My Turn - Chapter 2

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I swam out my room, with lightning speed, and out the castle, into the town and looked for a certain building. Luckily I wore a disguise so the citizens wouldn't notice me. Then I spotted it. The black wooden cottage, with a witch-like purple hat for a roof. The mailbox was broken, the seaweed dead, and the sign that once read, "Magic Contracts" now laid the ground, decaying by plankton. A shiver went up my spine as I swam towards the creepy building, but it's time. 8 years ago, before my mother left, she said to visit this address when I turn 18, and my wish would come true. I didn't know what my wish was back then, but now it couldn't be clearer. My mother had came to this very building, the building that changed her to human. And now it's my turn.

When I slowly turn the knob I peak inside and see an abandoned lab, filled with different color potions, wooden tables and chairs, some knocked over and a horrible odor. I cover my nose with my hand and proceed inside. "Hello?" I called out. Silence.
"I'm Princess (Y/N), daughter of Queen Christina." I say. Then in the corner of my eye, something moved. A black, hunched shadow crept towards me from the end of the room. I gulped and waited for them to say something.
"I've been waiting...come child of Christina." I let go of my nose and watched as the shadow moved to one of the tables that only held a pink potion.

"My name is Agatha." She said and pulled back her hood that covered her face. I expected to see a hideous witch, but instead...I found a Princess. Under the hood revealed a beautiful woman, with short, thick, black hair, she had snow-white skin, a small nose, eyes big as diamonds— beautiful shade of brown. She also had soft, delicate hands, and a round face, she couldn't be more than 40 but I have never seen anyone look so beautiful, even my mother.
"I owe your mother my life as she once saved mine. Now, I can grant you your wish— to walk on land." She said in a soft but stern voice, so lovely that she could make any boy fall for her. " B-But I thought only witchs-" I stuttered
"My friend taught me these spells.." she said voice growing low.
"You seem saddened.." I saw looking at her. Her face crinkled with despair, as if she didn't want to recall the memories of this 'friend'.
"Her name was Sophie..the girl I killed.."
"K-killed-" Suddenly I didn't feel so safe. I backed away slowly, staring at the woman.
"Do not be frightened. We were best friends, but she killed my Prince, and attacked my kingdom. The Good defend, so that's what I did. But without my Prince, my kingdom crumbled, and I ran away, to here." She says and her eyes filled with a misty sadness. For some reason I felt horrible for the pain she must've went through, but as I look down, I let out a gasp.

"Y-y-you have feet! But you're in water!"
"Honey, I'm a princess that knows witches spells. I'm more than sure I can do a minor spell like breathe under water..." it still seemed as if her mind was still fixated on this Sophie person. If Agatha is going to be the one who transforms me, I might as well try to understand where she comes from.
"What's on your mind?" I say sitting down on one in the sofas. They're very uncomfortable, but I suppose they are more sustainable with legs.
"I shouldn't have ran kingdom...couldn't survive without their King and Queen, Which is why, I know, you can't survive anywhere without love."
"I'm sorry for your lost... But I-I don't understand, what does love have to do with me turning into a human?"

"Like I said, you can't survive without love. I couldn't survive alone, But then I met your mother. She saved me from ending my own life... for without my Prince and my best friend, I had lost the meaning of life itself." Her eyes watered. "But she taught me the importance of it. So my only requirement to be a human forever, is to find love in 30 days. If you don't, you'll return back to a mermaid, for without love, you'd have proved to me you can't survive up in the human world." She said looking into my eyes.
"L-love..." I whisper,
"How do I know he's the one!?" I say eyes looking into hers.

"You'll just know..." She responds looking down at the table.
"But I never-"
"I know. You never knew what love meant. Neither did I sweetheart. But I found it. My advise to you is, don't deny what your heart is truly telling you. Listen to it. I learned that the hard Take the potion in sips. It'll ease the process. You'll become unconscious so I'll swim you toward land." She says holding the pink bubbly position in front of me. As I grab it she pulls it back slightly
"Did you say goodbye to your family? Remember what your leaving behind." She says with a concerned look. I realize this girl has been through pain. It's as if she sees me, as her when she was younger.
"Yes...this is my dream." I say so sure of myself.
"Very well. If it is what the Princess wants, I can not deny your wish." She hands the potion to me. I take it into my shaking hand. I silently say goodbye to this world, and this old life.

And I swallow the potion, waiting for me to arrive up above.

-- Agatha Was Inspired To Me By Agatha From Woods Beyond. Agatha Is A Princess From The Book 'The School For Good And Evil' book one, two and three, by Soman Chainani. The picture is the cover for the second book. (Agatha in the book is between ages 12-16, in this story though, I made her around 40, since its in the future. The video is the book trailer for the 1st book) If You Haven't Read The Book, I Advise You do, You Will NOT Regret It--

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