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jongseong was now out in the weather alongwith jungwon, a bit surprised and taken back because all he knew was that he could only come out if he got his revenge

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jongseong was now out in the weather alongwith jungwon, a bit surprised and taken back because all he knew was that he could only come out if he got his revenge.

but what was this? was it like he could come out only with the person because of whom he was stuck in this dungeon forever? the memories he kept intact for years and centuries started playing back like some tape.

"hyung, you did it"

the little boy said, his grip still firmly on the older's wrist.

jongseong opened his mouth to say something but feared jungwon knowing that he was the one he was searching for.

"thankyou jungwonie" jongseong said "its been long since i've come outside, so much has changed...but"

his eyes fell on the fountain. the foundation of the fountain was cracked, the colour faded.

"-but this one" he smirked "great"

"we should get a new fountain" jungwon suggested

"no," jongseong mumbled "not before i leave"

"what do you mean that you'll leave?" jungwon asked, his smile fading

"nothing. i've been here for a very longtime"jongseong broke into a smile, which was more than the word attractive

"i can't keep lurking around here like this, right?" he asked jungwon

"hyung, would you mind if i ask you something?" jungwon asked


"barely know anything about you, would you tell me?" jungwon asked him almost stealing glances now.

"there's nothing interesting about my life though" jongseong gave his coat a brush and got up

"when i was around five, my father made this house for me... well he said it was for me but i don't know" he chuckled again

"-i practically spent my whole childhood here, fell in love here, got killed here... this house is like my destiny" jongseong ranted

jungwon felt a shot of emotions catch up in his throat because the older was more than he showed himself to be and being honest, jungwon really liked his company around him.

"hyung, were you a bad person?" jungwon asked but then he realised how odd he sounded "i am sorry, i didn't mean that but- why were you killed?"

"i wish i knew" jongseong now traced lines along the old fountain "i wish i knew what was lacking in my love that-"

"in your love? does that mean your lover killed you?" jungwon asked curiously

all these moments jongseong didn't let his eyes meet the younger and now when he did, anger flushed in them.

he didn't realise how this jungwon knew nothing about the person jongseong was in love with.

"jungwon-ah~~" a known voice echoed from the gate. jungwon looked over jongseong's shoulders to see sunghoon running towards him.

jongseong felt his heart get tied into a knot because jungwon didn't even look at him again before walking past him, towards sunghoon.

right, he didn't exist, obviously.

he looked at them from the distance- looked at how they smiled as sunghoon gave a box to jungwon.

his attention was broken by the two walking towards him. jungwon looked to his side.

"hyung are you coming inside?" jungwon asked jongseong

but before jongseong could even answer, sunghoon did.

"obviously, i came here to see your house, jungwon-ah"

that question wasn't meant for sunghoon though. jungwon knew it . jongseong did too.

but this was the harsh reality, where park jongseong did not exist.  the other couldn't see him- the only one who could see him was jungwon.

jongseong felt his world suddenly tear apart because being left out had always been his fear since childhood.

its not like he didn't know that he didn't exist, but the fact that it hit hard when he realised it again that day.

he knew he couldn't escape the boundaries of this house, and if he could- it would only be with jungwon.

he tried to follow them inside through the door, but a strong force pushed him to the ground. what's happening? why can't i enter the door- what's wrong- jongseong thought

is it because- jungwon walked inside with sunghoon...?

that means jongseong can travel here and there only if jungwon was by him... else everything would be the same.... this isn't something he was expecting. it was a total plot twist for him.

it was advantageous that he could look outside the house again, but- he would need jungwon to let him inside the house again...

left out. that's what he was, now. he floated towards the bench and sat down over there, staring at the broken fountain.

it was difficult for him to keep staring at that because it reminded him of everything that the younger had done to him

ghosts don't have emotions, but here he was crying. weeping. with his face held in his hands.

"i just want to leave... from here" jongseong mumbled in between his sniffles.


[A/N: i apologise for the late update༎ຶ‿༎ຶ i had my exams and i was so so so stressed but here i am back with a new part of the story! hope you enjoy!]

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[A/N: i apologise for the late update
༎ຶ‿༎ຶ i had my exams and i was so so so stressed but here i am back with a new part of the story! hope you enjoy!]

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