6. eat native foods

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The List:
1. meet
2. go to dunkin doughnuts
3. see the snow
4. go to hot topic
5. go to the cinema
6. eat native foods

"Everyone out here now!", Mandi shouts. I groan and look at the video I was currently editing knowing I needed to finish it but also that she'd never allow me too. That was another thing; Mandi was very stubborn and reluctant to give in.

Forcing myself out of the comfy office chair, I make my way down the hallway trying to figure out where she was at. I finally spot her leaning against doorway of the kitchen while a small horde of the guys gather around.

"James hurry your ass up!", Mandi shouts once she catches sight of me. I hold my hands up and as I quicken my pace.

"What is this?", I question as she looks at me giddily.

"We're trying New Zealand food. Now take a seat clowns.", she exclaims. I raise an eyebrow while Dex looks pretty amused by the situation at hand. We all obey the ginger though some fighting for spots on the couch while others just collapse on the floor; I of course fought for a place on the couch.

Some how I tumbled onto the couch with Aleks sprawled out over Dan and I. We both shoot daggers at him while Dex and Seamus laugh.

"Hey lovers knock it off!", Seamus yells. I point my middle finger in his direction before pushing Aleks off of me. Mandi walks back in with a tray full of food, but stops when she see the sight in front of her.

"Aleksandr get off of Daniel. If you're going to eat food from my homeland you're going to act some what proper asshole."

"Damn sorry.", Aleks mutters as he rolls off Dan to the ground, and falling onto his side. I laugh and poke him with the toe of my shoe watching as he rolls onto his back as well as away from me.

"Okay hoes, this is Hokey Pokey.", Mandi says as she hands each of us shards of brown food. I inspect it, and give it a sniff trying to figure out what it was.

"Like the dance?", Aleks inquires.

"No like the food now shut up and eat.", Mandi says lifting a piece up, threatening to throw it at him. Aleks chuckles then takes a few bites and shrugs popping the entire piece into his mouth. Deciding it can't be bad if he's eating it, I take a bite and am pleasantly surprised by how good it is. It's sweet and sugary, almost tasting like honey exactly the opposite of what I thought; I truly though Mandi was just going to torture us with awful things.

"Good boys?", she asks while getting out another small piece. We all nod, generally liking it except for Dex who apparently found it "too sweet".

"It's really fucking sweet.", he says shuddering.

"No duh.", Mandi says rolling her eyes, "Okay next item.", she says before passing out the next food that was something by the name of "Pavlova" and resembled a cake.

After trying a variety of foods, mainly sweets, that hailed from New Zealand or around that area we'd figured out that most of the things Mandi had brought was good. There were the exceptional foods such as Hokey Pokey, Pavlova, and Jaffas but she had also brought something called Marmite; a black spread that was hella salty and tasted well awful.

"okay Mandi this has been fun, but there's some American things you need to try.", I say standing up. Mandi quirks an eyebrow as she had tried most American foods from her local foreign food store but there were somethings she'd never tried as they weren't available.

"Like what?", she asks. I just hold my hand up to silence her before walking into the kitchen and grabbing the pint of Bunny Tracks ice cream that was in the freezer. I'd stored it there a couple days after her arriving as I knew she'd never had it. Fishing a spoon out of the drawer, I collect the ice cream and head back in to the other room. I hand Mandi the carton and she looks at it skeptically.

"Bunny tracks ice cream.", Dex reads off the cartoon, "so like rabbit shit?"

"James whats in this?", Mandi asks looking scared of the cartoon

"It's vanilla ice cream with caramel, fudge, chocolate cover peanuts, and chocolate covered peanut butter bits. Now eat.", I order.

Mandi nods and pulls the lid off the ice cream. I watch as she gets a spoon full and looks at it nervously. I grab her Polaroid camera and get ready to take a picture as she takes a but. Mandi smiles after taking a bite then goes in for another. I snap a photo as she looks at me shocked. I laugh and run away with the Polaroid in hand, but pass the camera off to Dan.

"James get back here you asshole!", she yells. I laugh louder as the sound of footsteps follow me down the hallway. I realize that I've reach the end and quickly duck into the bear room, immediately tripping over something the internJoe had left in the floor. I fall face first into the Bears and barely have time to roll over before Mandi falls on top of me. I throw my head back laugh as does Mandi as she falls into place next to me. Soon we're both gasping for air as we lay there.

"You asshole.", Mandi giggles.

"It was an important moment, and you took lots of pictures of me and the others.", I point out while looking at her. From this distance I notice every aspect of her face, even the ones you couldn't normally see. I also was close enough to decide she was just as beautiful from here as she was when she was a little further away.

"Yeah I did didn't I.", she says and I nod.

"You did.", I agree. We sit there silently for a moment just looking at each other with wide smiles.

"Mandi, Aleks is eating your ice cream!", Jordan yells from the lounge.

"Shit! Aleksandr you meme!", she yells taking off running down the hall. I watch her go, and wonder why I couldn't just spit out what I had been thinking; you're beautiful.



Mandi rushed the ending so that's her fault.
Also #jandi
I pray that some where else has bunny tracks ice cream because it's the best tbh.

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