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The next morning, Kagura woke up and rolled over to check her phone. She had a message from Daesung. It read:

"Hey, you look adorable when you're sleeping." 

Kagura groaned as she typed a response.

"What's the matter?" G-Dragon asked.

"Nothing," lied Kagura. Her phone chimed again.

Daesung: I don't care if you're with GD. I need you to be with me.

Kagura: I care. Look, I'm sorry. I don't feel the same way about you. I love Jikachu. I'm going to marry him. I hope you find someone.

Kagura went to the kitchen for a drink. G-Dragon scrolled through her texts, smiling at Kagura's faithfulness. He put her phone back and sat up. 

As soon as she came back, the phone rang. She took it into the hallway.

"What is it now?" she answered, impatiently.

"I love you, Kagura. Please, be with me. I'll treat you like a queen," begged Daesung.

"I told you, I don't feel the same way. I'm staying with G-Dragon. If you don't stop harassing me, I'm gonna have to tell him. I don't want to have to do that. We can be friends, nothing more. Goodbye," declined Kagura. She hung up and went back to the blonde.

"I love you. You know that, right?" she whispered.

"I know. I love you too," replied G-Dragon.

"Hold me. Hold me and never let go," Kagura requested. She sobbed against her boyfriend's chest. G-Dragon rubbed her arm comfortingly, pulling her closer as he did so. 

"I've got you. You're okay," he assured. 

After a while, Kagura started kissing and nibbling on G-Dragon's neck. 

"Mmm, Kagura, are you alright?" he asked. 

"No," she admitted.

"I don't know who you were on the phone with, but they had no right to make you cry. I'm sorry they upset you. You don't deserve that," he offered.

Kagura cried herself to sleep and slept through most of the day.

The next day was more of the same. Kagura refused to get out of bed. She got up to use the bathroom but came back with tears streaming down her face. 

When she fell back asleep, G-Dragon checked her arms. They were clean other than some old scars from Kagura's dark past. Still suspicious, G-Dragon pulled Kagura's pants leg up. His suspicions were confirmed: Kagura's thighs were marked with a patchwork of cuts, new and old. 

Tears filled G-Dragon's eyes. He bawled until Kagura woke up again a few hours later.

"Do you want me to see if the guys will come help with dinner?" he suggested. He knew that having company usually cheered Kagura up.

"No!" she protested quickly. 

For the second time that day, something became clear to G-Dragon. First, something was hurting Kagura again. Second, that it had something to do with his friends. He'd get to the bottom of it, but for the moment he just held Kagura. 

On the third day, G-Dragon was relieved that Kagura wasn't in bed. He woke up to a sticky note on his forehead. In Kagura's neat handwriting:

"Hey, Ji. I went shopping. I'm meeting Minzy, CL, Dara, and Bommie to see a movie in a few hours. Feel free to invite the guys over. I left money on the counter if you want to order something for dinner. Sorry I won't be home to cook for you."

G-Dragon jolted out of bed, seizing his opportunity. He invited his friends over. He explicitly said for them to get there as soon as they could.

When they arrived, he had them sit on the couch. He stood in front of them. He paced for a quiet moment before he spoke.

"Which one of you is hurting her?" he questioned, sternly. His friends threw curious glances at each other. 

"Never mind. It doesn't matter. I don't need to know who it is. Just hear me out. I love Kagura more than anything. It's killing me to see her upset like this. She's hurting herself and crying herself to sleep. I don't appreciate my friends doing that to her," he lectured. 

"How do you know it's one of us?" T.O.P. inquired, genuinely confused.

"I had my suspicions, so I ran a test. Usually, Kagura loves having you guys over. Yesterday, she seemed freaked out by the idea. She even left today so we could hang out. Now, whoever it is, stop. Stop or I'll never trust any of you," G-Dragon finished. 

The guilt ate at Daesung. He really did love Kagura. He couldn't believe that he'd hurt her. He sent her a text.

Daesung: I'm so sorry. I'll leave you alone unless the day comes where you love me back.

Kagura: Okay.

The guys played video games until Kagura returned. She smiled and waved at them. They greeted her the same way. 

"Did you eat dinner?" she asked.

"Yes, we all did. Thanks for checking," Taeyang answered. The guys nodded to confirm. 

"Do you want dessert?" Kagura pressed.

"Yes please!" came the collective reply.

Kagura prepared some sweets for the guys, served them quickly, and sat down next to her fiance. The guys dismissed themselves a couple of hours later.

G-Dragon carried Kagura to the bedroom. She kissed and bit his neck. He kissed her, biting her lip as they separated. She blushed. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

At daybreak, G-Dragon heard what sounded like crying coming from the living room. Kagura was laying with her face down on the couch. The TV was on. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" G-Dragon wondered aloud.

"This show is too cute!" chirped Kagura, laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. 

G-Dragon looked at the TV screen as the words "Junjou Romantica" flashed across the screen.

"I like the romance," Kagura explained. G-Dragon stared at it a minute longer.

"So, you like that? Okay," he noted. He picked up Kagura's chin and kissed her, as they did so often in the show. 

Kagura tangled her hand in his hair. He deepened the kiss. They groaned against each other. G-Dragon pulled Kagura closer by her waist. 

"Daisuki" whispered G-Dragon. Kagura's eyes widened in shock.

"I learned a little Japanese for you. I know you struggle with Korean sometimes," admitted G-Dragon. Kagura curled into him. He tightened his arms around her.

After a few episodes of the show, there was a knock on the door. Kagura whined playfully when she got up to meet the unexpected guest. 

"Oh, hey, Taeyang. What's up?" she greeted, feigning sleepiness.

"Did I wake you?" asked Taeyang.

"I took a nap. Why are you here?" Kagura lied.

"It's Seungri...He was in an accident."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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