Chapter. 11

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Mr. Carters wife Suzanne picked up.

"Hello ?" She says on the phone.

"Hi Mrs. Carter it's me Y/n" I say

"Ohh Y/n, how are you ?" She asks. I'm surprised she remembers me.

"I'm good Mrs-" she cuts me off

"Oh please call me Suzanne" she requests

"Suzanna I was wondering if you know where Chris is" I say

"Oh no I don't, sorry dear. Why do you ask ?"
She asks me

"Well he hasn't shown to work today, and I'm getting worried" I say

"Oh dear that's bad" Suzanna says "have you tried calling him ?" She says from the other line

"Yes I have" i answer

"Well just go his house and see if he's home" Suzanne suggest

"Yeah that actually why I called, I need his address" I say

"Oh why didn't you just say so" Suzanne says telling me the address.
We talked for a few more minutes, then I had to end the call.

I get in my car and start driving to Chris house.
It felt so nice talking to Suzanna again, she really is an amazing person. She also invited me to her house for Christmas dinner. I just told her I don't know if I can make it.
Don't get me wrong I really wanna go but it's a family thing and I don't want be a burden in there Christmas family dinner.
Plus I'm sure Chris will be there and things might get weird cause of my big fat crush.


I get to Chris house. Damn it's big house. I double check the address to be sure I had the right house.
Yup it's the right house.

I park my car and get up to the door and lightly knock first, then I knock a bit harder and in the end I decided to ring the bell.
I hear dodger barking.

I put my hand on the door knob and lightly turn it, the door was unlocked.
Dodger barks a few time then he looks at me and got very excited, just like he did at the pet store.
"Hey dodger" I say walking in the house and closing the door after me "where is Chris ?" I ask the dog.
I walk further in the house, it's absolutely beautiful, so clean and expensive looking.
"Where is Chris" I ask dodger again.
I don't know what I was expecting the dog to do when I asked him this question.

I just followed dodger around the first floor of the house.
All of a sudden dodger runs up the stairs and I follow him.
Dodger leads me all the way over to Chris bedroom. The door was lightly open.

I knock on the door "Chris ?" I say as I just let my self in his bedroom. There I see him on the bed he was completely pale, and all sweaty. His eyes shut and lips dry.

"Oh my good" I quickly run over to him. "Chris are you okay ?" I ask as I put my hand on his forehead "your burning up" I say.
I quickly get my phone to call and ambulance but I felt Chris grab my hand and stop me

"I'm fine" he manages to say with his dried, weak voice.

"No your not !" I quickly say. I try looking for and bathroom so I could get him a cloth. After looking I see a bathroom I run in get a towel and soak it in water then place it on Chris forehead.
I also close the windows to his bedroom so he doesn't freeze.
"I'm going to call an ambulance and everything is going to be fine" I say to Chris as I stand up he grabs around my wrist tightly

"Y/n I'm fine" he says

Something told me to believe him so I did. I just sit on his bed and look at him sleep. His grip around my wrist get loose, but he still held me.

I get my phone out my pocket and call everyone and explain the situation. Everyone understood and kept on doing there work while I stayed with Chris.
I got the urge to take care of him.
So I go down stairs and make soup for him. It took me some time to find everything and learn where it was but once I had started I kind of knew where everything was.

Like I've said before I'm a good cook but never have time to make anything.


I bring the soup upstairs to his bedroom and put it on his night stand.
"Hey" I say taking the wet cloth off and putting a new one on his forehead.
Chris eyes open slowly

"Hey" he says with a weak smile.

"I mad you some soup" I say. A small smile forms on Chris face.
I help Chris sit up. And slowly give him a spoon full of worm soup.

"You don't have to do this for me" Chris says

"I want to" I say as I lightly blow on the spoon and feed Chris.
He started looking better then before. He wasn't pale anymore and not as sweaty as before.
Chris finishes his soup "now you should rest" I say

"And so should you, you have done so much for me. Just rest" he says to me.

If I'm being honest I am very tired.
"No I made a mess in your kitchen, who's going to clean that ?" I say

"I'll do it later. Just stay here. With me" he says

As wrong as this felt i did what he told me. I take of my heels and laid next to him on his king size bed. I rested my head on the soft pillow as my eyes glued shut.


I wake up the next morning and notice my head was resting on Chris cheat as he had his arm wrapped around me. I wanted to move but it felt so nice being In his arms.

"Your up" he says to me

"Yeah" I say "how are you feeling ?" I ask him as I hold myself up with my elbows and look down at him

"Much better" he says. His voice so calm and deep.

Making me melt on the inside.

"It's getting late I should go" I say to him

"Or you could stay its Saturday so you have your day off" he says

I smile and lay down next to him again


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