Chapter 16: World Domination? Not On My Watch

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Tws- blood, disturbing scenes

Pure silence rang out through the apartment as the three young boys worked on dressing each other's wounds, Tommy's being the worst. His back was decorated in purple and black bruises and the scratch marks on his front from Philza's talons bled profusely. His nose had stopped bleeding but Tubbo made sure to stick a cotton ball up there in case it started bleeding again.

Ranboo's expression was wracked in guilt as he carefully wrapped bandages around Tommy's middle, apologizing over and over again whenever Tommy would wince. Apparently Ranboo had been given the same medical supplies as the rest of the heroes, and Tommy couldn't be more grateful.

Soon enough, the bleeding had lessened and Tommy settled back into the couch, cringing when his back ached. Tubbo only had a few scratches here and there from fighting Philza, so Ranboo had given him bandaids to help.

The silence became overbearing as the three settled into the couch, exhaustion pulling at their eyelids.

"Okay-" Tubbo finally broke the silence, "We need to talk. About everything."

Ranboo nodded and Tommy sighed.

Everything, Tubbo said.

No more secrets.

"So.. you guys are vigilantes.." Ranboo started while looking between Tommy and Tubbo. They both nodded guiltily.

"We only found out we were each other a few days ago. Thats both of our secrets. We're vigilantes." Tubbo murmured, and Ranboo's mouth drove into a thin line.

"Well, I know that now." Ranboo blew a monochrome strand of hair away from his face. "I just don't know why you guys didn't bother to tell me."

Ranboo began fidgeting with his hands, a habit Tommy couldn't help but notice he did when he was nervous. Tommy placed a hand onto his shoulder to calm the nervous fidgeting.

"We- we wanted to tell you- we swear." Tommy reassured, and he saw Ranboo's jaw lock, indicating he didn't believe them, "It's just that, we only found out we were each other the day you told us you were a sidekick for the same heroes who have been chasing us on the rooftops for weeks now. We wanted to tell you- but-"

Tommy drew a deep breath in. "-we were scared."

Tubbo smiled sadly and nodded.

"We didn't want to worry you since you got a new job," Tubbo continued on, and the hardened look on Ranboo's face softened, "And we know that being a hero is your biggest dream- we didn't want to hold you back."

Ranboo stayed silent for a moment.

"Why- why were you scared of me?"

Tommy's eyes widened and he frantically went to correct himself.

"No no- Ranboo- we weren't scared of you- we were just scared of what you would do if you found out."

Ranboo's eyes narrowed. "What, like go to Hero HQ? Betray you guys? You're all I have, why would I do that? I literally just betrayed them for you guys."

Tommy choked on his next words and stayed silent.

Then, in a much softer tone-

"I'm sorry, Ranboo. I was just- fuckin' paranoid and shit from finding out Wilbur and Techno are the same people who nearly- killed us- so I thought.. you would betray us too.."

Ranboo's eyes widened.

"You're sorry? Gods, Tommy, I'm sorry. I was just frustrated at being left out on your secret after I told you mine. It's understandable that you wouldn't want to tell me when I'm literally working with your.." Ranboo paused for a moment, "..enemy? Yeah.. I get it. I know now though."

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