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It has only been a couple of minutes since Nat left and I finished tidying up the kitchen for when she cooked breakfast. I made my way to her closet to look for comfy clothes to wear because I wanted to take a shower. I have never seen what's inside her closet, I was expecting a regular closet like anyone would have but I opened a door to a massive walk-in closet that made my jaw drop to the floor.

I knew she's extremely rich but it felt like I just walked into a boutique store. I am not sure why I am surprised but I just forget how crazy her world is.

I grabbed a comfy sweater and some denim shorts then I rummaged through her drawers for a fresh new pair of underwear. When I got everything that I needed, I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

I just noticed that whenever I have to wait for Natasha, I somehow grow impatient all the time. Like I have to be doing something just to keep myself distracted. I guess, when you're dating somebody that you really like, you just want to be with them every second of the day.

After my shower, I went to the kitchen to look into the stuff that she has available in her fridge and pantry so I can figure out what to cook. Natasha has her own world when she's cooking so I try not to get in her way but one of my main passions is also cooking so I wanted to take this chance to make her something.

There were random ingredients that I was able to find but I couldn't really make out what to do with them. After a little while, I decided to make a Shepherd's pie. I wanted to make something comforting and I make a mean Shepherd's pie because Pietro always requests for it.

After about 45 minutes of prepping and assembling the pie, all I had to do was to put the pie in the oven and just wait for the magic to work. I also received a text from Nat that her class was canceled so she'll be coming home earlier than expected and I was very much thankful for the universe because of it.


A few minutes later, the elevator dinged and Natasha walked in. She paused at the living room and inhaled deeply to take in something she can smell. All I could do is laugh because it almost seemed comical of her to do such thing. She must've smelt what I was cooking since it was wafting all over her loft.

"Oh my, okay Martha Stewart, what'd you make?" she grinned as she kissed me on the cheek.

"Well, you have an assortment of things in your fridge so I decided to make us a Shepherd's pie." I chuckled.

"Wow. I never made that before. Very impressive. I didn't know that you can cook better than I do." she smirked as she peeped into the oven. "Can't wait to dig in to that." she added.

"Better than you do? Nat, please. I cook because it's fun, when you cook, it looks like you're about to serve the Queen of England." I joked.

"What can I say? There's something about cooking that brings out the Gordon Ramsay in me. And I wanted to impress you." she replied.

"You already did the first time you spoke to me at the club. You don't have to do anything more than that." I smiled.

She then flashed the cutest smile I have ever seen because I think what I said flustered her since her cheeks also turned a little pink. It's also the kind of smile that would be the death of me.

"You know, you keep saying that I don't seem real to you, but honestly, that's all I have been feeling since I met you and even more when I got to know you. You seem like someone who came out of a wishlist I made somewhere or like a perfect character straight out of a Romcom movie that came to life." she muttered.

"Stop it. Well, this is just the first stage. We still have a lot to learn about each other and my life includes a whole lot of ugly, I sure hope you're ready for it." I warned.

"Oh, I'm counting on it, baby. Don't think just because my life is filled with shiny things that it does not come with a shit-ton of darkness, because it does." she countered.

"Okay, so where do I sign up?" I smirked.

"Right here."

She then slowly pulled my arm and placed her arm around my waist as she leaned in closer for a kiss that melted my heart away. For this very specific moment, the world stood still and it felt like it was just the both of us. I am not exaggerating when I say that all the noise around us went silent just for me to be able to take in this moment of the two of us.

"I lo--," I was so into the moment that I almost said those three words to her just less than a week in to us dating, so I immediately stopped then shifted my words to, "L-love the smell of the Shepherd's pie. I think it's ready. Shall we?" I stammered. Hoping that she didn't notice.

"Yeah. Let me just get out of my work clothes and get into something more comfortable. I'll be right back." she said.

When she was out of sight, I immediately let out a sigh of relief because it seems like she didn't suspect a thing. I mean, it's way too fast. I am not even sure if we're a couple already, I just know that we're in the stage of dating. I have never felt this speed ever with anyone I have dated before.

Natasha is so different from anyone I have met in my life though. It's an everyday excitement that I get to feel because I get to wake up knowing that this woman is in my life now.

I took the pie out of the oven and placed it on top of the kitchen island to let it cool for a little. I then set the table up for us and I also made us a couple of mimosas because it seems fitting. Nat finally got dressed to her comfy clothes and made her way to me by the bar, she wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face into my neck to kiss me. I of course sighed and hummed in content.

"Is it too fast for us to move on to the next stage?" she asked, her arms still wrapped around me.

"If you mean too fast for other people, then yes. If you mean for the both of us? No. I believe everyone has their own pace. Either you go fast or slow. Or if someone has it somewhere in the middle, then that's their thing too." I smiled as I faced her.

"Okay, well then, I wanna move to the next stage, Wands. I want you to be my girlfriend if you want me to. I don't know if it's just me but I just can't see us separating at all and I think it would probably be great to know each other as we go. I know it's weird but I really can't tell what I feel for you all I know that it's very stro--," she rambled but I interrupted by kissing her softly on the lips.

"You're cute. You don't have to explain. I know what you're feeling because I feel it too. And yes, Nat, I want to be your girlfriend." I said.

"Thank you." she squeaked.

"Well, since that's settled. I think our dinner has cooled down enough." I grinned.

She nodded and took the glasses of mimosas to the table and I grabbed the pie from the kitchen island. We both ate our meal in comfortable silence, just us smiling and glancing at each other. Savoring this precious moment, sinking in the fact that it's going to be us against the world now.

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