𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝟱| Stammered Apologies

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"hey sweetie" dad's voice bought me from the old memory and i shook my head to rid myself of it 

he is 54 now but his voice is still light just having a slight rasp in it 

"how are you old man? life doing you any good?" i asked

i walked around this woman looking into her phone so she wouldnt bump into me 

"doing me just fine" he answered with a soft chuckle, "i just wanted to call and see how my baby girl was doing all on her own. you dont visit me anymore" he whispered 

i heard shuffling from the other end

"ive been busy with the company. im sorry ill try to make time to come see you soon"

"okay, i miss you" he murmured

"i miss you too"

we stayed on the phone for a few more minutes until i was close to the building that i had to tell him id call him later 

as i was putting my phone back into my pocket a body collied with mine making all my paperwork fall to the ground 

fucking hell.

third person 

"im so s-sorry" ariel stammered, rushing to pick up the fallen papers scattered across the concrete 

sieana held back a growl wanting to emit from her throat and instead settled with a frustrated sigh 

she ran her hand over her slicked back hair 

"its fine." she grumbled 

they were neatly in order, too

"n-no its not i-i-" unshed tears glistened in ariel's eyes as her frantic movement caused her to keep dropping papers, "i didnt mean it i promise-"

sieana, fed up with the girl frantic movement and jumbled words, leant down to stop the younger girl from trying to pick up another paper 

sieana grabbed ahold of ariel's chin and tilted her head up so their eyes would meet 

hm, she's cute

"i said its fine" sieana said in a monotone voice, quirking a brow 

she could tell the shorter brunette was a submissive, a certain fire stirring in the pit of her stomach at the thought 

its been a minute since she had participated in her other lifestyle and this clumsy girl made her want to go to the night club right now

ariel on the other hand gulped, her eyes wide as she took in the woman that stood before her as if she couldnt believe what she was seeing 

at seeing the girl reaction sieana let out a chuckle, it being low and deep that ariels stomach trembled 

"see something you like?" she asked huskily, a teasing tint to her voice

by passers walked by, barely sparring the two women standing above sheets of white papers a glance

ariel flushed red and looked away

the woman standing before her was gorgeous with her natural tan skin, chest nut hair pulled back into a low slick bun making all her sharp features glow 

sieana thought the smaller girl was so pretty with her brunette hair tucked beneath the black hood pulled over her head. a few strands peaked from the hood and fell down over her brown eyes, it tempting sieana to tuck the strand behind ariel's ear so she could see her pretty eyes 

"hm" sieana hummed when she got no response

she suddenly realized the position they were in and let her fingers fall from ariels chin then she took a medium-size step back making ariel nearly whimper at the distance

sieana looked down at her watch and saw the time 

shit i gotta get back to the company 

she leant down and began picking up the papers that fell moments ago 

she was surprise the wind hadnt blown them away 

sieana fought back a smirk when she saw ariel's pale hand began to help pick up the papers 

they stood up together and ariel handed her the few papers she picked up 

"s-sorry a-again" ariel stammered, a blush coating her cheeks 

sieana smirked 

"its fine"

"no r-really i-"

"i said its fine but if you really want to make it up to me... have coffee with me some time" sieana proposed 

why did i just do that?

ariels eyes widen slightly in shock

"she wants to hang out with me?" she thought not realizing she said it aloud 

"yes, i do." sieana responded, though, she could tell the girl hadnt meant to say it 

ariel blushed and turned around as if she was going to run but sieana caught her arm and spun her back around 

"i didnt say you could leave and id like my answer now" she quirked a brow

ariel swallowed her, her insides flipping 

"sure i-i- mean y-"

"give me your number."

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