Paris X Knife

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Each heavy raindrop falling with purpose was illuminated by the full moon like shards of broken mirror glass cut from their tethers to the sky and fell harshly onto the earth below, shattering further into more of itself then melting into one mirror that reflected back the sky -reflecting back itself. And yet, one particular dummy refused to go out that night to see.
Paris instead, sat by the warm glow of the brick fireplace and watched the flames burn logs profusely. Comforted by the rapid tapping of the storm overhead, and enjoying the fine heat that warmed his skin, he closed his eyes and rested back onto the chair he was in.
    Yumi was out tonight with a friend she'd recently gotten acquainted to and Nora and Atsuko had decided to make this night a date night, finally away from their kid and both off work, it was a great idea in the beginning.

    But nobody ever expected the storm.

    With Nora, Atsuko and Yumi gone, this left Paris to himself to wonder freely as he pleased. He wondered the house many times, carefully inspecting every corner and room he hadn't yet seem before, and playing with trinkets and gadget he found laying around; there were many. He found amusement in the smallest things; while going through Yumi's drawers to see what she owned he had found an unsolved rubix cube which he promptly solved in record speed, a magnetic sand timer he took note of in the livingroom that he assumed had rarely ever ben used and was most certainly kept as a decorative piece to add class to the otherwise dull room, an old broken drinking bird in Nora's room on her dresser- one of the ones with the heat engines that mimic the motions of the fake bird drinking from a 'water' source..
    There were many things of interest that he'd found, many things he wish he hadn't found as well, however. Such as, the SuperDuperHiddenToys that Nora kept in her bedside drawer.. And the kinkyass lingerie he found.. And the frilly pink undergarments he'd found in Yumi's dresser.. And the super rotten orange in the fridge..

    He stopped searching the house after the orange, disgusted and discouraged.

    And so now he sat by the livingroom fireplace that held a blazing fire, not too close as to catch fire, but close enough to feel himself heated and comfortable.

    Paris leaned back in the chair, trying to get to a point of bliss where nothing but the comfort of the soft chair and the heat of the fire mattered, but he felt something sharp press into his spine and yelped. Remembering that he often stored his Knife in the slit in his back for safe keeping, he leaned forward to retrieve it. He took the oversized knife in his hands and turned it over, holding it up to gaze at its grin. He had always loved the blade, not just because of how effective it was, but because of the way it was always ever so polished and glistened at the finest of light. He loved the way the knife held an aura like his that, while simple and docile, could kill.

    Oh how that knife could kill...

    Paris turned the knife over in his hands and gently ran the piercing blade over it left pointer finger, enjoying the way it left a small slit in his finger. Paris didn't bleed, so he never had to worry about being messy when playing with his knife... Which he didn't do as often as he'd like.
    Something he'd never admit to is that he loved the feeling of being in danger-and then winning whatever situation he was in. And this knife he kept so close to him seemed to know that without him ever expressing it, which he was grateful for. He may not be hip with the cool kids, but he sure as hell wasn't vacuous enough to admit he was a kinky fucker to a goddamn knife.

    He ran the knife up his arm and gently pressed it to the side of his neck, closing his eyes and tilting his head slightly, taking a deep breath to take in the sensation of the sharp blade against his flesh-like skin. He heard a noise from outside and was abruptly interrupted back into the real world, realizing what the fuck he was doing.

    "My dearest me what have I been doing.." he muttered to himself and sat up, standing off the chair and going to the window to check and see who might be home at this hour. It was only seven and Nora and Atsuko weren't supposed to be home until way later. He had time to fool around, didn't he?

    He peered out the window to the street ahead of the house and saw no one but a horny female cat in heat in the yard, rubbing herself against a tree.

    "Me too, cat. Me too..." He shook his head and closed the blinds and went back to the chair to sit down on, this time he knew he didn't want to be interrupted. This time, he knew what he really wanted.
    Alone all this time and he planned to use it for the one thing he couldn't do around Yumi or anybody else.

    Paris was never a romantic, but he did get off on pain.

    The moment Paris sat back down he retrieved his handy knife, a new mindset filled his head and he wanted to play. He leaned back into the chair and held the knife in front of him, grinning a wildly toothy grin. He pressed the knife up against his chest a bit and let out a shaky breath as he felt a sharp tang where his heart should be. Of course, he's hollow, but that doesn't change the fact that he'll feel the occasional nonexistent muscle or bone he's missing.
He pressed the knife harder against his chest and gently dragged upwards towards his neck, biting his lip to keep his heavy breaths from becoming moans as he took in what was the sharp pain of being sliced apart.

    To most, it was torture..
    To him, it was erotic. 

    He gently sliced upwards on his thin neck and pressed the knife against the underside of his chin and with his free hand he gently ran his chilled fingers down his stomach to his crotch and pressed down.  He was a puppet so, of course,  he didn't have any genitalia; neither male nor female,  but he still was sensitive and felt those parts of him.  Even if they weren't there. 
He bucked his hips slightly and pressed down,  palming himself. (gonna note here that I am super fucking uncomfortable with writing masturbation and I don't know why but I am cringing so hard right now this is taking so much effort for me to continue like seriously wtf is wrong with me) Paris moaned softly and his back arched as the knife pressed further into his throat.  He shifted a bit and dragged the knife back down, allowing the sharp blade to indent small rough grooves into his wooden skin. 

    He did this for quite a while,  lightly stabbing himself and dragging the knife along his most sensitive parts of his body with one hand and feeling himself with his other.  He continued until he could take the feeling no longer, still on the chair by the, now nearly dying, fire. Panting, heaving.  He had changed positions on the chair so he was no longer sitting down like a normal human being, but was now sprawled out in a wild manner; legs spread apart,  drooping over the edge of the armrest.  Pants halfway undone, shirt completely undone..  Hair an utter mess.. He was a wreck and man was he glad nobody was home or would be home for a long while still because he may or may not have made a slight mess of the area and himself.  He'd be wholly embarrassed to be found in the condition he was in now.

   After a moment of heaving solitude, he caught his breath and calmed down.  Paris was still sensitive, but felt like he'd do well to stop and clean up.  He sat up and took a deep breath.  He ran a hand through his hair, fixing it a bit, then stood. He buttoned his shirt back up and fixed his nice pants so he at least looked presentable now.  He then went on cleaning up the area he'd been in,  there wasn't much to clean but perhaps some shredded pieces of fabric and wood chips from where he'd run the knife too far down into his body and had actually chipped himself on accident.  At the time he had barely even noticed,  but now he realized he'd gone just a bit too far and had done more damage to himself than he'd meant to.
    It didn't take long to fix up the area and when he was done he decided he'd do well with a nice hot shower and then some rest as he was now slightly tired and without Yumi to entertain him he didn't have much to do. 
   God, it was weird thinking of Yumi after such an act.  Shameful,  almost. 

    Paris put out the fire and went to take a nice hot shower to clean himself of his sins (lmao) and then go rest.  He felt content, happy.  But tonight? Tonight he was glad he was alone for once.

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