Fact or Fiction

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Author note: Ok this took me to long to complete , it's been half written for months and I've been struggling with the words. Regardless I hope you love it, and apologies for the wait and lack of checking to get it posted! Xx

Seriously, what was wrong with them?

You tipped your head to the side in a questioning matter as you watched the chaos in front of you. Three man bickered like children, all endeavouring to out do the other in masculine endeavour. A pure act of selfish egotistical masculinity and you were not impressed.

The Fire Fist was showboat, flexing his muscles in a egotistical manner.

A certain phoenix was flying high? Out smarting and casually out playing his opponents.

The chef was swaggering around, using quick sarcastic jabs and sledging to disarm the other two. - only causing more damage in turn.

You shock your head in frustration, this was ridiculous. All three of them were clearly incapable of any form of maturity, most of all when it came to commander grandstanding!

A soft chuckle broke your thoughts, a low vibration running through from the closeness of the owner of that chuckled. You tilted your head back to gaze at Whitebeard who was currently smiling at you with such a cheeky smirk.

You sat legs crossed, one on top of the other, a perfect prim and proper representation of a lady; Perked up high on the old man's knee as you both enjoyed a lazy afternoon on the deck. All stayed clear, it seamed to be a unwritten rule that you and pop's were to have a uninterrupted father daughter time when in such a position. In reality you both would gossip and talk shit in sarcastic gabs and educated babble. It would pass the time quickly and in an entertaining way, much like it was in this moment.

You tilted your head to the side and arched your eye brow high in a questioning manner, 'something amusing?'

'Just enjoying your reaction.' He said it with such a casual manner yet the twerk of his lips indicated a much more sinister and hidden meaning.

You weren't the sort of person to not face a situation head on.

It was pops after all.

'And what reaction was that?'

He openly laughed at you 'do you consider me a foul lass?'

It was your turn to smile at pops ' so cryptic, no I don't consider you a foul... but perhaps if you have something to say it would be best to just say it and not make a foul out of the both of us.!'

Pops eyes left your owns and you tracked his movements as he looked from you to Marco his eyes twinkling in the process.

' calling me cryptic~' he shock his head '~shall we talk facts then?' Whiteboard broke the silence.

'Facts, I likes facts.' You knew where this was going!

'It's been six years since our paths have crossed has it not?'

You Simply nodded your reply, 'it's been a while~'You mussed 'your point?'

'Facts Lass, we're talking fact ~' pops smiled before continuing, 'Six years is a long time to grow connections with people would you not agree?'

'Well if we're talking facts, I have grown some pretty important friendships in six years,' the tense ambiguous nature of this conversation was only building. You were both beating around the bush. You were very pointed on how you stated friendships, defining it as so in a blunt matter.

'You good friends with izo,' pops states.

'Well he's in touch with his feminine side, it's nice to be able to let loose, be girlie and gossip when stuck on a ship full of men! Who else is gonna help me paint my nails.' You put stretched your hands in a exuberant fashion being such a drama queen in this moment.

'Well you are Vista are always being flamboyant?' Was pops honestly going to go through all the commanders again ' and you and Thatch are so close, almost everyone in the ships thinks there is something going on between you?'

You sighed deeply 'please!' Throwing you hands up in frustration; 'he's my best friend nothing more. Plus he's so fun to tease!' You smiled

'Well you are right, he's not the one that can't seam to take his eyes off of you!' The smile that graced his face as he spoke was so confident and all knowing; it made you very aware of what and who he was suggesting!

A point made even more obvious as Pops turns his head and attention back to the trio of commanders. Right on queue all three of them turned their attention on the two of you. While they all stared at you with a puzzled expression as if they knew you were talking about them, you couldn't deny there was an obvious difference in Marco as his eyes were on you.

Breaking eye contact you snapped your focus back to pops ' I thought we were talking fact not delusions you've made up?'

'Ok facts...on our last stop over why was it when ever I couldn't find Marco I also couldn't find a certain siren?'

'That's still speculation! We were at a resort, I was making the most of their facilities.... And unlike a group of pirates, I was working still which does require rehearsal and practice. I can't tell you what that idiot commander was doing!' You replied back.

'Idiot? So quick to throw insults and tease each other! I believe that one doesn't fight with each other, they fight for each other.'

He had you! You knew by one statement he knew, and you knew that he knew! And he knew that you knew that he knew!


You could either give in ... or you could keep playing this game until pops said it so you didn't have to. You couldn't tell Marco you loved him so how were you meant to tell pops!

'are you honestly using the playground debate of a boy teases the girl he likes to justify this fictional love story you have concocted? - that's not talking facts!'

' boys do tease the girls they like - boys are stupid! That is a fact!' Pops stated

You couldn't help it, he was smiling at you in a all-knowing fatherly way and you were smiling back like a child not wanting to lose an argument they already have!

'Boys are stupid!' You couldn't help it you slipped it out unable to keep up this facade.

'So you admit truth to my claim.' Pops question eyebrows raised in amusement!

' just to be clear, what is your claim.'

'Facts' he mummers

'Facts? You questioned back. You had gone this far you weren't going to give in and say it.

Pops booming laughed echoed through the ship, he was enjoying this game and the least he could do was give you a merciful defeat, he lowered his voice to just a whisper, 'my first commander is in love with you, facts!' He mused

You shock you head, a smile creeping on your lips as you braced yourself for what you were going to say, 'if you want the facts you are wrong~'

Pops was about to interrupt you, refusing to let you deny it any longer, you throw up your hand silencing him as you continued; 'The facts are this, we are in love with each other!'

The Siren (Marco the phoneix X reader) Where stories live. Discover now