Switching Sterek

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Disclaimer: I don't not own Teen Wolf or anything having to do with Teen Wolf;(

This is Boy x Boy so if you don't like, don't read!!


It began the way these things usually do. An all powerful witch or something, Stiles pissing her off (accidentally, he swears), he gets a curse placed on him or whatever, the pack shows up to save his sorry ass, then ba-da-bing ba-da-boom, they ride off into the sunset, happily-ever-after.

Or not.

Stiles immediately knows something is wrong when he wakes up, bleary-eyed and still exhausted, and suddenly gets hit with about a billion different (and strong) smells. He usually keeps his room pretty clean, but this morning it reeks. And, once his nose starts to become more adjusted to to the many odors of his house that he's never noticed, he realizes that he can hear his dad outside in the squad car, shuffling papers around.

His dad couldn't be that loud, could he?

So Stiles rolls out of bed and stumbles to the window, yanking it open. It slides open easily, which is surprising, considering it usually only opens that easily for Derek. He shrugs and sticks his head out the window, but he immediately rears back in surprise. If he thought there were a lot of scents before he opened the window, he needed to think again. Stiles feels like he can smell everything; his dad's aftershave, the dog next door, his neighbor's breakfast... Even the garbage truck the next street over. He was literally getting dizzy from all the aromas.

It's loud, too.

Theres a buzzing that seems to come from everywhere, and when he tries to focus on a part of it, he can make out bits and pieces of things... The radio in the squad car, the neighbor's conversation about the weather or something, clank of a deadbolt unlocking a few doors down.

He's getting really freaked out, so he slams the window shut. It closes with a loud Bang! which startles him so much he almost misses the reflection in the window pane. He does catch it, though, and he almost pees himself. Instead of his own familiar (and ridiculously good looking) face, Derek Hale is staring back at him in the glass.

"Oh shit."

Switching SterekWhere stories live. Discover now