The Decision and the Confrontation

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As the call ended, I knew I had a huge decision to make. I needed to tell Kim and Willow, I needed their advice. Though they didn't completely understand the lengths I would go through for this role, they'd still be happy for me and whatever I choose.

I returned to the table Steven was sitting at, waiting for me with my coffee.

"I'm really sorry. That was a really important call. "

"What'd it have to deal with? " I could tell he was genuinely interested, not just being nosy.

"Before our date, " God, I hated how I said that. It made it sound so awkward. " I auditioned for my dream role. It's one that I've always wanted to play. I thought I totally bombed my audition; there were a lot more people there than I had expected. "

"They called you to tell you that you were terrible? That doesn't sound very nice, nor does it sound right. You seem like you'd have a nice voice. " he interrupted. Usually I hated when people interrupted me, but somehow it didn't bother me.

"No. Quiet the opposite actually. They were so impressed with my audition that I've been offered the role... "

"You say that like it's a bad thing?"

"Well. Something you should know about me is that I'm trilingual. I'm fluent in German and in Dutch."

"Wow, that's amazing!" he was impressed, as most people were. You don't find many nineteen year olds in New York City who speak English, German, and Dutch.

"Yeah. Anyways, they offered me the role, right? Well, the problem is, they offered me the role in four different productions. I could be the fill-in on Broadway. I could be the replacement in the West End production, that's in London. Or I could open the German or Dutch production. It's a really difficult decision. It doesn't exactly help that the woman who called to tell me told me that the decision I make now will effect my career from here on out. Oh, and I also have four days to make my decision."

"Wow. That's a lot to take in. " he said, calmly. "What exactly is the role you're offered?"

"It's Galinda Upland, in Wicked the Musical. "

"What are you thinking of choosing?"

"I'm not sure. If I choose to go to the West End or Broadway production, I start rehearsal this week. If I chose Broadway, it would be temporary. If I choose West End, I have to be moved there within the month. If I choose the German or Dutch production, I have a month and a half to be completely moved there, the rehearsals start in two months, and they open at the end of the year. It's just difficult because I want this role more than I've wanted anything, but I don't want to have it for just a couple weeks nor do I want to pack up my life and move across seas and leave my friends. "

"Yeah. I see where the difficulty is. " He looked hurried. I knew our date was over. "Look, I really enjoyed this, however many interruptions there were. Can we do this again sometime? "

"Yes, I'd really like that. "

"I have to head to work, though I would really like to sit and chat again sometime soon. "

We took a picture together, just because we felt like it. He then headed out the door and down the street, veering off, causing me to lose sight of him.

I called Kim, who was with Willow, and told her that I needed to talk to the both of them immediately. Kim told me that she had something she needed to tell both Willow and I. We all agreed on meeting at my apartment. They said they would bring the other kittens over, since they hadn't yet.

I couldn't believe that it was only 4 o'clock, and so much had already happened.

While in the cab that was taking me home, I looked at the picture Steven and I had taken. Though our date had been interrupted multiple times because of phone calls, I really enjoyed it. It was, different. He was handsome, I couldn't deny that even if I tried, which I didn't. He had light brown hair that held a small curl around his forehead. His eyebrows were shaped and trimmed, which was a bit weird, but a nice change. He had a perfect nose; I wondered if he was lucky and born with it that way, or if he had a nose job just as I had two years ago. He had a strong jawline, and strong jawlines drove me absolutely crazy. I loved them like no other. He had gorgeous eyes. I couldn't tell if they were blue or green, but they were some of the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. I stopped looking at the picture, and found that I had started smiling sometime when I was studying the picture.

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