Chapter Four- Who are you?

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Back to the present. I'm currently in my Junior year of high school and I must say there are a lot of emotions bubbling up in me right now. And this is because the end of semester examinations are fast approaching and I'm so excited to move on to Senior year. Also, since we're already in the holiday season, the school would be having a carols night before we break and resume next year. Well all these things are my silver lining which means that my dark cloud is Percy. Yeah you would have thought he might stop calling me names at least after sophomore year but no he still calls me names and unlike the previous years whereas I was able to block him out, now it's a lot worse since he's now getting under my skin but no worries because soon enough we'll be off to college and he'll be out of my hair at least that's what I tell my self.
        Also I've made a few friends on campus. Some are from the choir, my dorm or class which might be okay for now. I've gotten a bit close to Thomas and Gerald lately, and it's not that bad since sometimes Thomas helps me with chemistry when things get a little difficult and since Gerald is good with choir stuff he helps me get my part right when I'm not getting it and I must say he's a very talented bass singer and I guess we shouldn't indeed judge a book by its cover or in this case judge people based on their looks because their content can amaze you. Speaking of choir, I get to sing a alto solo of For Unto Us A Child Is Born and I'm so excited about it and Gerald is really helpful in my preparation sine it's only two weeks away.

Well it's a Saturday and I have already washed my clothes, bathed, and done other essentials and I'm heading to the dining hall with Gerald and Ethan.
Yeah Ethan is the quiet type but cool and interesting once you get to know him. He's doing Government as one of his electives since he wants to do law in the University.

"So.... only two weeks till the carols night. How are you feeling" Ethan asked.

Well Thomas and Ethan are the only ones outside the choir that I've told I'm doing a solo.

"Yeah I'm feeling a bit anxious but I'll be fine."

"You must be really good if you got the spot for the solo." Ethan says while grinning.

"Yes he is trust me." Gerald says enthusiastically as if he's my producer; well he's the one preparing me so....

"Yeah I am." I say under my breath.

Soon we reach the dining hall and after half an hour we join Gerald at his table who is still eating.

"You do know dining is over. Right?" Ethan says while holding up his wrist so Gerald can see the time.

"Oh excuse me for making sure I don't choke on my food by eating quickly." Gerald says as he pushes his glasses up his nose and takes another bite of his bread.

Ethan and I just stare at each other and burst out laughing. After five minutes Gerald washes his cup and we head back to the hall.
When we arrive I am greeted by my dark clouds, Percy and Benson.

"So Jerry how many cups of tea did you drink." Percy says while he smirks and his trusty sidekick laughs.

"I'm sure he drank the whole jug." Benson adds.
At this some of the roommates laugh.
I say nothing and walk right past them.

They continue making jokes about me and my weight and as much as it hurts that I can't put him in his place it also hurts that it's true.

"Shut up Percy" Ethan said

"Yeah instead of picking on Jerry you should rather focus on making better grades and plus it's not like he's obese. He's lost some weight since we entered this school." Chase added.

Well it was true that I had lost a couple or three pounds but then my parents still thought that wasn't enough. During last vacation my parents said that if I had actually lost weight I would look like Harold and Abigail and that because I was fat that's why I was also ugly. Though some spoke for me Percy didn't pay any heed and kept on with tourture.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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