer he started to plead.

"Don't eat me. No. Don't. Don't eat me. I'm...I'm vegan!"

A swarm of Wasps started to appear in front of the zombies blocking their view and shredding them down to a skeleton.

"Oh come on, What now?" Bruce grumbled. "Oh come on, this is disgusting"

Tony got up but before he could make a move towards Bruce, someone popped up from nowhere and blasted him so that his head rolled off.

"Oh no, I'm definitely going to vomit" Bruce stammered as a giant ant started eating Tony's head.

"GO" You'll be safe with them!" The mysterious voice said.

"With the giant ants? Who are you?"

"All that's left"

Hope Pym/Wasp X Reader (What if...Zombies!?)Where stories live. Discover now