Chapter 9

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usjfskufbsjkufgsbjjfugsbjjfusi not me leaving this story here for like 5 months

look at me go with my amazing procrastination skills 💀anyway we just gon ignore that fact and move on cos I finally finished chapter 9, so here it is 😌


Sixty seconds.

That's how long they had to stand on the pedestals before the sound of the bell released them. Step off before the minute was up, and you'd have your legs blown off by landmines.

(M/N) looked towards the Cornucopia, this year it was a giant silver horn shaped like a cone with a curved tail, its mouth at least seven metres high. He could see various items strewn all over the place, being in higher abundance the closer you got to the horn. Food, water bottles, weapons, medicine, and various other items were present. The further away from the horn you travelled, the less valuable the item was- and of course, all the weapons were situated tightly inside or against the horn.

(M/N) could see a tent pack that would definitely help him during cold and rainy nights, if only he had the guts to run in and fight against the other tributes for it, which he'd been instructed not to do anyway.

Taking in his surroundings, (M/N) could see that the tributes were all placed on pedestals that formed a ring around the Cornucopia. They were on a flat, open stretch of grassy ground that spread a good twenty metres outward around the ring of tributes, before transforming into a forest completely surrounding the open plain, though (M/N) could see what appeared to be a lake through the foliage of trees to his right.

The forest is where Shota would want (M/N) to go the moment the bell sounds. He could hear Shota's voice in his head. Telling him to run away from there as fast as possible, create as much distance as he could between himself and others, then find a source of water.

But it was so tempting. Why run when he had everything he could need in front of him. If he didn't get it, someone else would. Most likely the career tributes who survive the bloodbath, they'd gather all the life-sustaining items.

Suddenly something caught (M/N)'s eye. There, resting against a metal crate, was a silver sheath of arrows and a bow.

That's mine, (M/N) thought. It's meant for me.

He forgot about Shota's words of warning. He was fast, he could sprint faster than most boys in his school. This thirty metre length was what he was built for. He was certain he could reach it before anyone else. But that wasn't the issue, the issue was how fast he'd be able to get out of there. By the time he'd grabbed the bow and sheath, others would have already made it to the horn. He might be able to pick off one or two people, but if there happened to be a dozen tributes in front of him, they would easily be able to take him down with their clubs and swords- or even their fists.

He wouldn't be the only target though. He was betting that most tributes would pass him up, even with the eleven he got, to take out the more dangerous opponents.

Shota hadn't seen (M/N) run before. Maybe if he did, he would encourage (M/N) to go for the bow. He could only see one bow as well, retrieving it would drastically increase his chances of winning. He could camp out in a tree and pick off other tributes from afar, that's what he was best at.

(M/N) could see his minute was almost up, the holographic countdown only having fifteen seconds left. Without much thinking, he positioned himself towards the bow, getting ready to sprint the second he heard the bell. When suddenly he noticed Katsuki. He was five tributes to (M/N)'s right, a decently far distance, but he could tell the blonde was looking at him- and (M/N) was pretty sure he was shaking his head. But with the sun in his eyes, he couldn't completely see. While he pondered over what Katsuki was doing, the bell rang.

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