Answering The Proposal

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"Taylor Nicole Autumn, will you marry me?"

Was this actually happening? Could this be real? I looked to the crowd, seeing the crying faces of all the audience members. I couldn't tell if they were crying because of the show, or because of the proposal. I wondered what Alex's parents would think of me; if they'd approve of me.

I was standing on the stage in the huge bubble dress, with the handsome man I got to call mine on one knee in front of me, while he was dressed as a scarecrow. I kept seeing all the flashes of the cameras in the audience, whether it was just fans cameras or the cameras of the newspapers who came.

"I would be honored to spend the rest of my life with you: yes!"

The crowd roared with joy, and Alex slid the ring on my left ring finger. Usually, the Dutch population doesn't get diamond rings for their fiance's, they give a wedding band. The ring was slid on my left hand, and at our wedding ceremony it would be switched to our right hand, as this was tradition. I couldn't believe that I was going to get married, to a Dutch musical theatre star at that! If you had told me this at 14, I would have thought you were lying. I was glad this was where my life was heading.

After that, we arranged ourselves in a semi-circle so that pictures could be taken and released. Later this week we would have better promo pictures taken, since we only have eight or nine. We took our bows, and we headed to the dressing rooms to get out of costumes and makeup and into our own clothes. All I had to do was get out of my costume and into my clothes, take the wig off, and remove all of my makeup. After finishing, I went to Annemieke's dressing room, since it was just across the hall from mine. When I went in, she was already in her shower to finish washing the green off.

"Hey Anne?" I half-shouted.


"Can I ask you a question?"

"As you always can." she replied.

"Did you know that Alex was going to do that?"

She laughed the question off, and then shooed me out of her room so she could get out and get dressed. I headed to Alex's room.

When I got into his room, he was in the shower. I looked down at my ring. It felt strange on my hand, I wasn't used to it. Lucy reached up signifying that she wanted to be picked up. I picked her up and sat on the couch. Alex got a bit frightened when he came out and saw us. We sat for a couple minutes talking before we headed out to see the crowd that awaited us at stagedoor. We had one of the swings take a picture of the three of us with my Polaroid camera before we went out, so that we could remember this day; as if we would ever forget it. I put Lucy in the carrier that straps around my body to hold her in front of me while we were taking pictures with fans and signing things.

Stagedoor is a magical place. I remember as a teenager, I would stagedoor and it was incredible every time. Being on the other side is different, it's so exhilarating. I didn't get to talk to everyone as I would have liked, because Lucy started getting fussy and Alex was ready to head back to his place. I took pictures with a bunch of people, and signed a lot of programmes for the fans. I had a couple conversations with people who were out waiting, and they were all so lovely. I felt bad that I had to leave and didn't get to everybody, but it was so crowded. Alex made me feel a little at ease when he told me that while I didn't get to everyone, somebody got to everyone. When we got to his house, I checked my Twitter account. I hadn't been on Twitter since a few weeks after I got out of the hospital after the incident, so it had been about two and a half months. When I got on, I went to the newest notifications. In the two and a half months I was gone, I gained many followers. I have 14k followers now?! I also noticed something else: I was now verified on twitter! I got tired of going through my notifications to see all the same tweets, all pertaining to either the show, the proposal, or stagedoor. I hadn't seen any tweets in my notifications that included pictures from tonight, so I decided to go to a couple fans accounts. They were tweeting really kind things about me, all of which I felt I didn't deserve. I saw four pictures from tonight: one of me in the bubble dress, one in the 'Thank Goodness' dress, one with Alex down on one knee, and then one from our last bow before going to the dressing rooms. I saved them to my phone, showed Alex, and then I tweeted the last two. I tweeted the girl I got them from, and I told her thanks for the pictures from tonight, and put one of the emoji's with the tongue sticking out. I tweeted everyone and promised to do a tweet spree and q&a sometime soon when I got the chance, and told them all good night. Tonight was amazing, but there were so many unanswered questions...

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