Chapter 13: Secrets That Remain Unspoken

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TW- Severe panic attack

When Tommy arrived back at the apartment, Ranboo was pacing a rift into the floor. He had his shoes and a jacket on, which meant he was getting ready to leave soon. Tommy had a slight idea at where Ranboo may be going.

When he heard Tommy enter, Ranboo looked up at him with anxious and relieved eyes.

"Tubbo locked himself in the bedroom and hasn't come out in hours. I have to leave soon but he won't answer me through the door." Ranboo said worriedly, going back to pacing and adjusting his jacket.

Tommy stared on as Ranboo paced, mind still slow from the near death experience he just endured.

"I almost got hit by a semi."

Ranboo paused, then turned to him with wide eyes.


Tommy shrugged. "A vigilante saved me, I'm alright."

"Tommy- what??" Ranboo asked concerned.

"Anyways, Tubbo locked himself in his room? Why?" Tommy brushed Ranboo off, tilting his head. Ranboo had said he was leaving soon. Tommy knew he was going to go meet with Wilbur and his family.

The question was, why was he going to meet with Wilbur's family? And at their work as well. He had to find a chance to corner Ranboo about this.

"You can't just go 'Oh I nearly got hit by a semi' and just move on like that! Tommy, what happened?" Ranboo asked, pure concern leaking out of his voice.

Tommy felt an anger bristle up inside of him. Ranboo was meeting with Wilbur. Without telling Tommy and Tubbo. Why would Ranboo care about Tommy's well-being.

Why does anyone care?

They shouldn't care. Tommy doesn't, so why would they? How hypocritical.

And slowly, the pent up anger began to fester.

He's so tired. He's tired of being quiet and just letting people ignore him. He wanted to be heard.

Tommy clenched his fists.

"Why do you care?" Tommy spat, white hot anger reflecting in his voice. Ranboo reeled back at the aggressive tone, eyes wide.

"I- wha? Because you're my best friend, Tommy. Of course I would care if you got hit by a truck!"

Tommy grit his teeth, planting his feet firmly on the ground and puffing up his chest in anger.

He's lying. They don't trust Tommy. He has too many secrets.

They have secrets too.

"Best friends? Friends don't fucking lie to each other." Tommy spat, glaring up at the other boy.

He knew he'd regret these words later. He kept going anyways. All the anger he had bottled up for the past week was festering over, spilling over the edges.

He couldn't stop.

Ranboo stared flabbergasted.

"What? What do you mean, Tommy? We're- we're friends-"

"Friends don't lie to each other." Tommy said bitterly, reciting the words Tubbo had repeated so many times that it had been engraved into his brain, "Why are you leaving."

Ranboo blinked, then opened his mouth to answer when a crash from inside the bedroom startled them both.

Both boys turned toward the bedroom door.

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