Nephy-Kun X Couch Sama

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Zane had invited me over to stay with him that night, since he gets lonely and his cousin was out on a vacation with his boyfriend in Utah, though, they're probably dead by now. I walk up the stairs and knock on his appartment door. "Yo waddup dude" I say when he finally answers. He is sweating, and just smiles awkwardly. Allowing me to enter inside his place, I see it isn't decorated at all. There is a soft black couch, a tv... In the kitchen there are some dishes that need to be done and some dirty laundry in the laundry room. I go to the couch. "Sooo... What's up dude? What do you want to do?" He shrugs and closes the door and plops down on the couch beside me, his face just as emotionless as always. I sigh. "K whatever dude... " I rolled onto his lap, pushed him down, and started to poke at his cheeks. He's physically changed a lot since middle school, he doesn't have much squish, so I always wonder if it hurts when I poke at his face. I giggle and boop his nose. "Boop. " he puts on that cheesy smile he does when (probably) high and makes an audible "nye" sound. I giggle again, for I have not changed at all (mentally) since middle school age. We continue to mess around for a while, rolling around on the couch, me purposely pulling awkwardly sexual positions and him trying to move from them. After a while, I fall off the couch and giggle on the ground until my chest hurts from laughing too much. He looks at me as if I'm retarded and helps me back up. We hang out for a while, watching movies and playing card games until around 4am. He is super tired, like always, and I'm not. "Biotch go the hell to sleep" I say, slightly annoyed but also slightly touched he wants to stay up with me. Alas, I convince him to leave and go on to bed. He goes to his room and I stay on the couch for a while, messing with the tv and talking to myself. Around 5am I feel myself fading out of reality.

When I awoke, nothing seemed quite right... Everything was just a bit more... Bland? The walls were a darker shade of grey, no birds were singing even though it was 7:36. I turned over on the couch and felt my face brush up against something. Instead of the soft leathery feeling I normally get, it was rough. There were many small fragments of hard fabric on my cheek. So naturally, I sat up. I sat up to see that I was not on the couch I had fallen asleep on, but on the carpet where it had been. I look around and could not find the couch.

I had fallen off of it, damnit. I was about two feet from the couch.

I sigh loudly and stand up, walking back over to the couch and grabbing the rv remote. As I sit, I hear a muffled moan and an odd vibrating sensation beneath me. Startled, I jump up and yelp. I look at the couch to see that there is nothing, but the cushions are vibrating. "C-Couch-Sama?"

"Fuck me, Neffy-Kun~" the horny couch demanded, his hot voice low but filled with excitement and perverted thoughts. "Yes Oppa-San," Neffy nodded and her voice was soft; a whisper as not to wake Zane who was just in the other room. The cushions pushed themselves out a few inches and begrudgingly waited the eternity it took for Neffy to shyly mount. Without a hence if warning, the bottom cushions pinned her to the top cushions, she couldn't move. Her eyes widened and she moaned at an ungodly pitch and her shoulders shuddered with excitement, "Couch-San what are you doing??" Couch-San smirked mentally and did not reply. His lack of reply made Neffy moan super loudly, "ahhh~ C-Couch-San WHAT are you doing???" As she spoke, six large, spiky tentacles emerged from under the couch, each one thicker than one of Bad Dragon's 'Ika's. They begun stroking Neffy by her arms and legs, one taking a large gash from her clitoris to her collarbone. The spikes would slice open her delicate pale skin and cause them to bleed out, she moaned. The pain brought upon her a great deal of pleasure, her body was quivering and her breath was hitched and heavy. She could hear her heartbeat in her head. She was bleeding all over the sleek black cushions of the couch, her own blood pooling on the carpet below her. While the other five carresed her body, the sixth of Couch-San's tentacle made its way up her leg, the Couch snickering, and plunged itself up her vagina, causing a gush of fresh blood to rush out of her. She screamed loudly and felt her body go limp, the blood loss causing her to go in and out of consciousness. Yet, she moaned. The pain that the sharp pointed spikes of the thick juicy tentacles caused her sent extreme amounts of pleasure. She felt her body go cold and her vision became a haze and the only things she could hear was the ripping and slicing the spiked tentacles made against her. Despite the pain, she still begged for more. She wanted this feeling of being ripped open from the inside out to never stop.

Nephalem Praiser was found dead that day,  her nude body surrounded by a pool of deliciously fresh red blood as more continued to flow out of the various deep gashes that covered her delicate body.  Zane Millet had reported the incident to the local police after finding her limp body on the couch,  her eyes glazed over in an lifeless haze and her face pulled back in perfect ahegao formation.  As he cried over his  dead best friend,  the woman managed to utter one last dying word, "t-tell Couch-Sama that there's no regretti " and with that she let the breath escape her lungs, any signs of life had escaped her troubled soul. 
Zane had been taken to court on the matter of the death of his friend and was wrongfully charged with rape murder and assault of his best friend and was sentenced to seventy five years in the local prison. 
Nephalem was to have a private funeral in the outback secret side of town,  where she was then cut up, eaten,  and offered to the smiling god for good luck and rain upon the small city. 

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