Chapter One: Bob's Senses...

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(First Chapter!! This is when Bob and Tama begin to actually have a proper conversation...but will something be keeping Bob back? This is timeskipped to the next 'day' so don't get mad if you don't understand why Tama is talking to Bob).

Tama got out of bed,wanting to 'talk' to Bob about something. She decided to obviously not be in her corruption form so she was seen as a traitor...or worse Saint and Axel will kill her by ripping her limbs off limb form limb. Tama changed into her normal form and walked out to her room. She actually...felt bad,because everyone(except Bobal) seemed so nice to her and she just returned the nice attitude with lies and felt stupid having to secretly betray them behind the scenes but had no choice because she was forced to follow orders.

She walked into the living room and looked at how almost everyone there was so happy and not forced to do anything,besides Bobal and Miffin fighting about who watches anime first on the TV.She then felt a hand out on her shoulder,making perk up and turn her head to behind to see Bob. "Hey...Tama was it?" "Uh yeah that is my name!" "Can I talk to private please?" He asked,actually sounding concerned and even really serious about something,what did he have to say?Tama raised an eyebrow but nodded anyway,thinking she could report him to Bosip if he falsely accuses her of dumb crap he thinks she would do.

She followed Bob into the library,which wasn't being used at that point,behind a big soundless bookshelf so nobody would be able to hear this conversation,whatever it was about. Bob then stood in front of Tama, "I need to talk to you about something...why do I feel up with you...?!" He sighed out,yelling almost when mentioning the end of the question. Tama hearing this widened her eyes at the yell. She then knew she had to lie,but had no choice but to know that Bob knew she was lying about her true identity and plans.

"I...! I-I haven't done anything though!!" She replied sounding full of denial, "I just got here along with you!! You can't just have a suspicion of me this early when we haven't developed a big friendship yet." She continued,but Bob slapped her making her eye twitch a tad. "Don't play dumb with me!! I remember seeing a face like yours but corrupted when I was corrupted!!! YES AND YOU HEARD ME CORRECTLY!!" Bob was yelling at her at this point,but the library,when Axel told the two,was sound proof meaning nothing was able to be heard when the door to it was closed,which it was.

 "Don't play dumb with me!! I remember seeing a face like yours but corrupted when I was corrupted!!! YES AND YOU HEARD ME CORRECTLY!!" Bob was yelling at her at this point,but the library,when Axel told the two,was sound proof meaning nothing was...

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Bob was pointing a finger at Tama,as she pretended to look confused,and even so,was still scared a bit,as Bob began to list his experiences as a corrupted. "When I was corrupted,it felt like my real soul was in my mind hopeless to be constantly stuck inside as my body took on a life of it's own! I was still able to see what I was doing,until I was uncorrupt after I was in that contamination room thingo!" He listed off as he continued to shout at her.

"But now when I go near you,I REMEMBER EVERY,LAST,THING FROM WHEN I WAS CORRUPTED AND IT ALL JUST CAME BY FEELING YOUR SUSPICIOUS PRESENCE!!" He snapped,frantically enraged as he stomped his foot. Tama was horror struck and scared almost,because Bob now knew she was a traitor among the rest.

"Whatever...I can just leave you know..." Tama scoffed,as she nudged Bob with her elbow. She turned her heel and walked off but before she left the library,she heard Bob growl under his breath, "I'll make sure there will be no safe place for you to go then...if it is the last thing I make happen..."

(WOOOO! First Chapter pogchamps! I did a short start so if there is any spelling mistakes,I'll go and find them! Anyways I'll be making Chapter 2 soon,but you all have full permission to recommend or tell your ideas on what the next chapter should be about...! See you all later!)

Word Count: 734

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