Chapter. 19

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Me and Chris cuddle. He starts kissing my shoulder, cheeks and ear.

"Are you tired ?" He asks me

"No are you ?" I ask him. My back was still facing him.

"Nope" Chris pushes me closer to him "what do you say about another round" he asks me

"Best Ida yet" I tell him

As we still are in a cuddling position Chris slides on a new condom and life's in.
He makes small and rough pushes in me.
Shit if my being honest this one hurts more than the last one, but it feels so nice.

This is something I could get used to.

Shortly after we change position, now I'm sitting on him. I move my hips back and forth

"Ah your so good" Chris says. I'm surprised he said that.

I keeping on me moving my hips as shortly after we finish.


It's Sunday morning and I lay on Chris chest as I just relax my body. I feel sore but could go for forth round at the same time.

Chris stroke his fingers up and down my back.

"Are your sleeping ?" Chris asks me

"No just thinking" I tell him I still lay on his chest. I never knew it would be this calming to listen to someone's heart while thinking it really relaxes me.

"What's going on in that mind of yours ?" He asks me
Now I sit up and look at him.

"Why did it bother you so much that rose was flirting with you ?" I ask him. And I know it's a wired question to ask but I'm really curious. Why would he fire someone who just flirted with him but he doesn't mind having sex with me.
I notice Chris really trying to think.
I get off his chest and lay down next to him. I'm still waiting for him to answer.
"Chris ?" I say again.

"I did it because......"

Oh no somethings wrong. I knew everything was to perfect something was off.

"What is it" I ask a bit more annoyed

"I made a bet that I wouldn't be single this Christmas, and I knew things wouldn't last with rose so" I cut him off

"So you decided to fire her and use me ?" I say

"No it's not like that-" he try's explaining but I cut him off again.

"No I think it's exactly like that. You knew rose would only want a one time thing but you new I would want a relationship" I sit up straight now as I cover myself with a thin blanket. "I guess we both will be single for Christmas this year or wait you'll probably go fuck another girl maybe Maya she seems like a girl who would want relationship and if she doesn't you should fire her as well" I say more hurt then mad.

"Y/n no you don't understand" he says also sitting up

"I think you should leave" I say.

"Y/n just let me explain you are miss understanding thi-"

"Go" I say to him as a tear slips my eye.

I saw Chris was trying to form some word but couldn't. He gets out of bed and dresses himself.
He looks at me "Y/n I'm sorry" he says as he walks out the room. Once I hear him shut the door I start crying.

I can believe it. Everything was going great and now it's falling apart.
I knew this would happen but not so soon.
I feel so broken and numb.

I just need to freshen my mind.

I quickly get out of bed and fall. Shit I can't feel my legs. I'm so sore.

After few minutes I finally get my self together and I clean up my clothes and then go take a shower.

After my long shower I get out and lay on my bed. The smell of Chris cologne just melted me and stabbed me in the heart at the same time.

How could he ?

I need to forget this cause I have to go back to work tomorrow and all I can do is put all this in the past.

I feed nemo then get myself something to eat.

All I can think about is Chris and his perfect jaw, and the small bump on his nose, or how big and plumped his lips are, and his body OMG HIS BODY he's so big and NO NO NO I'm trying to forget him not fall for him. Not again.

The rest of the day well I sat and ate a tub of ice cream and watched..... well you guessed it a romantic Christmas movie.
I really need to talk to someone. Someone who understands me and someone who will be there to listen.
To bad I don't have friends, but I might know someone who is willing to talk to me.

I get my phone I call Daniel.

"Hey gurl" he says

"Hey Daniel are you busy ?" I ask him.

"Nah girl" he reply's

"Well I was wondering if you could come over I really could use a friend" I say almost about to cry

"Oh are you okay ? Did your fish Uhh what was his name ? Uhhh yeah Nemo did he die ?" He asks me "cause I ain't coming over to your house if it's about a fish" he says

"No it's not about Nemo, it about Chris" I say

"Oh shit girl I'm on my way" Daniel say.

I end the call and wait for Daniel.

In less then 10 minutes he was with me in my apartment as I cried to him about everything.

If I'm being honest I really like having friend especially Daniel.


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