I'm Going in Tonight

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Y/N woke as the early morning sunlight poured into the windows granted by the Room of Requirement. Y/N stirred awake, filled with a surreal feeling, sure the events of the previous evening were a dream.

He was suddenly made aware of the fact it wasn't a dream as he looked down, feeling a weight on his chest. He smiled, seeing a mess of brown bushy hair leaning on to him. He couldn't help but smile even more.

He loved it when Hermione slept on him. It made him feel calm, and safe, in a way he couldn't explain. He didn't get to say either of those things often.

Hermione began to stir and the arm she had draped over Y/N's abdomen squeezed tighter, causing Y/N to smile further. Hermione's head slowly began to rise and as she looked up into Y/N's eyes a large blush rose on her cheeks.

"Morning beautiful" Y/N said with a smile.

"Morning...handsome" Hermione replied, smiling back as her blush slowly diminished.

The pair laid there in each other's arms for the next few minutes before a horrible realisation crossed Y/N's mind.

He forgot a silencing charm.

"Are you ok?" Hermione asked sweetly. "You've started beating pretty quickly"

"Hermione, did I make any noise last night? Any uh... yelling, or screaming?"

Hermione looked up, surprised and concerned by his answer. She shook her head.

"No, nothing like that.... why?"

Y/N smiled sadly.

"Every night I have nightmares. Of being back there, in my families ancestral manor house. Of my mother... of her hurting me."

Hermione eyes widened as Y/N's words registered and she dove into Y/N, bury her face into the crook of his neck. He heard her sob and wrapped his arms around her body, whispering in her ear:

"It's alright 'Mione. It's ok. I don't remember having one last night and I forgot to cast a silencing charm. For whatever reason, being here, with you, I didn't have a nightmare"

The two laid in the embrace for close to half an hour before Hermione lifted herself up, kissed Y/N on the cheek and smiled. It soon faded as she looked at him saddened, asking:

"We should probably talk, shouldn't we"

Y/N sighed and replied.

"Yeah, we probably should".

The two spent the next half an hour laying everything out honestly. Y/N admitted he liked Hermione, much more than a friend. Hermione blushed, and sighed, admitting she felt the same way.

Y/N explained that he had never wanted to hurt her, but that he had to save the Leviathan, something deep inside made him, even it meant he had died doing it. That it was like protecting her or Harry. It was a part of him. He couldn't change it.

Hermione gasped and teared up when Y/N had said that he didn't care if he died as long as the Leviathan was safe. She eventually nodded, saying she understood.

Y/N was sincerely grateful for the words of Professor Dumbledore the previous evening.

Hermione explained how scared she was when Y/N had been attacked and was in the coma. How she couldn't sleep or eat, and that she was afraid of getting even closer in case something happened again and the pain would be too unbearable. She had to protect herself from feeling those terrible feelings- the fear and pain and anxiety- ever again.

This all led to the impasse the pair were currently at.

"So what are we going to do?" Y/N asked.

"I...I don't know Y/N. I just don't see how it would work." Hermione replied saddened.

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