Chapter 5

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"Um... Hi?"

"Who the fuck are you?!?" Derek roars, which makes Stiles wince at both the volume and the contents of his question.

"I can explain!!! See, I'm actually Stiles, but you wouldn't know that because I look like you, but I'm not actually you, I just look like you! But underneath all this... You-ness, I'm Stiles!! And you're Derek! Even though you look like me and I look like you!!!"

Okay, undoubtably one of Stiles' worst explanations, but c'mon, he's panicking here!

Derek-Stiles has a very disbelieving look on his face, mixed with a look of anger (which is actually really weird to see; Stiles is pretty sure he's never looked that angry in his life, but he doesn't really know for sure...), so Stiles tries again,

"Look, have you ever seen Freaky Friday? You know the one movie with Lindsey Lohan and... That older lady who does the Activia yoghurt commercials? Well, I think it's kinda like that!! We just switched bodies or something! Now all we have to do is find an older Asian lady and, uh, talk to her about fortune cookies! I think."

Okay, so, its been awhile since he had watched the movie, but he got the general idea of it.

Now Derek-Stiles is mostly just looking extremely confused, so Stiles slowly gets up from off the floor and carefully makes his way towards Derek-Stiles.

Derek-Stiles is obviously very wary at Stiles' approach, but he's standing very still and taking deep sniffs thru his now-human nose.

"Go look in the mirror." He says, but Derek- Stiles doesn't move a muscle.

Stiles sighs. "Seriously, Derek, go look in the mirror. Look, I'll even go with you, so you can keep an eye me or whatever."

Stiles begins walking back out into the hall and towards the door that smells most like a bathroom, but stops when Derek says, sort of quietly,

"I can't smell you. Like at all. And I can't hear your heart beat. Or anything else, for that matter. So how do I know you're telling the truth?"

Stiles sighs again. "Just, come with me, dude. I won't kill you or harm you in anyway, I promise."

Derek-Stiles thinks about it for a few seconds more, before finally moving towards Stiles and the bathroom.

Stiles opens the door and stands back, letting Derek-Stiles into the cramped and burnt-smelling room.

The look on Derek-Stiles' face is priceless, but depressing, since its on Stiles' own face. Derek-Stiles' face goes thru all the stages of shock that Stiles' did - complete surprise, curiosity (although Derek-Stiles doesn't lift his shirt up and pet his stomach, which Stiles is very thankful for. That... That would've been extremely awkward), a kind of fake calm, and then complete and total freak-out.

Derek-Stiles' snaps back to Stiles and demands, "What the fuck now?!?"

Luckily, God must've decided to take pity on Stiles, because a thought popped into his head at just the right moment for once.

"Now, we go have a nice chat with Deaton."

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