The Awakening

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You yawned, stretching. What time was it? You checked your phone, that was next to your pillow. 'Fuck.. 4:30 AM? Well— I'm pretty hungry—' you thought. You stepped out of your bunker. Expecting to feel cold, hard floor beneath you— you fell. You being the DUMBFUCK you are— was on the top bunk.
"ACK—" you crashed into the ground, onto your back. A loud thump echoed the room.
You jumped up quickly, dusting yourself off. You rubbed your hands mischievously, scavenging for the refrigerator and freezer. You entered the room, a grin plastered on your face. You placed your hand on the freezer handle, opening it. "Hell yeah.." you say to yourself. There was a pack of popsicles, moaning— I mean— screaming your name. You yanked it out of the freezer and dug into the box, pulling out a f/c popsicle. You grin at the popsicle, wrapping your tongue around it. You then stuffed the box back into the freezer, closing the door.
You turned around humming,
Just to meet dull eyes.. staring right back at you.
Your fur bristled, and you jumped back in surprise, giving a small Yelp.
"I-I'm sorry! I just thought someone was b-breaking in and I— um.." His eyes trailed down to the rest of your body, his pupils widening. "I.." he continued to mumble.
"Y/N! You're NAKED!" He yelped, covering his eyes with his hands and ducking down, blushing furiously.
"I have boxers on, dumbass." You snorted.

"S-still—" Legoshi continued.

"Goodnight." You say bluntly, passing him, still sucking on the popsicle.

You hopped back into your bed and drifted back to sleep.


My ears pricked at the sound of a large THUMP. I rubbed my eyes, moving the curtain in front of me. Just to see Y/N the recently moved-in roommate. I yawned. 'What.. what could he be doing at this time?" I stood up, stretching— before following.

By the time I got there, Y/N was there, licking a popsicle. In his.. HIS BOXERS?
'H-HUH? HEHWJSJSHWKKS' i thought. I looked down, my pants felt— unusually tight.
I got a boner? Why am I getting a boner? AM I TURNED ON? IM SO DISGUSTED WITH MYSELF! HOW COULD I DO THIS?!


You walked down the hallways to the cafeteria, Jack had invited you to sit with him. Isn't he just great?
You yawned. Why am I so tired? Is it because of the pills?.. Dammit. You had finally reached the cafeteria door, and opened it.
Your ears perked upward. It.. It's HUGE!..
There was so many animals, all different shapes and sizes. Mouse to Bear. It was paradise! You strut in, searching helplessly for your golden furred friend. You suddenly heard a Yelp.
You turned, a male alpaca was wincing.
"Eh—?" You looked down. You were stepping on this poor guy's foot!
"I apologize— I didn't see you there!" You bent down to his hight, frowning.
"Oh, it's alright! Haha— maybe if I was a bit taller you would have seen me, huh?" The alpaca joked, elbowing you slightly.
You gave him a grin. "Too bad I wasn't any shorter, now tell me— what's your name?" You tilted your head.
"Oh? It's Tęm." Tem said, giving you a closed eyed smile.
"Y/N." You say.
"Hey! Hey, Y/N. Over here!" You heard a familiar voice call, you turn to see Jack and the rest of your dorm-mates.
"Well then, Mister Tem. I must be going— I'll see ya' around!" You say, giving him a wink and sarting towards your group.

You sat down, holding your lunch bag and placing it onto the table. "Hey, guys." You say, smiling.
"Whatcha' got there, Y/N?" Collot asked, leaning in.
"Rice, and a popsicle." You say, grinning.
"That's IT?" They all exclaimed.
"Yeah? Don't get why it's so surprising," you scoffed jokingly, taking out your food. You sadly ran out of chopsticks, so you had to use a metal spoon.
"Y/N, have you thought of joining any clubs yet?" Asked Jack.
You paused, "Clubs? No. Not yet.." you rubbed your chin.
"You should join the DRAMA CLUB! That's where Legoshi is. Right?" Collot grinned, elbowing Legoshi.
Legoshi flinched. "Y-yeah— it's a pretty nice club.." he muttered. You nodded, and scooped up a pile of rice on your spoon.
"HEY! NEW GUY—" someone shouted, too loudly..
You jumped up, surprised. You chomped on your spoon accidentally, you took it out of your mouth, the metal spoon was now bent. You glared at it, pouting.
You turned your head, to see a large bull, a coyote, and a dog. "Hm, Do you need something?" You ask, obviously uninterested in talking into the trio. By now all eyes were on you and the group.
The bull— which you guessed was the leader— grabbed you by the back of your neck scruff, and threw you backward, you crashed into one of the trees. "Heard you've been FUCKIN' WITH MY GIRLFRIEND, HUH? I'LL FUCKIN' SHOW YOU."
You stood up, dusting yourself off, and fixing your head fur.
"Sorry, your girlfriend?.." you mutter, acting as if you haven't been thrown across the room.
You paused. "You're gonna have to back me up on that. I just got here 48 hours ago. Did I already take your girlfriend?.. can't remember. What's her name?" You asked, a cocky grin plastered onto your face.
The bull's eyes widened.
"YOU'RE DEAD!" He shouted, charging at you, his horns showing no mercy.
Legoshi watchef intensely.
'why.. WHY ISN'T Y/N MOVING? He'll surely get hit!'
Right when the bull was about 1 foot away from you, you swiftly turned to the side. As if it were in slow motion, the bull looking at you, his pupils decreased. You karate chopped the back of his neck, a mischievous grin on your face. "Sleepy night night.." you whispered. The bull ran headfirst into the tree his horns sticking into the bark, unconscious.
You looked around, everyone's eyes were widening in awe. How the hell did you beat him without doing ANYTHING?
You casually strut back to your table, sitting down.
Everyone at your table looked at you in shock.
"What're you idiots staring at? Eat." You snort

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