Prove it

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The crackle of the fire was alluring, it's warmth sending you into a peaceful trance. It's heat captivating as you gazed upon the enchanting shapes the flames took. A sweet  euphoric feeling as you basked in the glimmer of a new future you didn't realize you could have. A future with Marco.

It was an unusual feeling as often fire brought back unwanted memories of the horrific day you lost everything. It flames an uneasy reminder of the tragedy and just how easy it is to burn away the sins letting them vanish to ashes.

Instead it was pleasant to be cocooned in its embrace, the pleasure of different circumstances and company.  A company that you hated to admit just how much you were enjoying.

Said company ran his fingers peacefully up and down your back, a feeling you didn't realize could bring you so much calm. You were both tangled together in fluffy bathrobes truly basking in the afterglow. The heat of the fire created such a warmth as you both nestled together. 

His hands were so assertive, never removing from your skin more than a second. You lay with him on his back and you on your stomach tucked into his side as you watched the fire. His hold on you is a security you didn't realize you needed. His embrace was a new found comfort that you simply wouldn't let yourself be without.

As you gazed into the flames, Marco moved just the slightest to his side to plant soft kisses along the delicate skin of your shoulders and neck before laying back. His hands remained assertive however, never once leaving your skin vacant.

The reason for this situation was simply, Marcos clothes splashed out in front of the fire to dry, but you couldn't deny you were enjoying his company regardless - even if it was just because he didn't want to do a nuddy run.

But you weren't against it, you were enjoying whatever time you could steal with the first commander. After all you had feared he would have left as soon as you had given yourself so freely to him but here he was captivated by you!

It must have shown in your expression.

'What has your mind in overdrive?.' His voice strong and breaking through the pleasant silence, his fingertips pushing strands of hair behind your ear as he watched for your response.

You didn't respond, only sent him a sweet smile in assurance. You rested into his hold, propping yourself up on to his chest as your eyes locked.

His eyes briefly departed from your own to gaze at the fire and his clothes that lay before it, chuckling to himself at the state you were both in.

'Can I stay the night with you?'

Your breath caught in the back of your throat an unwanted shyness and nervousness creeping to the surface. You decide to play it off, instead of letting it consume you, you folded your arms across his chest and used one of your hands to support your face as you propped yourself up to stare at him.

It was amusing that he was being so carefree. You had always known that opposites attract perhaps that was why Marcos carefree nature was so contrasted to you owned well worked out plans.

You didn't know what to say, of course you wanted him to stay but there was the reality that you both could get caught if he did. A thought that Marco had picked up on, It was becoming painful how easily Marco was able to read you, you clearly needed to work on your poker face.

'Would it be such a bad thing if the others knew?' His tone is soft and reassuring.

'Knew what exactly?' Your question hung heavy in the air as if both of you had to finally discuss what this was, for you both knew you simply couldn't walk away from the other. He chuckled at you, fingertips reaching out to slowly tucking loose strands of hair behind your ear. 'Us!' he murmured.

'Us?.' You repeatedly asked him... no you weren't asking, you were begging him to be the one to define whatever this was.

His hands reached out inching around your body in a cozy manner, holding you close as if to convey how much you meant to him. With his eyebrows raised he continued, 'I thought you said you were mine?'

You truly hated yourself at this moment. You weren't weak, you weren't naive and you weren't an idiot, so why do you give yourself to him freely?

The answer was simple... you loved him!

BUT you were not about to tell him that!

'And I thought you said you loved me?' It was the only comeback you could think of, throwing his words back at him.

'Shall I confess it, I'm more than happy to!' His smug smile had you feeling torn in both admiration and uneasy fear.

Marco didn't stop there. 'Pops has been giving me looks all night, the old man's getting clucky for the pitter putter of grandchildren... but I'm guessing that what he had a word with you about?'

'I'm surprised you noticed with the attention you were receiving, besides what makes you think that you would be the prime topic of our conversation, little egotistical first commander.!' You smile back at him with amusement, trying desperately to direct this conversation away from your feelings.

'Jealousy doesn't suit you my love!' He was still smirking at you enjoying the fact he had the upper hand. He continued regardless, ' the old man has been teasing me for well over a year about all matters that involve you.!'

'Here I was thinking it was just thatch that teased you!' For the first time in this conversation you held the power enjoying how uncomfortable the mention of your closest friends teasing made the first commander.

Finally the upper hand!

A devious plan came to mind.

'You say you love me, you want the crew to know, Prove it, you can start by telling Ace and Thatch.'

An auditable groan left him as he knew as well as you did how painful that task would be.

An: Thank you for being patient hope your love the story so far 😘

Amazing art work by @feriowind

The Siren (Marco the phoneix X reader) Where stories live. Discover now