I. Hate. You.

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I was going to add smut to this but I got lazy. I'm really sick so if this doesn't make sense, I'm sorry! I'll try to do another tonight or tomorrow:)

*Set in time of pic^^^around 05-06*

"What the hell. You bastard" you yell down the phone when your boyfriend of two years says he had been cheating on you for a good part of the last year. You thought you were happy but honestly you saw it coming. He never really treated you as well as he should've. And your cousin/brother Pete let you know. It's a complicated situation. Petes' dad Peter is your uncle. His brother is your dad. Your parents were, well, shitty. So when you were 10 and Pete was 15, your Uncle Peter and Auntie Dale took you in. It was awesome having your three cousins to keep you company seeing as you were an only child.

Pete was the only one of your cousins that really took you under his wing. You spent all day together and he took you to his many band practices and shows. He liked to call himself your brother. It spared you having to explain yourselves to everyone and you had the same last name anyways. Your life changed though. You were sulking around. Thinking you would never find another guy and then to get you out of the house, Pete made you go with him to meet some guy that was auditioning for his new band. The moment he opened the door you made eye contact and were in love. With his sandy blond bangs hanging in his eyes with shorts and a sweater on. He was the cutest thing you had ever seen. And had a voice like no other. You two got close. Then the band took off. The world loved them. You and Patrick were best friends. You thought he liked you as much as you liked him until he found Anna.

He fell for her fast and you, three years later, were still single and still hadn't told Patrick how you felt. It killed you seeing him in the tabloids with her all of the time and she was in all of the tour pictures Pete sent you. You got fed up. You stopped talking to everyone except Pete. He knew you liked Patrick and knew what you were going through.

You were once again sulking in your room. Looking through more pictures that Pete was sending you. Laughing at Dirty for being the idiot that he is and all the stupid stuff the guys did. You loved them. You also missed them so much. You were just starting to get emotional when you heard a knock at your door. You walked over and opened it.

"PETE! HOLY SMOKES! I thought you were starting tour soon! What are you doing here!" You wrapped him in a big hug and held him right. "Well lil sis. That's what we need to talk about. I want you to come on tour with us. Cork Tree has made us huge. It's not just small clubs anymore. It's legit. I want my baby sis, my partner in crime there with me." He pulled back and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear while smiling widely. "OF CORSE! Oh Pete I'm so proud of you guys! When do we leave." "Actually. The bus is outside. We leave as soon as you're done packing. I'll be on the bus. See you soon" he kissed your forehead and walked out. ARE YOU SERIOUS! You think. You throw everything you think you'll need in a duffel and run down the stairs. "BYE GUYS LOVE YOU!" You yell as you run through the door.
"Bye sweetie. Love you. Stay safe!"

And with that you were walking on the bus. Each of the guys greeted you with screams and bone crushing hugs.
"Y/N HOW ARE YOU! WE MISSED YOU" Joe yells as he picks you up. Andy pulls you away from him and engulfs you. "Hi guys. Holy smokes. How are you? I missed you" you giggle. Everyone's there except for Patrick. "Where's Trick?" You ask Pete. "He just caught Anna cheating on him. Again. He's not doing so well. I wouldn't talk to him for a little while" he had a sad look in his eyes. That's a shame but now maybe you and Patrick have a chance. He didn't come out all day. You guys played games and when it came time for dinner, you volunteered to take it too him, much to Petes dismay, you did anyways.

"Trick. I brought you pizza. I wanna see you" you say softly through the bunk curtain. "Go away." He rasps out. You could tell he had been crying. "Awe Trick. Let me in. I can help" you try to open the curtain but he pulls it back closed quickly. "Y/n. I really don't wanna talk to you. You stopped talking to me months ago. Why do you care now? Just leave me be" you dropped his pizza on his bunk and ran to yours. Crying yourself to sleep. He had never treated you like that before. He was always the nicest guy ever.

The next few weeks on tour were hell. The shows were good but Patrick was an ass. He did everything he could to annoy you. And on top of that he would make rude little comments. About everything.

"Morning guys" you say as you walk out into the lounge area. "Morning little Wentz." Joe says. "Morning" Andy and Pete add in. Patrick huffs and looks towards his MacBook. "Morning to you too Patrick. What did I do today" he ignores you so you go and sit by Pete. Soon all of the guys except Patrick leave and you're honestly kind of scared. He just situated himself on the couch across from you. You decided since you were alone that you would ask him what his problem was.

"Trick. I don't know what happened but I want us to be friends again. This is stupid. I miss you" you say softly while looking at him. He wouldn't make eye contact. "Whatever. You ignored me for months. I needed you and you just dumped me for your boyfriend. I don't know what this" he motioned between the two of you "is anymore. Friends don't just do that." You were shocked. You never thought he felt this way.
"Patrick. I stopped talking because as soon as Anna came in the picture, I wasn't important to you anymore. I was okay with that I wanted you to be happy." He looked you in the eyes.
"I'm done. I would've never done that to you. You were and are important to me. I don't know what you want from me" he turns towards you grits his teeth.
"Patrick. I want you back. I want you to stop being such a dick. Okay" you shout at him.
"Maybe if you weren't such a sucker for dick this wouldn't be happening" he says through his gritted teeth. You gasp and slap him. Hard. Leaving a bright red mark behind.
"You were the last person on earth I thought I would say this to. You were always nice to me and I wasn't anything different to you. I wanted you to be happy because I've loved you since the moment you opened your front door. I don't know you anymore. I hate you. I'm leaving." He tries to stop you but you run out the door as fast as to can. You run down the streets of whatever town your in tonight until you see hotel. Once you get in a room you calm down a little and call Pete. You tell him everything that happened through sobs.
"Pete. I don't know what to do. I still love him. But I wanna go home." You cry down the phone.
"Shhhh Donnie(his and Patrick's special nick name for you) it'll be okay. I wanna come see you. Where are you?" You give him the address and say your goodbyes. About an hour later you were watching tv and heard a knock on the door.
"Who is it" you yell. There was no eye hole and you didn't wanna open it.
"Donnie let me in. We need to talk" Patrick yells into the door.
"No! I don't wanna talk to you!" You can't believe that Pete would send him here after what he said to you.
"Come on. Please. I'm so sorry. I'm just really on edge right now. The tour, everything with Anna. They want to start another album and on top of all of that I've been trying to sort out my feelings for you." He's desperately trying to get you to open the door.
"What feelings for me. I thought you didn't care." Your heart was beating in your chest. Did he really like you.
"I've loved you since the moment I opened my front door expecting a couple of short punk guys but got one of the most amazing beautiful women I've ever met. Please let me in" you smiled to yourself and a tear crept down your cheek.

As soon as you open the door Patrick is engulfing you into a massive hug. You snuggle your face into his shirt and inhale his cologne. "I'm sorry." He pulls your face up to his as kisses you passionately. You instantly melt. You had always dreamed of this moment. "I'm sorry too Patrick" you mumble on his lips. You release a small moan as he sucks on your bottom lip. You slowly pull away. He stares into your eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I should've never said that to you. I guess I was just jealous. I love you. Please forgive me." He says into your hair. You feel tears on your head and you can't help but cry either. You look up at his reed stained face "Trick. I love you. I was jealous that Anna got you to herself so I cut her out of my life. But that meant cutting you out too and I'm sorry. Can we start over. Pretend the last couple of months never happened."
He pulls your face up to his, giving you a sweet kiss. "I would love that. Will you be my girlfriend" you nod and kiss him again. Too bad it took you telling him you hated him to get him to realize.

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