Grumbling and Preparing

137 7 6

Cora's POV

When I wake up the next morning, I'm sprawled out on a hotel queen sized bed, the dark grey room letting the warm light from inside brighten the room at a snails pace.

I struggle to open my eyes all the way, my head starting to pound almost immediately after I do, even the darkness of the paint not able to keep enough light away. I groan and roll over, hiding my head underneath my pillow to make some of the light go away and decide to drift off back to sleep.

When I'm woken back up, it's to the sound of Dani moving around, the sound of her music drifting in from the bathroom softly as she showers and gets ready for the day.

I roll over and reach for my phone and see that the time is twelve thirty two before I click off the screen and toss it away.

With the whole room cloaked in muted sunlight through the blinds, the room feels nice and open, in stark contrast to how the place looked when we stumbled into the room last night, her half sleep and me completely wasted.

I stretch myself out, sighing in relief as my back pops and cracks, the rest of my body following much to my satisfaction. I flop back onto the bed before I finally start to get moving.

I raise myself from the dead and plop my feet on the floor. My hair a wild birds nest on top of my head. I rub the sleep from my eyes as I stumble towards the mini fridge, grateful we paid for it to be filled. I grab an orange juice happily and find myself standing at the sliding glass door that leads out to the balcony looking over at the view of this part of the city.

I admire the blue sky that acts as a backdrop to the buildings that are lined with art. The graffiti that's thrown up into the bricks of the building are beautiful and large, expressing the pain and hope that we experience through life.

I admire the work for a few more minutes, sipping happily on my juice as the door to the bathroom opens behind me. I turn around and see Dani come out with wet hair, in a badass red and black leather outfit that I adore.

"We'll damn, if I knew we were dressing up like whores, I would have packed some stuff too." I pout at her jokingly, and she throws her deodorant at me. I catch it before it can catch my stomach, and I laugh along with her as she sticks her tongue out at me.

"The only whore I see here is you, Cora. I'm a regal mother fucking princess." She expresses with a toss of her stringy hair, and I crack up at her expression, always having a fun time whenever we're together.

After a few minutes of chatting I go to shower too. It doesn't take long, only taking a few minutes to wash my hair quickly before washing the rest of me as well, humming a random tune to myself as I do. I step out of the shower and realize I didn't grab anything to wear.

I head out of the bathroom in a towel to reach my bag, and shake my ass when Dani comments that it's flat, just to prove the slut wrong. I sit next to my suitcase and try to figure out what I want to wear.

Little me wants to wear something colorful and cute, though logically I know that dark and sexy is the best to go for a Game Night. Ultimately it's a compromise between the two styles, my top a cute pink, while my leather pants and garter make the outfit bold and dark.

Once I'm finally dressed, I decide to stay in the room while Dani heads out to find up some lunch, my body feeling heavy and weighted down since I woke up, though the slight hangover isn't the only reason why. Once I'm alone in the hotel room, I find myself laying on my side in the bed, curled into a ball as I squeeze my eyes shut in hopes that it'll take away all the snapshots of my childhood that keep flashing before my eyes.

I see my siblings cowering behind me as our parents took our their hate for each other onto us. As the oldest, I had no choice but to stand up for my siblings and make sure they were okay and protected.

And a lot of the times, it meant that I got knocked down a peg or two. Sometimes literally.

I feel myself start to get scared, the Little part of me shrinking smaller and smaller as if you hide away entirely from the moments that stole away the proper childhood we should have had.

Showing us the circumstances that made me have to grow up before I could even make myself something to eat. Forced to grow up so they didn't have to.

I feel tears come to my eyes as I curl tighter into myself.

I remember the way my parents used to look at me like I was nothing before they pushed all their responsibilities onto me. They claimed it was because I was the oldest and needed to learn some responsibility so that I wouldn't get into trouble like so many Vampires do. But I call bullshit.

Unable to handle any more, I open my phone and pull up a downloaded episode of Peppa Pig, one of my favorite cartoons. As the show plays I slowly get emerged into it, my anxious thoughts fading away as I focus on the pretty colors and the jokes that make me laugh even now.

By the time Dani finds me an hour later, I'm humming to myself as I color, keeping the leash on my age regression tight, knowing that I can't let myself slip with all the dangerous things I'll be around tonight. She walks in with wings fries and milkshakes and I gasp, knowing that nothing will clear a hangover like some greasy delicious food.

We snack on the food and hang out together for a few more hours, and decide to take a nap just before it starts getting dark.

When I wake back up, I feel a lot better than I did this morning, and I get up with a shimmy, excited to see where we'll end up tonight.

I shake Dani awake on her bed and she throws a pillow at me which I easily dodge before laughing once she complains and asks for it back. I ignore her request and instead grab my boots to put on before finishing getting ready to go. Dani isn't too far behind and within the next thirty minutes we're leaving the hotel room.

On the way down there's quite a few other Vampires we see who we can only assume are in the same boat we are, the negative energy flowing throughout the floors delicious, only feeding the hunger more. By the time we make it out of the building, both of our eyes are already slightly feral and the two of us split up to see some friends of ours before we will meet up in three hours.

I say goodbye to Dani and head off towards the southern part of the territory to meet up with Ben and Nysa and the rest of the crew.

Something tells me this game is definitely going to be one for the history books.

Not my strongest chapter but I'm starting to get the hang of her voice. I realized the other day just how little i've written in her perspective so I'm trying to find a nice vibe that fits.



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