🎁Chapter 01: 🎶Do You Hear What I Hear?🎶🎁

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Chapter 01: 🎶Do You Hear What I Hear?🎶

*Holly's POV*

Bell and I were walking through the workshop, saying a brisk "Hello" to the elves while on our way to find Luke, Bernard, dad, and Curtis, when we heard a loud 'crash'.

Bell looked at me before making a run for it outside. "Bernard?"

Of course, I couldn't just leave her on her own, so I ran behind her and caught up to her in no time. "Lover boy is safe. It was Chet who crashed, but don't worry, Chet will be absolutely fine."

"Is he alright?" Dad's voice echoed.

"He's okay, Santa!" An elf yelled.

"See? What'd I tell you?" I laughed while running. "He'll be absolutely fine."

I heard her giggle, and I knew she had rolled her eyes just now. She's easy to read like a pop-up book. "Yeah, whatever Ms. Fortuneteller." 

"Is that Blitzen? Looks like Prancer..." Dad said to Luke, Bernard, and Curtis. "Who is that?"

Bell and I stopped running and walked the rest of the way until Bell was stood beside between Bernard and Curtis, and l was stood at dad's right side. "Nope, that was Chet. Holly confirmed that herself just a moment ago. He's a reindeer in training."

"Well, please tell me that it's early in his training." Dad commented.

I stifled a laugh. "You should've heard her, she actually it was Bernard who crashed."

Luke glanced at Bernard and chuckled. "Really?"

Curtis raised an eyebrow. "Really? Bernard of all elves?"

"Yep." I nodded. "It was actually very sweet."

Bell blushed and gave Bernard a small smile. "Y-Your name was the first thing that came to mind, so of course I'd say it."

Bernard held her hand and smiled softly as they laced their fingers together. "You don't have to worry about me, but I appreciate that my girlfriend cares about my safety."

Luke snorted. "Well, obviously-Hey!" I smacked the back of his head, earning a playful glare from him. "You know, if you hit any harder, you could land yourself a one-way ticket to the Naughty List, missy."

Bernard and Curtis gave Luke a look that said 'Seriously?', and Luke just shrugged. These three are hiding something, and that's quite odd, considering the three of them are Santa's elves.

Whatever it is they're hiding is entirely unclear to me. I can't see what it is exactly they're hiding, but in know it involves somebody close to all of us who we knew very well.

Anyway, that aside for now, I turned to dad and gave him the innocent puppy dog eyes. "Santa, I'm sorry that my boyfriend is an idiot. I promise I won't hit him harder next time."

Dad shook his head and chuckled. "You could never land yourself on the Naughty List even if you tried. Same goes for Bell." He walked away and headed towards the set of stairs that lead to the workshop, but not before taking a quick glance in the direction where Chet fell. "Wow, nice fall." And then he was out of sight, leaving the five of us alone.

Bernard, Luke, and Curtis formed a small circle and started whispering to each other. "Curtis, where are you gonna tell them?"

"Not now!" Curtis whispered/yelled.

"Well, you better tell them soon, otherwise they'll figure it out themselves, and Santa will blame us for not informing either one of them about it!" Luke also whispered/yelled.

I cleared my throat, grabbing their attention. "Uh...you do realize Bell and I are still here, right?"

Bell raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "So, what is it you guys want to tell us?"

Luke and Bernard laughed nervously. "Oh, nothing. Nothing important at all." The three of them smiled innocently at us before turning round and jogged up the stairs and into the workshop.

"Do you hear what I hear, Holly?" Bell asked.

I hummed in thought. "Something doesn't seem right at all with those three."

Bell looked slightly confused. "You didn't see or hear exactly what it is they're up to, and what they supposedly have to tell us, did you?"

I shook my head. "No, but we're about to find out." I grabbed Bell's wrist and ran up the set of stairs, practically dragging her with me. "Whatever it is can't be good news."

"You think it has something to do with the Naughty List or something like that, do you?" Bell asked.

"Doubt it." I glanced over my shoulder to look at her before turning my attention back to where we were going. "Even if it does have something to do with the Naughty List, it probably wouldn't be about anybody we know anyway."

"I hope you're right about this..."

"When am I ever wrong?"

**End Of Chapter 01**

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