Saiki K X Coffee Jelly

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as promised.

It was early in the morning of a dark and rainy autumn Saturday. Saiki had woken up later than usual as he had planned for no plans today. No, all of his self proclaimed 'friends' had separate plans to attend to, and he had made sure to tell everyone he ran into that he was too busy this weekend to hang around them or be forced into any extra curricular attendances. Because today, he really did have plans. And important ones, at that.

Saiki rose from his warmed bed and swung his legs over the edge, taking a deep breath before standing and heading to the restroom to brush his teeth, take shower, whatever else guys do in the rest room idk bro. Whatever. His morning ritual is the thing that he did upon waking, then, heading back to his room, he picked out a nice comfortable outfit to wear; a long-sleeve black cashmere cardigan with a hot pink button down. Black loose jeans, sneakers. He checked himself out for a moment in the floor length mirror he had and decided that today, he wanted to comb his hair back so that it was still messy, but slicked back in a fun manner. It gave him a more sophisticated look and he liked it. 'Maybe,' he had thought, 'maybe I should wear my hair like this more often.' He smiled at himself, but when he heard his father coming up from downstairs his smile quickly dropped and he felt his dewy morning happiness drain in despair. He had somehow managed to avoid every single person he had met at school, and yet he had forgotten to avoid the very people he lived with, his own parents. He rolled his eyes and put on his glasses, turning to the door and waiting for the moment his father would place a hand on the doorknob and barge in as if it was his business to do whatever he pleased. Kusuo often expressed that he hated his father wholly, and he really did dislike him, but deep down he knew he had to be a decent person or whatever.

"Kusuo!!" Kuniharu swung open the door with glee and looked up at kusuo, "guess what day it is!!" he grinned up at his taller son and awaited an answer. He got none. Instead, Kusuo simply turned and headed over to his bed, sitting down and grabbing one of his manga he'd been reading recently, showing that he was going to ignore Kuniharu.

"Hey you can't just ignore your father!" Kuniharu huffed and walked into the room, glancing about for a moment and trodded along to meet Kusuo by his side. He sat down on the mattress and tried to get Kusuo's attention by kicking his feet a bit, and after a moment, it worked. Kusuo set down the book and looked up at his father, glaring.

"What day is it." It was deadpanned, unhappy. But in an instant, he knew. Literally how could he have forgotten or not paid enough attention to hear his parents thinking about it for the past few days.

"your mother and I's anniversary!"

Of course. But phrased with such bad grammar.

Kusuo rolled his eyes and sat up, but before he could begin to speak his own father continued,

"We'll be out on a date all day today so take care of the house, okay?"


With his parents gone, saiki chose to do whatever he pleased. However, 'whatever he pleased' was specifically nothing. He chose to finish his manga he'd been reading, it was an action packed adventure story with a subplot of romance that he didn't much care for, but dealt with. He enjoyed the manga quite a bit because the main character reminded him of himself. The story followed a man in his early twenties trying to live a calm normal life, but every chapter he'd get caught up in some major event and he'd have to save the world with his powers. Saiki appreciated the fact that the main character had powers and wasn't too terribly overpowered. The character, like saiki, had his own limitations to what he could do, and Saiki enjoyed that. In the last chapter of the ninth book that saiki had and had just finished, the main character, Todoku, had fought off the villain, Riūkaa, from destroying Japan and revealing to the world that Todoku had supernatural powers, which was something that Todoku had been keeping secret for his life in fear of being exposed and experimented on. However in the midair fight between Riūkaa and his small army of paper bird drones, Todoku had been badly injured and once too weak to keep flight in air, was struck by the villain and had fallen. He was a powerful person both in mind and quite literally in spirit, but a simple fall from twenty meters high was enough to put him in a hospital. The book ended as Todoku fell to the ground, losing consciousness. His potential love interest, Akiri, had been suspicious of Todoku's powers previously and had followed him to the scene, staying below and watching as the two others had fought viciously among the clouds. She had seen his powers and was shocked and scared, and as Saiki turned to the final page of the book he realized that that was the end of the season for this and that the next part to the series probably hadn't come out yet.

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