Drives and Monthlies

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Cora's POV

   I yawn as my eyes flutter open, and I find myself in the backseat of a car, the light of the afternoon sun beaming down on my face. When I focus, I vaguely remember Dani coming over and helping little me pack and leave

   I sit up from my sprawled position, I find Dani in the drivers seat, singing along to her favorite band, The Fallen Angels as trees wiz by the windows.

   "Hey, Dani." I greet my friend as I stretch, reaching down to the floor to pick Sara from the floor, wipes any dirt I see off of her. I set the pink elephant down beside me before propping up my short legs along the back seat.

   She looks into the review mirror and smiles at me before turning down the music. "What's up, sleepy head? Feeling big?" She asks and I nod yawning again.

    "Yeah, had a nightmare and I couldn't handle it little. Helped keep the edge off my Monthly for a bit. I'm ready to play tonight and knock some heads together." I tell her, my hands itching for a fight.

    "I wondered what that was I felt. It helped me out, too. I would have gotten us into another car accident if it wasn't for that." She laughs and I join her, reminiscing on the few times we cut the trip too close and left chaos in our wake.

    We talk aimlessly for a few minutes before I feel my phone vibrate and see a text from Nysa, another girl we sometimes hang out with during our Monthly, along with one or two others. It's only during those few days out of the month that I feel like I can let loose just enough to have some fun. The bruises and the raunchy obnoxious assholes who inhabit this side of town often makes me dread coming. Oh, but once I'm here. There's no time for thinking or regret.

"Cora, let's go drive around Dark Street and Daemon Ave, Enchanted territory is going to be packed tonight. I want to make sure we have a good idea of what the layout is for the game tomorrow Dani calls back to me, and I sit up in the seat, letting my feet fall to the floor before I lean in between the seats.

"Okay, sounds good. Once we're done, you want to go find a party and crash it?" I ask her with a smirk and she turns to me with a grin that has me excited.

   "Oh, baby, don't you worry.  We're gonna cause some trouble tonight!" She says with a flare, and I place Sara in my with with a big laugh, enjoying the view as we head towards Dark Street.


A few hours later we find ourselves in a bar, the two of us munching on wings as we nurse our cocktails. I search the crowd, minding the eye candy as the two is us sit and talk.

Dani laughs lewdly as she point out and trick's hair that's barely staying on her head, the weave she's wearing both atrocious and an acting to red heads everywhere. I grab another wing, dancing happily in my eat to the music playing around us, snickering along with Dani.

I look over at the door as it opens and spot two girls, both beautiful like models, one with blonde hair and blue eyes the other an exotic brunette, her face angular and gorgeous.

I flick my white hair over my shoulder, blowing the wisps out of the way so I can see better, Dani almost drooling over the girls. And in a tipsy moment of clarity I wave the girls over.

"Yoo-hoo, pretty ladies!" I call out giggling, and the two turns towards me with confused smiles before heading over towards us, Dani giggling with glee and nerves as the two talk between themselves on the way. When they get here, they stand at the head of the table we're sitting back and look to me curiously. "You're hot so me and Dani want to make out with you." I tell the girls with a smile, and she gasps before smacking me in the boob making me cry out in outrage.

"Shut up you slut!" She says giggling before yelling as I twist her nipple, the stupid cunt. I laugh at her face, her mouth stuck in a surprised 'o'. I hear the girls at the end of the table laugh too. I turn towards them with a smile as they slide into the booth.

"You ladies look like you're having fun, so why not?" The blonde says and the brunette waves down the bartender. "You guys are so gorgeous by the way." She compliments and I smile widely, turning both ways so she can assess all of my beauty.

"Thank you. It's the smile." I tell her, nodding and she agrees, the bartender bringing over four shots of Bourbon. I raise my brows at the dark liquid but don't complain, because free alcohol is good alcohol. I slams the drink down, cringing at the burn.

"Did you guys dye your hair together? I love the white and grey dynamic." She says in awe and I snicker unable to help myself, figuring she must be human if that's her conclusion.

"Oh no." Dani says with a laugh of her own. "I'm Enchanted, half Vampire and half Daemon. And this cutie right here is full Vampire. That's why the grey and the white." She explains politely, a lot nicer than if I would have if I was the one explaining. If only humans would start learning about things that don't revolve around them maybe they wouldn't be so damn stupid.

The blonde girl makes a face and sets down her glass, her lips poking out in a disgusted manner. I feel my body start to tense up already knowing what's going to come out of her ignorant ass face before she even opens her mouth.

"Oh, so you two are monsters?" She asks, distain leaking from her voice and the other girl shivers as if scared.

"Holy shit that's creepy, what the fuck." The Brunette mutters and I feel my eyes flash red at their audacity. I stand up slowly, my hands coming down in the table as softly as I can manage before I lean over in the basic barbie bitches face.

"We are no Monsters, you shallow pond water bitch. We are Supers. Super pretty, Super strong and Super fast. This Super Bitch could fuck you up so fast, your little barbie heads would pop off." I snarl stop them, the M slur cutting deep in my heart, remembering the cruel worlds thrown at us.

"If you want to see a Monster, check that make up of yourself babe. You could put a fucking clown out of business." Dani snaps, but I know the word cut her just as deep. The girls get up teary eyed and bitter as they go to leave the bar, others staring at us with either pride or distain but I ignore the looks and put my arm around my best friend.

"It's okay Dani. You're beautiful and you could never be a M." I tell her and she hugs me back, squeezing me right.

"I know, you beat them all up for me. You're perfect just the way you are." She tells me, and we smile at each other before wiping our tears and giving each other our best smile.

I raise the two shots left behind, giving one to Dani as we make a toast. "To Super Bitches!" I call out.

"To Super Bitches!"

I wish I could line in Kaulike. I would love it there honestly. What do you guys think about this book so far?



QOTD: Green beans or broccoli?

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