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❛ campfire ❜


Especially Polyphemus. When she had a dream of The Golden Fleece, her mind went back to Percy explaining his dream of Grover.

Her eyes scanned the room but she couldn't see as much as Percy did. His empathy link allowed him to see directly into the situation.

Tantalus told Y/n, Percy, Annabeth and Tyson to clean the dishes.

Annabeth had to make sure Y/n kept her mouth shut. She knew the brunette was one to talk back. She couldn't let her push all of his buttons...but she couldn't stop Percy. He told Tantalus to 'Go chase a donut!'

Water was then replaced by lava and the three demigods had to wear asbestos gloves and and aprons. Tyson was able to stick his bare hand in the fire without getting burnt. Tantalus had said there were extra plates since he decided to have a great feast to celebrate Clarisse's win where they ate Stymphalian bird.

They worked for hours but it allowed them to have a talk where Percy told them about his dream and Y/n told them about hers. ( Percy gave her a smug grin after that )

"If he's really found it..." Annabeth muttered.

"He had too," Percy said, "If there's any possibility we can retrieve it—hold on. You guys act like this...thing Grover found is the only thing in the world to save the camp. What is it?"

"I'll give you a hint," Annabeth said, "What do you get when you skin a ram?"


Y/n rolled her eyes, "Does your brain shrink every time you grow up?"

"Yes, it does." Percy smiled sarcastically.

Annabeth ignored the both of them and continued, "A fleece. The coat of a ram is called a fleece. And if that ram happens to have golden wool—"

"The Golden Fleece. Are you serious?"

"Remember the Grey Sisters? They said they knew the location of the thing you seek. And they mentioned Jason. Three thousand years ago they told him how to find the Golden Fleece. And I too, had the same dream as Y/n. You do know the story of Jason and the Argonauts?"

"Yeah," he nodded, "That old movie with the clay skeletons?"

"Honestly how are you still alive?" Y/n scrubbed a fork.

Annabeth cut in, "Just listen. The real story of the fleece: there were these two children of Zeus, Cadmus and Europa. They were about to get offered up as human sacrifices when they prayed to Zeus to save them. So Zeus sent this magical flying ram with golden wool, which picked them up in Greece and carried them all the way to Colchis in Asia Minor. Well, it actually carried Cadmus. Europa fell and died along the way but that's not important."

"It was probably important to her." Percy mumbled.

Y/n continued, "The point is, when Cadmus got to Colchis, he sacrificed the golden ram to the gods and hung the Fleece in the middle of the kingdom. The Fleece brought prosperity to the land. Animals stopped getting sick. Plants grew better, y'know. That stuff. That's why Jason wanted the Fleece. It can revitalize any land where it's placed. It cures sickness, strengthens nature, cleans up pollution—"

"It could cure Thalia's tree." Percy breathed out.

Y/n nodded, "And it would totally strengthen the borders of Camp. The thing is, it's been missing for centuries. Tons of heroes have searched for it with no luck."

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