"Who the Hell is Y/N?"

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Albus Dumbledore stood in his office, looking out of the window over the Black Lake and the Forbidden Forest. It was the early evening and it had been a very long day.

Albus had apparated to France earlier in the day and spoken to Nicholas Flamel and his wife, Perenelle. They both agreed- the Stone was to be destroyed. It was far too dangerous to allow it to exist with Voldemort chasing it. The couple had been quite concerned that Y/N had been hurt, tortured, in its defence. They passed on their best to the boy. Nicholas has given Albus something. Something of tremendous value. Undoubtedly more valuable than all of the vaults of Gringotts combined.

 Undoubtedly more valuable than all of the vaults of Gringotts combined

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It was to be given to Y/N after their passing. It contained the sum of their knowledge, of their near 700 years of Magical research.

Albus had suspected Quirrell all year, that he was working for some dark force or faction and trying to get the Stone- but never did he imagine that Voldemort had been so close, under his very nose all year.

It was beyond fortunate that Y/N had been so persistent to go down there. Once again Y/N had demonstrated that so rare a trait- to chose to do what was right, not what was easy.

Severus had warned Albus that the boy was going, but Albus in his hubris thought it would at best be a distraction allowing another teacher to foil Quirrell's plans. He never imagined that Quirinus would torture a student.

The developments from the Chamber were indeed troubling. Firstly, that Voldemort was definitely alive in some form. Secondly, that he was aware of the true nature of Y/N, perhaps more so then Dumbledore himself, and thirdly the boy's nature itself.

He had taken multiple cruciatis curses with little more than an annoyance, even the Dark Lord's curse had done little more than anger Y/N.

He had indeed become Harry's protector, which was undoubtedly positive, however his reaction to Harry's plight was all the more troubling.

Blue fire.

Blue fire that destroyed his enemy but left his ally unharmed. Surely not. It couldn't be. Albus hadn't seen the power for 50 years, but it couldn't be related.

The L/N boys were all incredibly strong wizards in their own rights, but both Dean and Jacob paled in comparison to the strength and ability the youngest brother was displaying.

And what of the taunting about the boy's lineage. It was well known that his maternal grandmother, Warburga Black, had an obsession with Gellert Grindelwald, but surely not. He had been detained at that time. She couldn't have, with him, could she?

Albus was pulled from his thoughts by Jacob appearing in his office floo.

"Albus" Jacob smiled, greeting and embracing his former Headmaster. Albus smiled back, sadly.

"So it's true then? My brother faced off against Voldemort?" Jacob asked concerned.

"It is Jacob. He was being hosted by a former professor of ours, Quirrell, in the form of a parasite".

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