All Talk & No Game

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You had an art for the flair. Always such a performer keeping everyone fixated in your alluring presence. Your larger than life personality captivating any audience at any time. You ozzed sex appeal in a manner that was elegant and sophisticated. Your charisma on display as you cheekily questioned Whitebeard, a man you called Pops.

'I'm sorry I must have misheard you. Let's just go over this again...' you paused tilting your head in an over dramatic sigh and taking both your hands and placing them on your hips. The chuckling of commanders ringing out around the Moby Dick's communal area, enjoying the little show between you and Whitebeard. No man on this ship was brave enough to question Whitebeard in the way you did.

This wide leg splay and broad-shoulder stance was a show of your powerful and dominant personality. You were someone who was assertive, not suffer fools gladly. In comparison, Whitebeard leaned forward his elbows resting on his knees, hands bracing his chin as he simply smiled down at you in amusement. His eyes were filled with playfulness as a smug smile pulled at the corners of his lips; desperate not to break out into laughter. He too enjoyed this game.

'You want to go to Wano, a country that PROHIBITS outsiders from entering their country in ANY circumstances. Wano a country that follow a very strict policy of isolationism that will IMMEDIATELY attack anyone that enters their border. It is currently under the rule of Kurozumi Orochi, an EXTREMELY cruel and oppressive tyrant. As well as occupied by the Beasts Pirates under Kaido ' You emphasized certain words as you spook, a simple way to be audacious in the moment.

Thatch took his opportunity to interrupt, 'Scared of breaking a little rule, I couldn't see the woman capable of deceiving CP-0 to be such a coward.'

'I'm not a coward, I just see the consequences. Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant taste death but once. I'm still breathing for a reason Thatch.' You paused for a second, you were being to serious.

These men were the commanders of the Whitebeard pirates, you couldn't let them see how troubled you were behind your confident facade. Best not to have the crew you considered family muddled into your dangerous affair. If anything happened to them from your deceitful ways you would never forgive yourself.

'Besides....' you continued on a lighter note, 'Can we really call me a're a man who speaks so highly of your charisma and you can't even make eye contact with the woman that reject you 15 times when you were here last....' You made eye contact with the fourth commander, you were both smiling at your little interaction. He knew your answer to Pop's proposal and he was enjoying watching you over dramatised the situation. Even if it was just at his expense and his lack of luck with the pretty redhead barmaid. All the commanders present knew you would accept the invitation to Wano, but they were loving your flamboyant act.

'A few beastly men, and a totalitarian leader should be no problem for The Siren, or are you losing you charms yoi.... All talk and no game y/n.'

You simply couldn't help but chuckle at the first commander as he spoke to you, responding with a simply reply to Marco, 'Lucky for you Marco, you will never have the pleasure of witnessing my game first hand. It amuses me when I hear you talk about stuff you don't understand.'

A few 'oooh' echoed throughout the room, these men loved watching you bicker with Marco.

'Now, now stop it you two...besides no man should be going anywhere near my daughter.' Pops piped in, his grin now spreading ear to ear as he watched you. The twinkle in his eye was unnerving, if anyone saw through your I hate Marco facade for what it truly was, it would be the old man.

'Hypercritical much, don't you want me to perform for said tyrant so you can sneak into the country unnoticed...?'

Whitebeard froze, his smiling lips snapping into a straight line. He spoke with conviction, ' I understand your concern lass, Orochi has been meeting with outside groups. His involvement with CP-0 and the World Government makes this dangerous if you get caught helping us. I understand your involvement with CP-0 and the risk you take...'

The Siren (Marco the phoneix X reader) Where stories live. Discover now