Chapter 32

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    There are many zombies on the highway leaving A7 city, and the sound of cars attracts them to rush up one after another.

    The ice thorns leaping out of the sky threw the zombies into a gourd.

    Yin Shaoqing's driving speed did not decrease at all.

    Yun Qianxue realized that this woman's supernatural power was so powerful.

    The ice type ability is a derivative ability that can only be possessed by the third-order water ability, and to control the power of ice on such a large scale and accurately, this person's extraordinary ability is at least the fifth-order or higher.

    After three years, the fifth-order supernatural ability person is enough to serve as a sub-city master position of the large survival base, second only to the base city master.

    What's more, it didn't take long for the end to begin.

    "Tsk, it's endless." While Yun Qianxue was thinking about it, Yin Shaoqing, who was stimulated by the rotten face of the zombie, simply erected an ice bridge in the air.

    The off-road vehicle flew up, Yin Shaoqing curled her lips, and it was nice that the zombies could not fly.

    At least she won't be ugly.

    After witnessing this scene, Yun Qianxue's fingertips trembled.

    She needs to reassess the level of this person's supernatural ability.

    Yin Shaoqing at the moment... is really strong enough to make you lose your temper.


    Eat early and have a full lunch. Yin Shaoqing, who has a chef, will never wrong her.

    Leaning against an abandoned bungalow, Yin Shaoqing carefully checked the surrounding area and found that there were no zombies, and then took the stove ingredients from the car and placed them on the ground.

    Even after filling the pot with water, he stepped onto the roof of the car and took charge of guarding.

    Yun Qianxue: "..."

    What the hell, feeling she is the cook who wants to contribute?

    Yun Qianxue, who had been suffocated since the morning, akimbo her hips, staring round her eyes, and regardless of whether the wound on her face hurts or not, she said angrily: "You can't do it yourself?"

    "No." Someone straightened his back confidently.

    Don't ask Qingqing, Qingqing doesn't understand.

    Rely on...

    Yun Qianxue was so angry that her heart burst into foul language.

    She held her forehead and took a deep breath, "It's okay if you won't be at night, you won't during the day?"

    She had heard the experimenter say during those days and nights during the autopsy that this woman had world-weariness.

    Especially in the night and rainy days the most severe.


    Yin Shaoqing was amused by the little rookie hostess's words, her red lips bent uncontrollably.

    The dusty icefield ushered in the spring breeze for warmth, and the flowers bloomed with unparalleled beauty.

    Her charming face is now even more so that Yun Qianxue can't move her eyes, making people fall deeply in it.

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