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Natasha's POV:

Wanda is probably the most different girl I have ever dated. And I mean that in a good way. For the longest time, whenever I date someone, I count the days until they have to leave me since I can't even keep them for at least two weeks. It hurts every time it happens but I don't get surprised anymore.

But what surprised me the most is Wanda. How she stayed after everything she has found out about me and even after dealing with the fact that I am linked to a crazy obsessed ex-girlfriend who goes out of her way to try and make my life miserable just because her pride can't accept the fact that I dumped her after cheating on me.

I can't help feel but question Wanda sometimes because she does feel too good to be true but day by day, I can see it. That she's real and that her love for me is so pure and strong.

"There's too much thoughts crowding in your mind right now, love. Snap out of it for a sec." Wanda chuckled as she snaps her fingers in front of me to get my attention.

"Sorry. I'm just trying to convince myself that you're real. You know, same shit." I smiled.

"Hey, that's my thing." she laughed, projecting a smile so bright, it could actually blind me. "Anyway, Sharon told me she wanted to meet me at a cafè because she wanted to talk to me about something so I'll head out for a little while and I'll be right back, okay?" she added.

"Okay, I got some emails to respond to anyway. How 'bout you text me after your meet up with Sharon and I'll pick you up so maybe we could go to the movies then dinner after?" I suggested.

"That sounds perfect." she smiled before leaning in to kiss me on the lips.

She walked towards the closet so she can start getting ready for the day and a smile was tugged into the corner of my lips when she finished off her entire outfit with a turtleneck sweater that I own. She felt so at home in my loft that she decides to wear my outfits and treated them as her own. I know it sounds silly but I couldn't be more happy seeing how things are working out between us.

"I really love it when you wear my outfits." I grinned as she came closer to grab her handbag that was sat on the nightstand.

"Well, what can I say? Wearing your clothes gives me the thought that you're with me even when you're not." she shrugged.

"This is why I love you, Wands. No other woman I have ever dated made me feel so wanted and special as you do." I gushed.

"That's because they didn't realize what an amazing and breathtaking woman you are and that's their loss." she replied and pulled me in for a kiss. "Well, my love, I am heading out. I'll text you, okay?" she added.

"Okay, sweetie." I smiled.

I watch her walk out of the bedroom and all I could do is sigh in content because after all the darkness I have experienced in my life, Wanda has been the first breath of fresh air I ever had. She's amazing in so many ways and the longer I get to know her, the more surprised I get.

A ding echoed through my loft and it sounded like the buzzer from the building's lobby. I made my way to the living room to check on the live video footage to see who it was and saw Yelena standing in front of the buzzer.

"What's up?" I asked through the mic.

"Do I really need a reason to see you?" she questioned.

"You're right. I'll leave the door open. You know what to do." I responded.

I unlocked the door and waited for Yelena to enter and when she did, she just nodded at me and made her way towards the refrigerator immediately and I couldn't help myself from chuckling as I slowly shook my head.

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