The Ocean - Chapter 1

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"But father-"
"Enough (Y/N). You are not allowed to go near the surface ever again! You almost got killed today!"
"Father, please, she was but a simple woman-" I pled, but my father cuts me off,
"Imagine the tragedy if the humans and wizards found about our existence! The horror!" He cries turning his back to me as he waves his arms in the air like a loon.
"Father you're not listening-"
"My God, we'd be hunted like animals!"
"FATHER!" I yell, "Why do you fear them? The people who walk above, why? Give them a chance, not all may be 'evil'-"
"(Y/N) (M/N) Atlantic!," He said and turned back around and stared daggers into me.
"You want to know why? Have you forgotten what those- those- THINGS, did to us? They killed your mother!" I lost my fire, my fathers eyes had tears in them. I only could feel ashamed as I bowed and left my fathers room.

"Maybe you should give up on your dream." My friend, Celine, said as we were swimming around my castle.
"Not happening. Cee, Ever since I was a little girl, I've always have dreamed about being able to have feet, to dance and jump under the sun! And you expect me to just forget it? No-way." I respond shaking my head.
"But it's crazy! We aren't wizards, heck I bet even wizards can't make your dream come to a reality." I stop and turn to face the brunette.
"Cee, I thought you'd support me. My mother did." I stare at her, feet away from my bedroom.
"Look, (Y/N), when we were kids, I believed ya, but c'mon, we're 18. It's time you grew up." She said with a sad look in her eyes as she placed her right hand on my shoulder.
"Out." I reply backing away from her,
"A friend would support me. A friend wouldn't break my heart, along with my dreams. Get out." I respond in a harsh, low tone. She looks as if she'd been stabbed in the back. I didn't care; she's just like the rest. All I've ever been reminded of my whole life is how foolish my dreams were, but to hear it from my best friend now.. it was just too much.
"Ok-Okay...Bye, Princess (Y/N)..." She quickly bows and heads down the spiral staircase. I sigh and think to myself, she deserved it, she deserved it, she deserved it, but then....why do I feel so sick inside?

I finally let myself rest and nuzzle into bed. Staring at the gold, coral ceiling above me I begin to wonder, are they right? Should I just give up on my dream?

-flash back-

~Mrs. Genevine, the baker~

"One day, I'll go up and run on the street, and bathe in the hot sun!" I chirp as I was walking around town with my mother.
"Woah, oh, oh! You have such a wild imagination my dear! Keep dreaming honey, You're only eight." The baker had said.

~Mr. James, My Homeschool Teacher~

"What are you drawing there, young Princess?" My teacher said as he checked over my homework. I swim up to him and give him my drawing,
"A-Ahem...Sweetheart you know the King said drawings, or even mention of going to the world above is illegal. I'm afraid I will have to tras-"
"But Mr.James, look at the picture! There I am, running with my husband. We're holding hands running on the beach! Oh and look! There are the creatures I read about! They're called 'dogs!' They're cute, huh? I plan to have one when I walk." I say.
"Dear Princess with all due respect, that looks nothing like your husband and-"
"That's because that's not him. I don't want a forced marriage when I turn 18. I don't even know him! I want to marry the one I love, up above!" I say smiling.
"I understand, but you're a Princess, that can't happen. You need to marry the Prince of our neighboring Kingdom, Mount CedarWall. Also you know this kind of stuff became forbidden when the Queen died 2 years ago."
"But.." I say.
"Come now, math won't teach itself." He says. I sigh and force myself from crying as I crumble my drawing, like my shattering heart.

-end of flashback-

All my life, people believed it was just a fantasy. That mermaids can never walk on land, but I know they're wrong. For I seen what I know. Oh my mother wasn't dead, oh no, she is still very well breathing. And she's breathing on land.

Walking on two feet.

The Mermaid Princess {Gray x Reader} Ft. The School for Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now