If I could drown

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A/N: This is going to be an interesting one...longer so hold your ground! HEHEHEHEHE

Percy's POV

          I was wearing a pear of swimming trunks and a grey t-shirt. I didn't need a towel because well...look at me! I am the son of Poseidon! I waited for Emerald who walked out of the bathroom in a turquoise one piece. I have to say...it looked beautiful on her. "Ready to go sea fish?" She asked, looking pleased with the nickname.

          I blushed a little, Annabeth was the only one to give me a nickname, I did prefer her's better. After all, who wants to be called a fish? We linked arms because why not? We then headed to the lake.

          When we got there we had fun swimming around and splashing water at each other, thought it didn't really do anything considering we can't get wet. I had fun, really I did; but it didn't feel the same without wise girl. I know, I told her not to come, but the real reason was that I had a feeling that the two girls would not get along with each other. 

Annabeth's POV

          I watched the two play while hiding behind a bush in front of a tree. They looked like they were having fun...I didn't like it. But I wasn't ready to show myself, so I kept my position. I stayed that way for about 10 more minutes, feeling like a full on creeper. Then I heard it. It started as a low growl, then a rumble. Then I was standing face to face with none other than flipping flying Polyphemus.

Percy's POV

I heard a scream coming from the woods, it was Annabeth. I ran out of the water, not a drip wet. She was running down the hill straight for the lake, something was chasing her. I followed where she had come from. Rising from the trees was Polyphemus, the cyclops I am 100% sure was done bothering us. It came thundering down the hill right after Annabeth, looking like he wanted to eat her. And he probobly did. I unsheathed Riptide, which I kept beside me at all times. It was time to kick some ass. 

"Percy!" Annabeth screamed, arriving at the dock. 

Before she could get closer to me, Emerald sent a wave crashing over her and the cyclops, nocking them both backwards about 10 yards. 

"Emerald! Why did you do that?" I shouted, cursing under my breath. 

"I was scared! don't blame me! For all we know, Annabeth could have lured that beast here! Isn't there some kind of protection on this camp?" 

Protection, she was right, no mosters were supposed to cross Thalia's tree. But it wasn't time to ponder the reasons Polyphemus was here, I needed to stop him first. I raced towards Annabeth and the cyclops. 

Annabeth was just recovering while Polyphemus was moaning on his side. "get to the shore, I will ward him off." I whispered to Annabeth, trying not to draw attention to us. 

She nodded and scurried of, I waited and held my ground, ready for him to do his worst. It was a little while before he regained full awareness. By that time, Annabeth had arrived next to Emerald, I wished on the river sphynx that they were getting along. 

Annabeth's POV

I got to the shore where Emerald was combing her hair with her hands, barely looking amused. She caught sight of me and put her hands on her hips. "Aren't you supposed to be helping sea fish?" She asked, looking at me expectantly. 

I glared at her, why was she giving him a nickname? That was my thing, no one else did that but me.  "He told me to come here." I said, trying to not go full on daughter of Athena on her. 

She nodded, though I could clearly tell she wasn't buying it. "well, I'm going to go swim, tell  me if he needs my help." She said, as if there wasn't a freaking cyclops trying to kill us! 

I nodded, the least I could do to help Percy right now, was to get along with this bitc- I mean this beautiful sea goddess.  Speaking of Percy, I glanced over to him to see that he wasn't exactly winning. His face was full of cuts and his shirt was pretty much a grey necklace hanging around his torso. 

I decided to go help him, not even bothering to tell Emerald. She clearly didn't care. "Long time no see Polyphemus!" I shouted, distracting the cyclops long enough for Percy to gain is composer a little bit. 

He walked towards me, I lead him to the water, Percy's strength. "Annabeth! No!" Percy shouted, trying to get the cyclops to follow him again, clearly I looked like better choice of food. heh, should I be flattered?

It was too late though, I had just entered the surfs, Percy was running after us, and Emerald, well she was on the dock glaring at me for ruining her swimming spot. 

Percy lunged after us finally grabbing the attention of the cyclops. He paled before trying to get away from the water, but he wasn't fast enough. The cyclops grabbed him and shoved him into the water, trying to drown him. I wasn't that worried until air bubbles popped to the surface and Percy's body lay limp on the sea floor. 

Percy's POV

Annabeth appeared, drawing the cyclops away and...towards the lake. I paled, one thing I forgot to mention about cyclops is that, when they are handling you, you loose your powers. 

Annabeth was leading the cyclops towards the lake and all I could do was follow them. I was knee deep in water when the cyclops turned on me, reaching towards me as if I was just a tiny toy. 

I paled and turned, trying to get away from the water. One thing repeated in my mind : I had to get away from the water. I had to get away from the water. But I was too far out. The large hand of polyphemus wrapped around my waste, crushing my ribs. 

The last thing I heard was Annabeth's groan before I was pushed under. Little did she know that this time, there was no hope for me. 

When I found myself being pushed to the lake floor, I found an unfamiliar feeling, supposedly the feeling of drowning. I thrashed and kicked but his grip on me stayed strong, I held my breath for as long a possible. It hurt to say the least.

A burning sensation erupted in my lungs. All I knew was that I couldn't breath in. As mortals, aka humans, it's like breathing in air. You know that if you breath in, you will be rewarded with air. So when your used to breathing under water, I expected to find air when I breathed in. It was not so.

I breathed in and inhaled stenchy sea water. It filled my lungs, I breathed in more trying to get rid of the water in my lungs. The more I kicked and thrashed and tried to inhale, the more pain shot through me and the darker my vision seemed. Everything went dark. But the pain...it had only just begun. 

Word count: 1204

A/N: Hi my little Demi-gods! DANNNNNG that was hard to process am I right? I have had that scene stuck in my head for days and finalllyyy its out! Tell me if you like auther's notes or not. Love yall byeee

If I could drown~Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now