Chapter 2

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Julie's P.O.V.
"I have a dream so big and loud, I jump so high and touch the clouds oh oh oh oh oh"
I wake up with the song best day of my life. I have that song as my alarm because I always believe is going to be a great day. I know today it will be. I went to take a quick shower, then I change into neon pink shorts, a white tank top and pink vans. I leave my hair natural waves, I grab my backpack, my phone and I went downstairs.
-hi daddy- I said passing across him
-hi Julie.... Wow wow put that short down- he said and I rolled my eyes
-dad I think that this is name short for something- I said -and they aren't even that short I am not showing anything- I said looking at my short
-Troy she is right she isn't showing anything... When I was younger...- god my mom is about to start
-yeah yeah I know you use to use shorter things- I said grabbing some cereal and eating it. My mom just laugh. I went to brush my teeth and they drive me school. I wasn't nervous, but when we park at school I feel my self shaking again.
-everything will be fine sweetheart- mom say
-thanks mom.... Wow- I said looking from the window to some hot guys. I am not of those girls who flirts, I just do it to get my father mad
-oh no Juliet. The first day and you already want to kiss a boy?- my dad said
-dad, nobody kiss boys on the first day- I said and my father sigh -that happen the second day- I said, my mom laugh while my father give me his look -just kidding dad I mean I haven't have a boyfriend how I am going to kiss the boy- I said
-we will talk about this later, now go- dad said
-we love you- mom said
-love you too- I said and I walk straight to my new school

Angela's P.O.V.
"Maybe is the way she walks, straight into my heart stole it"
The alarm wake me up. I wake up with my mom's arms around me, I kiss her cheek, she open her eyes and smile when she say me. I take a shower and I change into an American Flag sweater, jeans, white converse, a red bow in my hair and my glasses. I really don't need glasses, I just use them to read but I can also read without them. I go down, mom give me some banana pancakes and we start eating. Me and mom where talking about the dumbest thing you can imagine.
-and I don't want you to have a boyfriend- mom said and I roll my eyes
-ew mom- I said making her laugh -what about you eh? What about the neighbor?- I said and my mom giggle
-he is handsome but he is not my kind and he is marry- mom said
-is he marry?- mom nodded -what about Lauren?- I ask her, she look shock. How do I know about her? Well sometime I ask my mom to tell me stories about fifth harmony, that's why Iknow her and all the members. I investigate about her girl group and I read about Camren -I already now about Camren. C'mon mom it was cute
-yeah I have to admit it was cute. But I haven't seen Lauren like since 13-14 years ago?
-you don't feel something for her anymore?- I ask and she shake her head
-maybe I already forget her- mom said. I kiss her cheek hugging her tight -but I don't need anybody if I have you here- mom said
-I love you mommy- I said
-love you more- mommy said and she come with me to my first day of school. Yeah!!!(sarcasm)

Nicole's P.O.V.
I have already finish with my shower so I quickly change into jeans, a sparkle pink tank top and pink converse, I grab my phone making my way downstairs. I just grab an apple and start eating it.
-are you eating just that?- dad ask me, I nodded -that's not healthy you know- dad said and I nodded
-yeah, but I am not hungry. Oh and I already have my lunch- I said taking the package of Pringles
-okay you can take them. I am not telling your mom- dad said kissing my forehead. My mom appears like five minutes later with my two brothers already dressed. -are you entering to a activity at school?
-yeah, maybe dance- I said smirking at mom
-that's my girl- mom said giving me five while my brothers look confuse -what about you guys?- mom ask
-maybe we enter to baseball- Ryder said
-or karate- Alexander said trying to do a karate position but instead he hit a glass making him fall and brake. Mom look so mad right now. -or maybe not- he said. I could help but I laugh
-yeah. You should choose baseball- I whispered to them. Mom drive me to my school while dad drive the twins to their school. I am not nervous, I am actually excited to start school. I predict this will be a great year.

Natalie's P.O.V.
I got change into dark skinny jeans, black tank top, black converse and a beanie that said "weird". I went down to breakfast, I got some fruit with yogurt. Like five minutes later mom appear.
-Natalie why you didn't wake me up. It going to be late!!- mom said
-sorry, but you were tier and I can go walking- I said.
-no, is your first day of school and we are new here, you know how dangerous is here- mom said worry. I sigh -do you have your phone?- mom ask and I show it to her.
-mom I am going to be okay don't worry- I said kissing her cheek. She smile hugging me tight
-I know is just I don't want anything bad happening to you- mom said. We drive to school. God I am so nervous. -I don't want any boys understand?- mom said, I giggle and nodded
-yeah and what about Camila?- I said smirking making her blush -ooohhh miss Cabello ohhhh- I start singing to her making her laugh
-shut up, me and Camila haven't had anything okay? She might be hot but no I haven't even saw her since I don't know 14 years?- mom said but I continue smirking -and don't look at me like that, go to your school- I laugh getting out from the car
-at least you say she was hot- I said jumping
-go to your school, it'll be late- mom said ruffling my hair
-yeah miss Cabello, I mean Jauregui- I said laughing
-haha so funny- mom said fake laughing -wish you luck
-love you- I said
-love you more- mom said blowing me a kiss

Isabella's P.O.V.
-ISABELLA YOU ARE GETTING LATE!!!- mom yell angry.
-I am up, is just that my body doesn't react- I said sleepy, I am not a morning person
-well you might wake up or you will not have your cellphone for a week- mom said, god when she cross her arms is because she is serious. I jump and quickly went to take a shower. I change into a white jeans, black shirt that said "Beyoncé", I know but I don't care she is my queen, and a SnapBack. Grabbing my phone, I went down founding a mess. My two brother were running around all the house while dad try to put the their shirts. Mia was crying I don't know why. I went to the kitchen and eat some cereal. Mom sit Mia in her baby chair giving her a banana.
-and the boys?- I ask, cuz it was more quiet than normal
-your dad took them to their school- mom said and I sigh -Isa please...
-yeah I know, get out of trouble, don't fight and do all your work. You have told me this since a month ago- I said
-just please try it- mom said kissing my forehead -not let's go- mom said grabbing the car's key
-you are diving me school?- I ask confuse, I thought I was walking
-yep I need to talk to you about something- she said grabbing Mia and putting her on her baby car's chair. My mom smirk at me
-oh hell not the talk- I said and mom laugh sitting on the drivers seat while I sit on the shotgun
-do you really though I was talking you about that?? And in front of Mia- mom said laughing and I laugh too -I mean how the hell you want me to about that shit- mom said and I laugh harder
-what is shit??- Mia ask, mom eyes wide while I laugh supper hard. God poor Mia

Hi guys so I hope you enjoy this chapter. I laugh so much at the part where Dinah said the "b" word, poor Mia.

•Do you want Camren??

I hope you like this chapter. Any suggestion please let me know and don't forget to vote. I LOVE YOU DAWGS!!!!

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