Chapter 9: (Part 2 of 3)

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   Ugh you guys, I’ve been feelings HORRIBLE about not uploading on this story: I’ve been obsessed with the My lover Series and BabySitting Mb (Read those stories by the way)


   So, For now: This Story will be my main story. I’ll have to do the rest later, I need to post more! Just for you lovely people. =3






                Chapter 9: (Part 2 of 3)






           (Bri’s Point of View)






     Every single thing went by so fast: Dominique trying to kill Coi. Coi passed out, Citaa freaking out. Me, standing there shocked. Taking everything in.




           “Baby,” Prodigy starts. “Baby, Come on. We got to pack our bags.” Prodigy grabs my arm and pulls me out the room. I stare at Coi’s body. Her eyes were closed, blood all over her. Dominique standing there with an evil smirk on her face. This by far, is the worst day of my life.

      “Pack your bags. We have to visit, Devil.” Prodigy states. I sigh and nod. I walk to the dresser and pack my clothes full. When I’m finish, I turn around and find prodigy sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I walk up to him and lift his head up, sitting down in front of him.

      “Prodigy,” I start off, “We’re going to make it.” I whisper. He nods softly at me and pecks me on the cheek. I find my body in his arms. I bury my face in his neck and take a deep breath. “I love you.” I mumble in his neck.

      “I love you too.” Prodigy says. We both grabs our bags and walk down the stairs. Roc and Citaa was right behind us. Along with Ray and Dominique. I looked up towards Coi’s room. Princeton sat there holding Coi in his arms. He cried. Coi was dead.


    “Lets leave him.” Roc says. Citaa sighs and walks with me. I glare at Dominique who smirks at me.

     “Your lucky I’m pregnant, bitch.” I snap. Dominique glares at me, along with Ray.

    “Same for you.” She snaps back. I roll my eyes and get on Prodigy’s back. I close my eyes and hold the bags on my back.




     “So, How exactly are we going to go to hell?” Citaa asks Roc. He smirks and grabs a lighter. He throws the lighter on the ground, making it start flames.

    “That way.” He says. I gasp. “NO WAY IN HELL!” Citaa says, trying to get out of Roc;s grip. He picks her up and drags her to the fire. As the walk in the flames, the ground levitation goes down into stairs. We all walk down the stairs. When Ray got off the steps (he was the last one) the steps went back to normal.

        I stared at the Demons and burning souls. Prodigy grabs my hand and pulls me to him. I can feel my babies kick, signaling a sign of uncomfortable.

            As we enter a room, the ceiling is as hot as falmes. The room is burning on fire. A man turns around. I stare at his hot, red skin he smirks. “My oh my,” He walks up to me.

    “Abrielle I’m So happy to finally meet you.” He says with a dark smirk on his face.

    Goal: 20 votes & Comments!

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