Where Did The Party Go?

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(Smut warning. At the end)

You slimmed your slick little black dress down and looked into the mirror. You thought you looked okay but Patrick bought you this dress because he absolutely loved it on you. So you agreed to wear it tonight.

He invited you to a party at Petes house and it was almost time to leave. You wiped under your eyes a little to straighten your black eyeliner and tousled your hair one last time before texting Patrick to let him know you were leaving.

That's weird. He usually texts back right away.

You arrive at the party and there's a ton of people. Oh great. Parties aren't really you're thing but Patrick invited you and Pete was like your older brother and you wanted to see Meagan anyways.

You make your way inside the house through the crowds of people with music blaring. You were looking for someone who might know where Patrick or Pete is. Oh look there's Pete.

"Hey PETER Panda! Nice party!" You exclaim as you give him a hug. "HEY! I'm glad you could make it!" He laughed and was slurring a bit. "Where's Patrick. He didn't text me back when I told him I was on my way" he scanned the crowd "I have no idea. But I do know he's pretty wasted. He was taking shots before I lost him. He said he was nervous about something and wanted to calm his nerves. You can check the bedrooms and stuff" he slowly turned and walked out of your sight.
Well, guess I better go find Patrick. You check the upstairs first, Petes room. Nothing. Bronxs room, nothing. He wasn't in the bathroom either. You make your way back downstairs and through the hallway to the guest bedroom. You could hear something but weren't sure what it was. You walked in without knocking. Your heart almost beat right out of your chest. There was Patrick, your boyfriend, sucking face with some slut.

"You bastard."

He quickly stood up
"Y/n please! Let me explain" he slurred.

"I hope you have fun with her. I'm leaving. Don't talk to me. I loved you with all my heart and I thought you felt the same." You yelled. He tried to walk towards you and you swung your arm and slapped him as hard as you could.

You ran out of the bedroom, tears streaming down your face. You could hear him yelling after you but didn't stop. You didn't know that seeing him in someone else's arms would hurt so badly. It felt like he took a knife to
Your heart. Felt like puking, crying, and the worst chest pain in the world.

You don't remember how you got home but you ripped your dress and shoes off, put pajamas on and layed on the couch. Flipping though the channels with your knees tugged to your chest with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders, tears coming down your cheeks like a waterfall. You were sure he was the one. 3 years you were together. What happened? He was amazing. Always kind and caring. Always appreciated you and showed you he loved you.

You fell asleep to reruns of Golden Girls with your ringtone for Patrick blaring in the background. He blew up your phone all night. You would have to wait to talk to him when he was sober.

*ring ring*
God. Now he's calling the house phone.

"Sugar. I love you. I'm not totally sober yet so I don't know how that happened but please don't leave me. I want you. You and only you. Please. I'm sorry. I'll try and come by tomorrow. No matter what happens remember I Love you forever and always."

I love you Patrick. But why would you break my heart like that. You fall back asleep to old reruns on tv.

It had been two weeks. Patrick came by every morning and every night to talk to you but you never answered. You would eventually have to talk to him. You were thinking about forgiving him because it was obviously the alcohol but you still needed time. You were a wreck and according to Pete, Patrick was also. Not eating, sleeping or talking to anyone.
The next thing you know you were dressing in that little black dress that Patrick loved, but it wasn't for him this time. Your friend Lexi convinced you to go out to the bar with her tonight. You just needed to get out.

The bar wasn't packed but it wasn't a ghost town either. Lexi left you at your booth after she ordered a drink. A guy caught her eye and she was gone. You were sipping your drink when you feel someone sit in the booth behind you.
You could smell his cologne and scotch. Patrick.
"Pete. I want her back. She's not returning my calls or anything. I didn't mean to kiss that girl. I'm so stupid. I lost the only girl that I've ever wanted to spend the rest of my life with. What am I going to do?" He croaked out.
You didn't hear Pete answer back so he was obviously on the phone.
"Okay. I'm at the bar......I know drinking is what got me in this mess. I've only had a sip or two of my drink.............yeah.I'm gonna go by her place again Later. ......okay Bye Pete. Thank you" he hung up his phone and heaved a sigh, thudding his hands on the table.

You were sure at this point that you wanted to forgive him. From what you could tell now and all the calls and messages and visits, he was truly sorry and you did love him very much and missed everything about him. His touch, his kiss. Now you were flustered.

You took a few deep breaths, downed the rest of your drink and stood up. You made sure your dress was straight and walked right in front of Patricks table, knowing he would notice you in your dress and heels. You casually walked into the back, hoping he would follow you. That dress always got hi worked up and you wanted him. Badly. A few seconds later you heard soft footsteps behind you. You kept walking until you reached an open door that led to an empty room, you walked inside. As soon as Patrick came in you shut the door and locked it.
"Sugar. I'm so sorry. I love you. I'll never forgive myself." You walked up to him and grabbed his collar "shut up." You growled. You pinned him up against the door looking him in the eyes you leaned in and whispered on his lips "if you ever do that again, I will leave and never come back. I forgive you. I love you." Before smashing your lips into his. You both melted into the kiss as he took initiative and bit your lip. You opening your mouth to him.

He found a sudden dominance and flipped you around so you were pinned against the wall with his hips. He ran his fingers through your hair as you continued to make out. You could feel his breaths deepen and you got excited.

He slowly grabbed the backs of your thighs and pulled them around his waist. He dropped his head to your neck and started to grind into you,

"Patrick.....God...." You sigh out.
He just continued and let out soft moans. You felt his fingers running small circles on your inner thigh and moan out.

You reach down and pull up your dress. Patrick helping you pull it off. You teach down and grab the hem of his shirt and pull it off.

You lean forward and nibble and suck on his lip. "Y/n" he moans out. As your sucking on his lip he reaches around and pulls off your bra. Almost instantly dipping his head to suck on your nipples.
"Trick. Please. I want you" you lean your head back and let out a long groan.
"I want you more than you'll ever know." He growls out.
"Show me" you grip his hair hard and pull his face up seductively whispering in his ear.
He quickly put you down and pulled his pants and underwear off. You slip your wet panties off and reach out grasping his erection into your hand. He gasps and moans. He pulls your hand away.
"Jump" he growls. You jump and he grabs you by your thighs and backs you against the wall. You moan. He leans back and lines himself up.
"Are you sure?" He says with lustful eyes.
"Fuck me." He pushes in fast and doesn't give you time to adjust. Thrusting fast and hard you can feel your high coming fast already.
"Patrick. Don't stop!" You moan loudly as he hits your spot. He's grunting and moaning and it's pushing you closer than before.
"I'm...close...." You moan out. He slams into you and you scream his name as you see white. He thrusts hard a few more times as you come down and you feel him come inside you, both moaning messes. You moan loudly as he pulls out.

He immediately pulls you into a passionate kiss. He explores your mouth with his tongue and you moan again.
"I love you y/n. Please move in with me? I wanna wake up to your face every day." He says out of breath as he pushes a piece of sweaty hair out of your eyes.
"Of course. I wouldn't want anything else. I love you" you kiss him again and both get dressed.
"Let's continue this at home yeah?" He says to you with a smirk.
"Let's go home" you smile widely at him as you call a cab. You knew he always loved that dress. And you knew he was always yours.

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