Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Sorry its been so long, I've just not really been motivated recently... But thanks for sticking with me!!:) Do I have to do a disclaimer for every chapter? I feel like no... But just in case, I don't own Teen Wolf or anything related to Teen Wolf!;)                                          


When Derek finally came back outside, he looked deep in thought. He silently got into the Jeep and started her up, then steered her towards the main road. "So, uhh," Stiles said awkwardly, clearing his throat, "where to now?" Derek jerked slightly in surprise, as though he had forgotten about Stiles' presence in Stiles' own car. 

"Home." Derek grunted in his usual one-word reply. Well, at least they hadn't switched personalities too.

"Oh, okay. Wait, to your home? 'Cause I don't think we should go to mine. I mean, my dad's not home or anything, in fact, he probably won't be home until tomorrow, which is really good actually, because he doesn't even know about the existence of werewolves, let alone that my best friend is one, and that I'm currently wrapped up in the dramas and affairs of an entire pack-"

"Stiles." Derek cut thru his rambling suddenly.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to take my meds this morning, what with all this craziness, and I..." Stiles cut himself off this time, before he began babbling again. Yep, definitely no personality switching going on.

Derek gave him a long, hard look (and if you don't think being given a long, hard look by someone who looks like you (or what you're supposed to look like anyway) isn't creepy as fuck, then you probably have some problems you might need to work thru with a counselor), before turning back to complete the drive in silence.

Derek pulls the Jeep up and parks it right next to the Camaro, before turning it off and handing the keys back to Stiles. Stiles pockets them before silently following Derek towards the house.

Stiles keeps hearing little rustles and tiny heart beats in the undergrowth in the forest around Derek's house, and the scents are suddenly driving him crazy, screaming Chase me! Hunt me! He takes a step towards the bush closest to him; Stiles thinks the small animal hidden underneath it is a mammal, a squirrel maybe? He carefully slinks closer to the bush, keeping all of his weight on the balls of his feet like a proper hunter should. His mouth waters with the anticipation of the hunt and the kill, maybe the little animal will try and run to gat away from him, and then he'll get to have a chase, too. Once he's close enough, he starts to sink into a crouch, his muscles coiling, prepared to spring. The animal (its a squirrel, Stiles is sure of it now) Is completely unaware of him, and Stiles smirks slightly. Just as he's about to leap, a hand grips his bicep. Stiles' head whips back, his mouth raised in a snarl, before coming face-to-face with... himself.

Suddenly everything comes crashing back down on to him, and all of the tension leaves his muscles at once, making him feel weak and light-headed. Stiles feels like he needs to sit down right now but the hand on his arm tugs gently on him, carefully guiding him towards the house. Stiles is burning with a mixture of shame and fear; he was honestly about to kill (or at least attempt to kill) a squirrel with his teeth.

The man easing him inside and then onto the couch looks concerned, and he almost loses it right there, because Derek and concern do not mix. Well, at least they never had before for Stiles.

"What just... I-I'm sorry, I.. I don't know what..." Stiles tried to stutter out, looking down at his hands in his lap.

"Shh, it's fine Stiles," Derek says soothingly, moving the hand he has on Stiles' bicep to Stiles' back, not moving, but just there, a comforting weight. "It's kind of like you're a pup right now, or a newly-turned. Your senses are stronger now, and the wolf inside of you can easily slip into control of your and your actions without your awareness. And really it's my fault, I should've thought that through better. I'm sorry." Derek sat down next to him, the concerned look still on his face.

Stiles took a few deep, shuddering breath before replying. "No, it's alright, don't apologize, dude. Oh wait, sorry I meant Derek, don't apologize, Derek." he said hastily, trying to cover up the mistake. Stiles was kind of shocked, he's pretty sure that's the most ever said to him (with the exception of asking for Stiles' awesome research skills to do his biding), and he definitely had never apologized, not even when he almost broke Stiles' back slamming him into a wall, or for almost cracking his skull open on Stiles' Jeeps' steering wheel, or when- well, Stiles could go on and on, but he point was, Derek just apologised.

 Derek gave him another long look (read: creepy), before looking away and quietly responding, "Okay, well since you're my responsibility, I guess I'll have to figure out how to help you control your urges..." he trailed off suddenly, his eyes opening wide. "Oh, shit."

"What, what is it? What's wrong, Derek?" Stiles demanded, thrown off at Derek sudden exclamation, when Stiles' brain had still been trying to grasp the fact that Derek had apologized, and was being nice(ish).  

Derek turned his wide eyes back onto Stiles and croaked out, "The full moon is in four days." When Stiles looked at him a little blankly, he continued, "I have to help a new werewolf who also happens to be an alpha and my pack get thru the change." Realization dawned in Stiles' eyes, but Derek continued anyway,

"And, I'm human."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2013 ⏰

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