Not A Date

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Louis' POV

Its around 12 o'clock in the afternoon when Harry finally gets home from the hospital. Anne made us some soup for lunch so we are sitting around the counter when he walks through the door. We all look towards him and almost cringe at the sight. He hair is disheveled, bags under his eyes, and he looks starving by the way he's looking at the soup bowls on the counter. He sighs and says hello to all of us, us returning the greeting. Anne goes straight to the stove to get him a bowl of soup to eat. Liam gives up his seat so he can sit down next to me, Harry thanking him. "So how did the surgery go Haz" his mother asks. "Fine, we had to resuscitate him before he could even do the surgery but it only took one shock. He was pretty much fine from then on. Although he did have a seizure on the operating table so we had to stop that before putting his new heart in along with a pacemaker. *sighs* But we also found malignant cancer on his lungs that we could never see in his scans because it was in a spot that's difficult to see during MRIs so then I had to tell him he was still dying. Even with a new heart. His wife and son were not happy with me." He says sighing again and lifting his shirt so we could see a giant bruise on his stomach. We all gasp and Anne goes to get an ice pack out of the freezer. "Hazza why did he hit you?" Niall asks. "Because he blamed me for the cancer which is true because I should have seen it in the scans but I didn't because I was so distracted with his heart and now that man is dying because I can't fucking catch simple cancer" he says raising his voice at the end, angry with himself. I sit there stunned at what he is saying. How could it be his fault? The other doctors probably looking at his scan missed it too and he fixed his heart so he's living longer than he was even supposed to. He's putting the blame on himself when it's not his fault. I sigh not knowing how to comfort him, I decide to just go for a hug. "We'll hun your switching to the night shift for the next week right so you'll have some time to rest and relax before going back in" Anne says comforting Harry a little going by how his body becomes less tense under my arms and he lays his head back on my shoulder. He sighs but agrees. He finished his soup and goes to his room to shower and take a nap. I decided that I couldn't have that beautiful, incredible human being being sad. So I planned on taking him to get some ice cream at the mall to clear his head a little when he wakes up.


Harry wakes after about 3 hours saying he was hungry. "Hey well I though maybe to get your mind off somethings we could go to the mall get some ice cream?" I ask him. He smiles at me slightly before agreeing and going to change into something more appropriated for our outing. I'm wait on the couch on my phone when he clears his throat to gain my attention. I look up and I feel my dick twitch in my pants. He's wearing tight black skinny jeans with a maroon checkered button up on with the top bottoms undone showing off his toned chest and some of his tattoos. I realize that I had been clearly checking him out because he looks a little uneasy and his cheeks are blushed rocking from one foot to the other. I clear my throat as well and ask if he's ready which he reply's that he is. We go to the door and he gets on his brown boots while I get on my trusty vans and head out the door to his car. The car ride wasn't to long, we figured out that we had the same taste in music and that his favorite song was Happiness by The Fray and mine was Changing Tides by They Fray. We laughed along the way and when we got to the mall we headed straight for the ice cream booth.

Harry got strawberry and I got chocolate chip. I cringed as Harry took a bite of his ice cream, "What, what is so wrong about strawberry ice cream?" He asked with a little laugh and one of his eyebrows raised. To be honest it was really hot and I could tell that I was falling deeper for him. "Oh nothing, it's just disgusting" I sass back at him. He makes an offended face then smirks saying "well chocolate chip isn't much better". I gasp putting hand over my heart in a dramatic way saying "I'm gonna pretend you never said that Harold". He laughs and blushing putting his head down so I can't see him even though I already did. A piece of his hair falls into his face and I tentatively go to push it behind his ear. He looks up with a small smile on his face and I can't help but think that's he is so beautiful and that I wish he could be mine, but he can't he's straight and I know that I'm sweating myself up for heartbreak.

After we've finished our ice cream Harry suggests walking around a bit saying he has to pick up a few things while he's here. I agreed and we walked around going into different stores just to look and Harry getting the things he needs. We end up at a store that sells scrubs Harry saying that he needs new ones. We start looking through the racks finding a couple that he likes. He goes to try them one coming out to get my opinion in each one. Of course he looks so hot in each one I have a hard time controlling myself. And the thought of him changing behind that curtain wasn't helping if I'm being honest. He finds 2 of of the 3 that he liked and went up to pay for them, me standing by his side. The women at the desk opened her shirt a little more to show her cleavage when she noticed Harry which made me cringe a bit. Harry smiled at her and put the items down to pay for them. "So your doctor then?" She asked a seductive voice. "Yes I am" Harry reply's shortly not even giving a glance at her cleavage which made me raise my eyebrows in interest. Harry pays, thanks her and he walk out of the store. "You do know she was flirting with you right?" I ask. "No she wasn't she was just being friendly" he said rolling his eyes with a little laugh. "If she want flirting with you, then why did she write her number on your receipt?" I say raising one of my eyebrows going into the bag and taking the receipt out to show him the number. He widens his eyes at this  and says "Oh I guess I didn't notice" "Ya think!" I say laughing. He laughs too but then says " We'll it's doesn't matter because I'm not even interested in her" with a little laugh. This made my head spin. Does he mean he's not interested in her? Or he's not interested in women at all?

After going into the stores we wanted Harry and I drive back to the house. "You know I had a really nice time thank you" Harry said turning his head to look at me at a red light. " I had a really nice time too" I smile slightly at him and he starts moving the car as the light turned green. It was a comfortable silence on the way back to the house.

Harry's POV

I had a really nice time with Louis today, it definitely helped me take my mind off of Mr. Mitchell. When we got home we were starving, ice cream wasn't enough for a meal so we were both happy to see that mum had made some roasted chicken for dinner with some vegetables.

We smile at her as we walk in the door and let them know that I'm just going to put my bags upstairs before we eat. When I come down Niall and Zayn had already set the table so I went into the kitchen to see if my mum needed any help. She smiled at me and asked "How was your date with Louis". "Not a date. But it was great, he's really funny and sweet and I can really be myself with him which is nice" I say smiling. My mum gives me a knowing look and I sigh. "It can't happen mum". "Haz, it can happen you just won't let it" "You know what happened last time I tried to have a relationship with someone" "yes I know but Louis is not him" "How do I know he won't do the same though" I sigh and look at my mom. "Hun you just have to trust him aaaaand my mother intuition" she says smirking. I laugh but bring the plates out to the table.

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