Chapter 2

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Rated [PG-13 because it has  strong-ish language]

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf or anything Teen Wolf related:(


                                                                            Chapter 2 

“Ohshitohshitohshit” Stiles sprints for the bathroom to look at himself in the full-length mirror and make sure he wasn’t just seeing things. Nope, definitely Derek, no Stiles in sight. He looks down at his hands and arms and legs which are definitely not his; he can’t make his muscles look this built no matter what he does at the gym. He cautiously lifts up the plain, boring black shirt he is currently wearing, (which is obviously not his, the shirt he was wearing when he went to sleep was one of his favourites, the One Man Wolf Pack one from that one movie. What? He likes the irony) and sees a fantastic six pack which he immediately wants to pet. So he does.

 “Okay okay, it’s fine I can totally fix this. I just, umm, I just need to do some research and I’ll be back to normal in no time,” He thinks to himself. “I’ll um, just um look some stuff up to find out what happened to me, and how it happened to me, and why it happened to me, and OH GOSH IT IS NOT OKAY!! I AM CURRENTLY DEREK HALE AND NOT STILES AND OHSHITOHSHI-”

  “Stiles?” his dad calls suddenly from right outside the bathroom door (which he thankfully had closed). He jumps about a foot. Wasn’t his werewolf super-hearing supposed to have tipped him off to his dad clunking up the stairs?!

 “Uh, yeah dad?” Oh. That was definitely not his voice. Of course, why would his voice becoming from Derek’s body??  Shitshitshi-

 “You okay in there son? I heard a loud bang, so I though I should come check on you, and now you don’t sound so-”

 “I’m fine dad” Stiles cuts his dad off while simultaneously trying to clear throat. “I’m just…feeling a little under the weather, is all,” Stiles mumbles in a fake-raspy voice.

  “Oh. Well should I stay home, then? I was about to head out, but if you need me, I can-”

 “No!” Stiles says with a little too much force. He clears his throat again before continuing in a softer tone, “I mean, no, it’s fine dad, I’ll just… Call Scott! He can come take care of me or whatever.”

 “Are you sure? You sound pretty awful…”

 “I’m sure, dad. He owes me, anyways.” It was true; Scott owes him big time for all the help Stiles keeps dishing out for him.

 “Well, okay. If you’re sure?”

 “Yeah dad, I’m sure. Go have fun at work”

 “Haha, very funny, son. I’m working double shifts, so I probably won’t see you until tomorrow.”

"Okay dad, love you.” 

“Love you too, Stiles.”

He waits until he heard his dad pull out of the drive-way and speed off down the street before he races back to his room and frantically dives for his phone. He dials Scott’s number in a matter of seconds and jams the phone to his ear. “Come on, come on, pick up!” he mutters under his breath.

“Hey, it’s Scott. Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now, but leave you name and number and I’ll…” 

Stiles sighs. Of course. Scott was probably with Allison or whatever, and had no time to answer Stiles’ call.

“URGH!!” he said suddenly getting mad and hurling his phone across the room. It smashes on the wall into about a billion tiny pieces. Oh. Right. Werewolf super-strength. Could this day get any worse? He pads over to inspect the damage, and once again catches his reflection in the window. A depressed Derek stares mournfully back at him. Well, at least now he knows were he needs to go.

He grabs his keys by the front door and heads out to his jeep with a destination in mind.

The Hale house.

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