Chapter 4: Circles

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"Did you guys get hit by a bus or something?" Ronnie's voice travels to us after walking 3 long hours back to the woods.

"Close. A car." I catch a glare from Ash.

"Where's my car?" He slowly asks.

"Try the freeway, bro." Mikey says back, glancing to the ground.

"Are you trying to tell me that you crashed my car?" Ash questions, angrily.

"We aren't trying to tell you, we are telling you," I say, sitting down where I was standing, my legs weak from all the walking we had done. "Ashton Irwin, I crashed your car. Happy?"

"Yes. I mean, no. How could you crash my car?"

"I don't want to hear it! I just had to use at least half of my magical ability to bring your best friend back to life. I feel like I'm going to pass out."

"I don't care how much magic you had to use! You crashed my car!" He steps closer as the volume of his voice rises. I flinch back, tears suddenly running down my cheeks.

I slowly look up to Ash, fear in my eyes and a small sob escaping my lips. His expression immediately softens.

"Woah. I don't think she's okay. She's really pale," Celia points out, stepping forward to feel my forehead. "Yeah, you need to lay down."

I nod, standing and taking a step forward before feeling Michael's hand on my lower back. I suck in a sharp breath, causing my head to spin.

"Shh, you're almost there." He whispers in my ear, his pointer finger drawing small circles on my hip.

Reaching one of the logs around the fire pit, I lay down on my side. Everyone around me carries on with their previous conversations, letting me rest. My eyes open and close slowly until I start to drift off into sleep.

Just as I was starting to feel better, I suddenly awake with a start, as someone is picking me up bridal style. Gasping, I open my eyes to see Michael looking down at me. Our surroundings are dark and he's carrying me towards my car.

I groan before placing my head back onto his shoulder, "How long was I out?"

"Few hours. Ash and the girls got his car taken care of. They left a while ago but I didn't want to wake you."

"You could've woken me up instead of watching me sleep. Weirdo." I giggle as he places me next to the passenger side door. I automatically lean against it, still feeling weak.

"I didn't stare at you," He walks to the driver side and we both climb into our seats, "much."

"Oh shut up." I push his shoulder as we both erupt into a fit of laughter. My head starts to throb.

"Okay. I need directions here. Which way am I turning?" He asks, pulling through the trees and up to the stop sign.

"Which ever way you turn to go to your house. I don't wanna go home. I get lonely." I sigh, resting my head back.

"Aw, I feel bad," Michael pouts over to me before turning left. "would you like to cuddle when we get there?"

"I would like to sleep," I scoff. "Shit. I don't have anything to sleep in."

"I'm sure I could find you something." He smirks over at me and winked.

As we drive, I can feel Michael looking over at me. Just as I was about to say something, he reaches over and takes my hand in his. I look from our hands up to him. His bottom lip is caught in between his teeth and his eyes meet mine.

"Is this okay?"

I answer by intertwining my fingers with his. An idiotic smile creeps onto my face, especially when he starts to draw circles on my hand with his thumb.

Simple Magic {Michael Clifford}Where stories live. Discover now