Chapter 7: No, I'm Not Going to Join Your Egg Cult

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TWs- blood and fighting

True to his word, Tommy took a nap when he got back to the apartment. He just- passed out completely for a solid four hours. When he awoke, Ranboo still wasn't back yet and Tubbo was rapidly pacing in the living room. When Ranboo eventually came home, he was immediately bombarded by questions from Tubbo. Ranboo just explained that Bad wanted him to stay later than usual and help clean up, no biggie.

Tommy could tell Tubbo didn't believe him though. Dinner that night felt more somber and on edge. Ranboo looked more tired than usual.

That night Tommy half expected to get jumped by The Blade and Insomnia again, but it was just him and Torpedo as always, no heroes in sight. It kept Tommy on his toes though; he never knew whether they would just appear to try to arrest him like they had done the previous night.

Torpedo had shown up that night with a pair of earplugs, just in case Insomnia were to appear. While it would muffle the sound and make it easier to stay awake, it was a temporary solution.

"What were The Voices like?" Tommy asked, looking at Torpedo carefully. He'd heard terrible rumors about the voices and he was concerned for his friend.

Torpedo hummed in thought, a melancholy tune. "They we're just- loud, I guess. It sounded like a million people were just screaming in my ear."

Torpedo was clearly trying to pass it off as if it didn't matter, but his eyes told a different story. There was a small tremor in his scarred hands, barely noticeable, but it was there.

Tommy looked away in contemplation for a moment, then turned back. "Are you okay? Do you think there's anything I can do to help?"

Torpedo smiled sadly, his eyes dimmer than usual. "I'm alright now, T. I just don't want to go through that again."

And they were silent again. Two boys sat up on a rooftop, the thickening feeling of anxiety wrapping around their necks and strangling them. It was suffocating.

"Their powers didn't work on me."

Torpedo turned at Tommy's voice to find him staring down at the street, observing the people on the roads and sidewalks. The dim lights from lampposts kept them hidden in the darkness but allowed them to see below them. They flickered on and off, bringing the world into a temporary darkness before plunging it back into light.


Tommy sighed. "I said their powers didn't work on me. I didn't feel tired from Insomnia's singing and I didn't hear any of the voices either."

Torpedo stared at Tommy in thought.

"Maybe their powers don't work on powerless people?"

Tommy sighed and threw himself back on the rooftop, laying down with his legs dangling off the roof.

"That wouldn't make any fucking sense though- there are more powerless people than just me, y'know. Word would spread if this happened before."

There was a pause between them. This shouldn't have happened, but at the same time Tommy was thankful it did happen. If their powers had worked on him then they'd be in jail right now. Was it a fluke? Would it happen again? The next time they'd meet would Tommy succumb to the voices?

Was it all just luck?

Torpedo hummed, breaking Tommy from his thoughts.

"It's okay, we made it out. We'll figure something out. If it happens again and you're able to ignore their abilities, then I'd say that's a good thing." Torpedo turned his head and smiled, his eyes crinkling at the edges.

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