Packing and Slipping

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Cora's POV

     I groan as a light shines in my eyes, dreading today like I do every month. I can already feel my Slip starting, my emotions threatening to pull me under as anger hurt and pain begin flooding me. Deep down I know I need to get up but at the moment I don't care.

My head is still pounding from the club I went to last night and my mouth has the distinct taste of tequila as I try my best to hide from the sun that's poking me in my damn eyes. I feel my stomach tighten and my jaw clenched uncontrollably and I know that I can't prolong the inevitable any longer than I already have. Reluctantly and very slowly, I raise myself off of the bed, flipping off my open curtains as my messy white hair falls into my face. I blow a few of the strands away as I trudge lazily into the bathroom to brush my teeth and shift through the many medicine bottles in my cabinet.

After my mouth doesn't taste like death and electricity, I make my way form the bathroom and down the long hallway to the kitchen where I open the cabinet and reach for a cup. I hesitant for a second my hand hovering over my preferred drinking method, but I shake my head, knowing that today isn't one of those days where I can slip.

I grab a regular cup and open the fridge, smiling happily when I see that I still have a few more string cheeses. I make sure I have one in hand as I snatch the apple juice and pour the rest of it's contents in my cup. I frown a little as the last drop lands inside, knowing that I will have to go to the store, but hating the fact all the same.

I throw the bottle in the general direction of the recycling and take the cup and my cheese to the living room where I sit down on the floor in between the couch and coffee table before I reach for my remote and turn in the tv.

  I swear I planned to turn on a Big show but when the cartoons flashed on the screen, I'm stuck and there was no way to stop it as I begin sliding down my mental age, slipping into little space as I watch Twilight Sparkle lead her friends on another great adventure.

I gasp along with the ponies as they make a mess and fight, not liking how they yell at each other. I raise my cup to my lips and try to drink some juice but it drips down my chin and on to my clothes as I try to catch the liquid with my mouth. Once the cups gone, I whine quietly, throwing it for not having more apple juice. With empty hands and no more juice, I go looking for my stuffie Sara, a small pink elephant I won for myself a few years ago. But once I can't find her in the TV room and, I start looking all over the house and panic crawls up my throat when she's no where.

I sit in the middle of my room with tears streaming down my face because Sara got kidnapped, knowing that I have no monies to buy her back. I put my hands on my face and shake my head in sadness, because once you get stolen you never go back home.

I feel my lip wobble some more just as I hear the front door of my apartment open making me squeal in fear and surprise.

It's the kidnappers coming to steal me too.

Knowing I have to go hide, I go to the bed and pull the cover down to cover my head, smiling when I know that they will never be able to find me. I hear the steps come closer to my room and I tense up, trying to be extra still so that the stealer can't see me in the room.

"Cora?" I hear a voice and I perk up when I realize it's not a stealer but my best friend, Dani. I get excited and try to get the protective sheet off of my head but it gets tangled and I cry out in fear as it tries to eat me alive.

     "Dani!" I call out, fresh tears steaming down my face as I witness my own murder and I hear her steps hurry faster towards me. "Dani help!" I call louder and in no time the evil sheet is being pulled off my head and I can finally see again. I hug Dani's legs tightly, tears still streaming down my cheeks at the loss of Sara and from surviving a murder attempt.

       "Aw, Cora, what's wrong?" Dani asks me, taking my arms from her legs to sit in the floor with me. I use my sleeves to wipe my eyes, sniffling as I try to open my mouth to speak. I huff a little but but Dani's smile is nice as I try to answer her with words like she likes.

     "Sara got kidnapped and the sheet tried to steal me too." I say to her through my sniffles and small shudders and she looks at me with soft pretty eyes.

      "Oh Cora, do you mean this Sara?" She asks me, taking my stuffed bunny from behind her back and I gasp in glee as I clap my hands and nod my head. I don't know how, but Dani always has the right solution when it comes to anything in life. With tiny me and big me, she's the only stability I have in my life. Except Sara. She's perfect.

      "Where did you find her?" I ask her in awe, taking the bunny form her hands, careful not to snatch like last time before I hold the stuffie to my chest in happiness. Dani takes her hand and starts to untangle my hair and I let her, too happy with Sara back to fuss, at least for the moment.

     "You left her in my car yesterday, love. I brought her back so I could check on how your packing is going." She says and my face falls as I look at the floor and try my hardest to hide from her eyes but they still find me anyway.

    "Did you pack like I told you?" She asks me and I feel new tears spring to my eyes.

      "I knows I was 'posed to and I tried but Twilight Sparkle had to help her friends." I tell her seriously, not wanting her to be mad at me but she only laughs and pats my head.

     "It's okay, Cora. I should have known better." She tells me before giving me her hand and I take it with a smile, standing her beside her. "I'm going to pack up your clothes, okay? Then we're going to have our talk before you have to go to your friends house." She tells me and even though I hate our talks about not being little, I nod solemnly, because she said it's always important. "Good, now go pick out which stuffie you'll take with you this week."

I scurry out of my room and go to the one across the hall where I have all my favorite toys and stuffies. I called it a playroom once but Dani only laughed and told me not to say that so I call it my Fun room.

I go to my couch where all my stuffies sitting nice and neat like Dani taught me and I frown and place my hands on my hips after I set Sara down with them. "Now which one goes to Bad Town with me?" I ask out loud, putting my hand on my chin like the people in the cartoons. Though, like always my toys stay quiet even though I know they all talk. That's what Toy story says.

I start to pick out which one I want but end up only playing with them all around me on the floor.

"No Mr. Sparkles leave Kitty alone!" I say as he crashes into her making her fall and break her arm and I gasp, not liking how mean he's being.

"Looks like Mr. Sparkles needs a time out." I hear behind me and I wear my guilty face as I turn to look at Dani but she only laughs before she sits down beside me and grabs Doggie form the circle. "Come on, we have some time to play." She says and I squeal excitedly as we play with our animals before I have to go away for another week of torture.

I'm going to be completely honest, this is the book I'm most nervous about. Hopefully I'll have more extras where I can practice writing in a little's POV before I get to her book.



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