5. go to the cinema

354 21 3

The List:
1. meet
2. go to dunkin doughnuts
3. see the snow
4. go to hot topic
5. go to the cinema

I walk out of my office, eyes scanning the area for any sight of the ginger I'd left to roam. Not seeing her I begin wandering down the hallway listening for her thick accent as well as looking into any open offices. Finally I find her in Aleks office along with Dex and Jordan. I raise an eyebrow as they all look at me while I enter.

"What are you doing in here?", I ask.

"Hanging with my main memes.", Mandi says proudly while through an arm around the nearest person who just happened to be Dex. He gives an odd look but she ignores it still grinning from ear to ear. Aleks also gives her a strange look at her use of the word meme but also says nothing.

"Are we still going to see a movie?", I ask. Mandi ponders the question before nodding, and jumping down from her perch on the desk.

"Whoa I though you were hanging us?", Aleks asks, a mock look of hurt on his face.

"Sorry meme boy, I've got to go on to the cinema with this guy.", she says nodding toward me.

"Yeah Aleks they have a date.", Jordan says putting emphasis on the word date. Both Mandi and I's cheeks grow a bright red color as we both shake our heads on denial. Dex stifles a chuckle while Jordan looks amused.

"It's not a date asshole!", Mandi exclaims smacking his arm. Jordan laughs and nods his head while Mandi continues to shout a mix of denial and playful insults while also hiding behind her hair slightly.

"Come on Mandi lets go.", I mummer. She nods and follows me out the door with her head down and cheeks still ablaze.

We both head out of the office embarrassed and with the echo of kissy sounds following us. As Mandi and I walk nothing is really said, and inside I'm internally strangling Jordan for saying that. He knew it wasn't a date.

Mandi and I had planned to do all this stuff for a long time in the context of friends. Just because it was only us two didn't mean it was a date. In fact I'd specifically ask Jordan if he wanted to go.

"Ignore that asshole.", I mumble.

"I planned on it.", Mandi says looking at me.

"Good now come on we've got a shitty movie to go see.", I say chuckling.

"Yes we do.", Mandi says grinning.

"What should we see?", I ask glancing at Mandi. Her eyes are focused on the movie titles listed in front of us. She was looking rather adorable under the slightly dimmer theater lights with a piece of hair tucked being her ears and her lips turned slightly up into a smile.

"I don't know...", she says trailing off.

"We could go see the new one with the cars.", I say scratching at my neck. Mandi thinks about it for a moment then looks at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Furious 7?", she asks and I nod confirming it.

"We could...is it going to suck?"

"Maybe but that's the fun part.", I say grinning.

Mandi agrees to see it which throws us into the process of getting tickets, snacks, and seats within the theater. Settling into the plush theater seats I look over at Mandi again who's looking around in fascination.

"I still can't believe you've never been to a movie theater.", I whisper.

"Shut up, I'm sure there's plenty of things you've never done."

"Yeah but this is such a common thing.", I chuckle.

"Not for me okay, just shut up.", she scolds.

I raise my hands a little showing I meant no harm. Mandis attention quickly turns from me to the screen as movie previews boom through the movie theater. I turn my attention to it as well trying to focus on the movies beginning credits.

Not even halfway through the movie I grow bored with the seemingly repetitively plot of the movie. Yawning I glance at Mandi who has a bored expression on her face but also seems to be absorbed in the movie. Forming an idea in my head, I grab a handful of salty popcorn and glance at Mandi. Keeping my eyes on the screen I toss the handful of popcorn sideways at Mandi.

A small gasp comes from beside me then a handful of popcorn falls across my lap and shoulder. I look at Mandi who's slumped down in her chair eyes remaining on the movie screen. I grin then grab another handful and throw it at her.

"Stop it!", she giggles.

"Never.", I whisper before throwing yet another handful of popcorn at her.

"It's going down my shirt James stop!", she squeals. I laugh softly to avoid pissing any other movie goers off. After one more handful of popcorn being tossed her way Mandi proceeds to cease the bucket from my grasp. I raise an eyebrow but she begins tossing handfuls at me recklessly. I laugh a little louder than I should have while trying to shield my face with my arms which peaks some people's interest.

We only stop our popcorn battle when someone clears thief throat. I look over to my right to see a security guard who's glaring at us at the end of the aisle. He motions for us to follow, and I sigh knowing we'd been caught. Mandi and I gather our stuff heading out of the theater with grins still resting on our lips.

Shortly after exiting the theater we're escorted outside then left to stand on the parking lot and debate our next move. I realize Mandis still gripping the popcorn bucket and wonder why she hadn't thrown it away on our way out. Moments later I find out when she surprisingly dumps the pail onto my head, showering me in kernels and fluffy white popcorn.

"Why?!?", I shout while trying to brush the popcorn away but it's too late. The fluffy substance had already been buried in my hair and fallen into my clothing.

"I had to.", she stutters out through her endless laughter. I playfully scowl while trying to shake the popcorn away.

"No stop its picture time!", Mandi yells. I look at her in disbelief as she gets her Polaroid camera out then prepares the film; only she could think of doing that for a picture.

Soon we're posed in front of the neon Alamo sign my arm around Mandi, with bits of popcorn all over. I laugh as she makes a funny face, her tongue sticking out and face scrunched up. I do a similar face and watch as the piece of film comes out.

"One more, then we can go.", she states. I watch as she picks up the popcorn bucket again and place it over my head, coating my face in salt and butter. Her arm surrounds me as she takes a picture I can't see. I pull the bucket off my head while Mandi looks at the Polaroids in anticipation of them developing.

"Come on you can wait on the way home. I need to go take a shower."

"Okay!", Mandi chirps while running to the car. I laugh and follow her to the car.

"My first time to the movie theater and we get kicked out.", Mandi says laughing.

"Yeah, sorry about that.", I say chuckling.

"I'm not."


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