Toaster Strudel Daze

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     It was Sunday afternoon. Kagura was making a strawberry toaster strudel. She removed it from the toaster, and began icing it.
     There was a slit in the side of the package; white frosting coated her fingers. She licked them clean as G-Dragon groaned.
      "Kagura, why are you doing this to me?" he asked in agony.
     "Doing what?" questioned Kagura, sweeping her tongue over her last digit.
     "That," whined G-Dragon.
    "What's your problem?" Kagura interrogated.
     G-Dragon glanced at his pants, then back up at his girlfriend. He studied her body for a second.
     Kagura was tall and thin. She had nut brown eyes, a button nose, full lips, and soft, brown hair that fell to the middle of her back. Her clothes were tight and black.
    G-Dragon whimpered, "your body is so tempting, Noona." He bit his lip. Kagura kissed him.
     "I'm sorry, Jikachu," she apologized.
     "This is painful," wailed G-Dragon. He pulled his jeans away from his crotch.
     "If I take care of it, will you still respect me?" Kagura inquired. G-Dragon nodded. "Promise? And promise you'll stay with me?" continued Kagura.
     "Of course! I love you! I will always respect you! My entire life I prayed for a girl like you! I'd be stupid to hurt or leave you!" exclaimed G-Dragon.
    "Mmkay, sit on the couch," instructed Kagura. She took a bite of her toaster strudel.
    Then, she strode over to her boyfriend. She pressed her lips against his as she slowly unbuckled his belt. She moved her mouth to his neck.
    "Mmm, strawberry," muttered G-Dragon.
    Kagura stroked his member, gradually tightening her grip on it. G-Dragon moaned every few seconds until he released. Kagura washed her hands. G-Dragon flopped onto his back.
     "Are you dead?" Kagura giggled.
    "No, that was just amazing," he complimented.
    "Yeah, but don't get used to it. We aren't married, so you won't get more than that," lectured Kagura.
     "I know. I won't pressure you. I can wait," declared G-Dragon.
     "Thank you, Jagiya. I love you," Kagura stated. She finished eating.
     "I love you more, Noona," argued G-Dragon.
     He walked over to her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. She turned to face him. Her hands were on his neck as she kissed him passionately.
     "So, what do you want for dinner?" she asked.
     "Anything. I like everything you make," answered G-Dragon.
     "You're such a sweetheart!" Kagura cheered.
     "No, not really," denied G-Dragon.
     "You're always so modest. It's okay to be complimented, okay?" replied Kagura, her hands on the blonde's cheeks.
     "Okay, I love you," whispered G-Dragon. He kissed Kagura's nose.
     "How much lasagna should I make?" she wondered aloud. G-Dragon pulled out a big pan.
     "That should be good," he said.
     "Are you sure?" Kagura pressed.
    "Yeah. We'll have leftovers if we don't finish," confirmed G-Dragon.
     Kagura prepared the meal. It was in the oven when she went upstairs to change.

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